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Business and the law - I

Posted on Sat Feb 7, 2015 @ 12:13am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

759 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Box of Delights



Which is right when the Gorn and the tall woman arrived...

The Gorn quickly grabbed at Klatec, lifting him clear of the table that had collapsed. But that left three of them. One stepped towards the woman, the other went to join his companion beating on Steiner.

Yolanthe rolled her eyes. Ferengi always tried it on. This one had pulled a small phaser, and she smacked it from his hand before he could do anything more. He swung, an open sloppy swing, which she stopped with ease, twisted his arm till he was bent double, administered a swift knee to the face and let him drop, unconscious.

The closer of Klatec's henchmen pulled out a plasma whip, he was still shaking it out when Steiner's right boot took him in the left knee and the Ferengi went down howling. Steiner kicked him in the side again for good measure, then turned towards the last of the four. The Ferengi was halfway through pulling out some weapon, looked up to see Klatec and the other two down and Steiner advancing on him. He quickly let profit overcome valour and jammed whatever weapon he was going to pull back into his tunic.

Holding his hands up he yelled "Don't hurt me! Klatec's got thirty five bars of latinum on him I'll tell you where if you let me go!"

Steiner grabbed the cowering Ferengi by his left ear and tugged him up on tip toes as the little thug whined in pain "Right now it looks like I've got you and Klatec!"

He dragged the squealing underling over to Klatec who squirmed in the Gorm's grip.

"Traitor!" Klatec spat at his henchman

"It's inside his jacket! He's got a hidden pocket" The other one whimpered as Steiner gave his lobe a tweak

Keeping hold of the one's ear Steiner reached into Klatec's jacket with his other hand, sure enough there were bars of latinum concealed in the coat's lining. Steiner pulled two out.

"Thief! Thief!" Klatec shrieked "You're a Marshal! You cant steal!"

Steiner gave the henchman's ear a final twist and shoved him away "Get lost!" The Ferengi took one look at his former boss and then ran.

Turning back to Klatec, Steiner said "This isn't robbery. This is a fine, partly for the damage you caused and partly to buy everyone here a drink after you disturbed their lunch!"

"You can't do that!" Klatec complained "That's robbery! Robbed! I've been robbed!"

Steiner turned to the woman and handed her to the two bars "Sorry about that, hopefully those should cover the bill"

Yolanthe was not so stupid as to refuse bars of latinum. But she wasn't going to just let this man off the hook. More fights. The last thing she needed was trouble. She was turning yellower by the moment. "What in the Ancestors Names was that all about? And make it good if you don't want me to bar that pretty arse of yours!"

Steiner was initially going to stick to his cover story and claim a case of mistaken identity, but since Klatec was right about who he really was and had shouted that out to a bar full of customers, his cover was effectively blown anyway.

Word would spread and no self respecting smuggler would have anything to do with a crewman they believed was an undercover Federation Marshal. Might as well 'fess up... he figured. "Well... the truth is, Klatec here, is right about whom I am" He said "Chief Deputy Wulfgang Steiner, Federation Marshal's Service. I busted his cousin a couple of years back. Klatec seems to think that puts me in his debt and was looking for a payout"

"See! See!" Klatec began "I told you so! I never forget a face! One hundred and fourteenth rule of acquisition "Always remember customers and enemies..." He trailed off when Steiner gave him a glare

"Harry, dump the trash in security. I've got this." Yolanthe looked at the Marshal as the gorn lumbered off carting the three Ferengi with him. Her yellow was vergin on pale orange now. "Marshal Steiner. Perhaps we could continue this in my office?"

"That's fifty two bars you owe me now Steiner!" Klatec shouted as he was hauled off "Plus interest!"

"Sure thing." Steiner replied, ignoring the angry Ferengi. He grabbed a bar towel and handful of ice for a makeshift compress and, holding it to his jaw, he followed the curvaceous female.


CDM Wulfgang Steiner
FMS DS5 Precinct

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, the Box of Delights


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