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Posted on Thu Jul 19, 2018 @ 12:32am by Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

5,024 words; about a 25 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Ryan Quarters
Timeline: MD 5 1900


"I can't believe she talked me into this," Teena found herself saying out loud nervously. He hated her. He had seen her naked. And if that wasn't bad enough apparently in Human culture, he was her brother’s co-worker, previous security chief, and now the new XO. A very important and powerful man. Her girlfriend’s father, who she had to make a better second impression on. Talk about pressure. Couldn't they have had a little more time to just enjoy dating, she mused?

She pulled down her very conservative and tea length dress, ensuring her knees were covered. She understood, of course. Her father was all she had, and Zandra loved him dearly. It had to be mended, for her. And out of respect to her dad. That didn't stop her shaking a little as she pressed the door chime after fixing her hair for the hundredth time on the walk over.

The door slid open, and Aleczandra stood there. Delicious smells wafted out of the quarters The teen was actually dressed up a bit, more than was usual for her, in a nice white sundress, fairly conservative, as well. Her rainbow hair was up, with a few colorful tendrils in spiral curls down her cheeks, and a pair of pearl drop earrings in her ears. She had a touch of makeup on, a bit of lipstick, rouge, and mascara, but not the heavy eyeliner she tended to favor.

Aleczandra smiled at Teena, looked back into the quarters, and then slid into the hall with Teena, letting the door closed behind her.

“I am so sorry about this, Teena,” Zandra said, giving her a big hug and kiss. She stood back and looked the beautiful Betazoid over, smiling approvingly. “You look amazing,” she commented. Even though I want to see you in a lot less, the Betazoid caught the thought from her girlfriend. “I’m sorry to put you on the spot like this. He...kind of sprung this on me. Dad’s sort of...old-fashioned about things like this. He likes to do things the proper way. Including meeting my boyfriends.” Zandra paused and looked Teena over. “Well, girlfriends, in this case. Thank you for doing this. You don’t mind, do you?” Her blue eyes were wide with nervousness and anticipation. “I promise we’ll go out and do something more fun after, alright?”

"Its okay. I kind of owe him a better introduction after last time. And I want you to be happy. I can't have your father upset on my conscience." She smiled at her girlfriend, linking their hands, as if gaining strength from her. "What are we eating?" she asked, smelling the delicious aromas.

“Steak, all the fixin’s,” Aleczandra said. “Dad’s specialty.” She reached back to press the door controls. The doors slid open, and they stepped inside.

It smelled delicious, a nice mix of smoke and cooking meat. Caleb stood at a table with a few cooking burners laid out on it, the prime cuts of steak laid out on a grill, whipping up some garlic mashed potatoes while frying up some mushrooms and asparagus in garlic butter.

Seeing the girls enter, Caleb put down the pans and came over. He had an apron over black slacks and a black shirt. He smiled at them.

“Teena,” he greeted, extending his hand to the young Betazoid. “It’s a pleasure ta see ya again.” He made no mention of the fact the teen had been utterly naked the last time he’d laid eyes on her. “Glad ya could make it.”

She took his hand formally and shook it. Shit, what did she call him? Commander? Zandra’s dad? Caleb?

"Thank you, Mr. Ryan," she settled on. "I brought you some wine. Liam said it was customary among Humans to bring a gift when invited for dinner, and he suggested you would likely enjoy red." She pulled her hand back and rummaged in her handbag, pulling out a bottle and handing it too him.

“Much obliged, Teena. That’s very kind. Ah’ll open this up ta breathe an’ we can have it fer dinner.” He studied the bottle. He wasn’t hugely knowledgeable about wines, but he did recognize it would go well with the steak. Maybe Liam did know him too well! “Can Ah get ya a drink in the meantime?” Caleb asked. “There are some finger foods out for ya’ll ta nibble, too. Jus’ don’t spoil dinner,” he said with a smile as he nodded to some bowls of breaded mushrooms, jalapeno poppers, and onion rings, as well as some olives and small sweet pickles.

Zandra gave a relieved sigh and smiled at Teena. This was going well! “I can get her something, Dad,” Zandra said.

“No alcohol for you, young lady,” Caleb warned. “Teena, well, how old are ya?” he asked.

Aleczandra paled a bit. She had assumed Teena to be her age, but she had a business with her sister. She wasn’t sure how old her girlfriend was. It hadn’t come up until now. What a thing to leave for finding out at dinner with her father!

"I'm seventeen. Eighteen in a month," she answered him. "I only want a soft drink with dinner, Mr, Ryan. The wine is for you to enjoy at your convenience. Please don't feel you have to open it now." Liam had also briefed her. Whereas she could drink uttaberry wine and many other alcoholic drinks back home, Humans had an age of eighteen.

Zandy handed her a small plate with some alien food on. She bit into one and was not expecting the heat of...well, whatever it was. Closer inspection as she put it back down again showed a long green vegetable inside some sort of breading. "Fascinating," she said softly as she chewed and swallowed. "I was not expecting the spice." She did something that Zandy was probably not expecting and projected a question into her head.

Are they all spicy?

“The wine is fine,” Caleb assured Teena. “Ah just didn’t know if Liam would want ya drinkin’. Ah don’t know how Betazoids handle that sort of thing,” he admitted. “Ah don’t mind if Zandy drinks with dinner or whatever. Ah just don’t want her out gettin’ drunk an’ makin’ bad decisions,” he said with a chuckle. “Guess Ah’m a bit overprotective.” He shrugged.

Aleczandra winced as her father used Zandy for her nickname. she couldn’t break him of the habit, and had started giving up trying.

Zandra was always a bit startled when Teena spoke in her head. She still got a scrunched up look when she tried to ‘think’ back at her girlfriend.

No, only the kind you ate are spicy. Too much? she thought. It’s pretty mild, compared to some. Hasperat is much worse. She gave Teena a smile and grabbed a handful of black olives. She put an olive on the end of each finger of her hand and waggled her fingers at Teena before offering her one at the end of the digit.

Caleb chuckled, watching the pair of teens, shaking his head as he headed back to check on the steaks.

The black oval thing Zandy was welding in front of her was salty. She nearly gagged as it hit the back of her throat. Strange Human food, this. She smiled demurely like a daughter of the 17th and now 13th House should in such situations. "I think I might pass on another one," she said softly. "But thank you."

The chime to the quarters went once more, causing both Teena and her girlfriend to look towards the door. "Are you expecting someone else?" Teena asked as she sensed another woman outside.

“I love olives,” Aleczandra said, eating the others off her fingers.

Zandra was just as surprised when the chime rang.

“Oh, right! Ah forgot ta tell ya,” Caleb said. “Ah invited someone ta dinner to.” He gave his daughter and her girlfriend a smile. “Ya know, moral support an’ all,” he said with a chuckle, wiping his hands and going to the door.

The doors slid open to reveal an attractive, middle aged blonde woman. She looked mostly Human, but had the telltale Betazoid eyes.

“This is Doctor Opal Oliver,” Caleb greeted. “She’s a...friend.”

Aleczandra studied the woman, eyes narrowing a bit. Doctor? Her brain started piecing rumors together.

"Good evening. I hope I'm not late?" Opal smiled at Caleb as he opened the door for her. She had brought wine too, sparkling white, and chocolates for after the meal. "Just a couple of peace offerings," she said lightly. "To make up for letting you do all the cooking."

She looked around the room as she entered, and the rainbow haired daughter of whom Caleb had spoken a lot was obvious, and didn't look too pleased. The other teen was clearly Betazoid and very beautiful.

“Not late at all, Opal,” Caleb said. “We were just about ta get the food on the table. Do ya wanna open the wine?”

Aleczandra frowned again. He used her first name.

The rainbow haired teen offered Opal her hand. “Pleasure ta meet ya,” she said, offering a false smile. Inside, Mika roiled. “This is Teena, my friend.” She slipped her arm around Teena, unsure why she hadn’t said girlfriend.

"It's lovely to meet you too, Aleczandra, and you too Teena." Opal smiled a much more genuine smile, since she didn't have a symbiont inside her to object. She took Aleczandra's proffered hand and shook it with a firm but gentle grip. She then offered similar to Teena as well. "You didn't tell me how beautiful your daughter is!" Opal turned to Caleb as if to scold him lightly. "And Teena too. What lovely young women. Such deep, hypnotic eyes," she said pleasantly, but not making it clear which one she was talking about being hypnotic. Leaving it open saved her from questions about that, at least.

"Thank you for inviting me," she told Caleb. "I'm so happy to be here and meet your girls." She smiled widely at Teena, including her in the plural.

Teena had watched the exchange between the newcomer, her girlfriend, and her father with interest. She was most definitely not a "friend". Zandy was struggling with those feelings from her prior hosts she had told her about, and now she had been downgraded to "friend" too.

The young Betaziod put forth a telepathic welcome and quick read of the newcomer. Opal was nervous, concerned that this dinner went well, wanting to please and impress Mr Ryan, her lover. Outloud, Teena said, "Thank you. You are very beautiful too. Where from Betazoid do you hail from? I was born in Talogu Bay, but recently moved to Besaid Island, as my family married into the 13th House." She wasn't aware that Liam had not divulged this information as to his position in their society.

Caleb didn’t know much about how Betazed society was organized, so missed the importance of the comment. He looked a bit embarrassed at Opal’s praise of Teena’s beauty. He’d seen entirely too much of that girl the last time she had been over.

Caleb had opened the wine, and handed Opal a glass. “If ya’ll wanna take a seat, Ah’ll finish gettin’ the food out.”

“So you’re the one who’s been playing doctor with my dad?” Aleczandra asked coyly, arching an eyebrow at Opal. Mika was fuming inside. So it hadn’t been Dr. Telamon at all!

Teena shuddered as Zandy asked that question. She sensed anger from her girlfriend, and that meant it wasn't Zandy talking, and equally confused and upset her even though Zandy had explained it was her other hosts. "I'll help you, Mr Ryan," she said, suddenly surprised at herself from running away for a moment from the woman that she loved. She followed him to the kitchen. "What needs bringing in?"

"I'm not from Betazoid, Teena," Opal replied to the first question first while she gathered herself to deal with the more dangerous one from Caleb's daughter. "Well, that is, I'm only part Betazoid, you see, and I've never been there. I was born off world, and my family never went back." She smiled apologetically at Teena. "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Teena stopped for a moment, confused. Every alien interaction on this station was becoming a minefield for her. "You have not disappointed me," she said softly.

As Teena disappeared into the kitchen area after Caleb, Opal turned to Zandy, and her eyes met some serious hostility in the youngster's.

"And I'm sorry to disappoint you too, Aleczandra," she said calmly.

"I have not been playing doctors with your dad. I am a doctor. I don't play at it. Initially I stood in for Dr. Telamon when she couldn't do one of Caleb's sessions for removing shrapnel from his leg, but he returned to her care as soon as she was able to care for him again." Opal failed to mention that by then she and the Commander had begun to have feelings for each other, and Caleb had deliberately returned himself to Amia's care by mutual agreement with Opal, in order to prevent any such accusations of impropriety, just as were being fielded now.

"I understand you later accused Dr. Telamon of behaving in an improper manner with him and then attacked her, despite her heavy pregnancy, and also despite her complete lack of awareness of your issue or your deception in pretending to be sick so you could get near enough to hurt her," Opal went on in an even tone.

"In my humble opinion, this is hardly a good place from which to accuse her of improper behaviour really, wouldn't you say?" she asked as if curious about a news item.

"And having disgraced yourself with that aggression and error, I am surprised you would wish to start it all up again, this time with me. I should point out that I am neither pregnant nor taken by surprise, and if you want to try to throw me to the floor and scratch at me in the same way as you did the Chief Medical Officer, you may find yourself in a very different situation than you were with her." Opal shrugged mildly and took up her drink, sipping calmly on the outside, but in an inner struggle to keep a grip on her reactions and words of response. She knew she was walking around in a metaphoric minefield.

Teena had walked back holding a tray of meat that Caleb had given her and caught the conversation from when this other lady had accused Zandy of deceiving and hurting someone called Dr. Telamon. Her girlfriend certainly hadn't mentioned anything like that when she had "told her everything." She froze, unsure what to do, and uncomfortable at the array of emotions spiking out from both women at the table. Behind her she could sense Caleb had followed her with more food, but was unsure how much he had also heard.

Aleczandra leaned in close to Opal. “Caleb is mine,” she insisted in a low voice. “And I will fight for him.”

Oh, wonderful. Can I kill her? Juheni grinned inside Aleczandra’s head.

She’s too cute to kill, Kinony purred. Mika, you really should be more open about this.

As the others returned, Aleczandra sat back again, plastering on a pleasant smile.

Caleb nearly ran into Teena’s back, raising the plate of steaks above the girl’s head to keep from spilling them. “Whoa, girl!” He smiled down at the attractive teen, really trying not to remember seeing her naked, and kind of failing.

Teena side stepped away, an apologetic look on her face, and placed the tray in front of her girlfriend, who had just whispered something to the other lady. The fact that Zandy had lowered her voice meant whatever had been said could not be good. But then what could be worse than attacking a pregnant lady. She sat down uncomfortably and stared straight ahead. This was going to be a long dinner.

Opal had paled at the threat and what it seemed to mean. It wasn't possible, she knew, for a young teen to be speaking like that about her father. Opal had heard something that had worried her about Zandy when the incident with Amia was all the gossip around Sickbay. She couldn't place what exactly it was that had been said, not word for word, but the girl had been described as dangerous, and she had even heard the word psychotic used. She hadn't entertained such madness. How could that be possible? Caleb was so nice, he couldn't have a demented daughter. How would that even happen? She had believed it was exaggeration, as the story of her attack on Amia was bandied about and made larger with every tongue that relayed it on.

Now, suddenly, she wasn't so sure, but what could she say? What should she do? She decided to ignore it as if it hadn't happened this time, and wait and see what the evening panned out like. She tried to replace her smile, but she still felt queasy. She sat down a little heavily, not having done what she normally would and reached out to help with the heavy plates.

Caleb followed Teena, setting down the platters. He refilled everyone’s drinks before taking his own seat next to Opal. Aleczandra sat across from the doctor, just smiling at her, though the smile didn’t reach her cool blue eyes. Caleb sat across from Teena, trying not to imagine the teen naked.

Aleczandra leaned in and gave Teena a kiss before settling back to fill her plate. “So how is business?” she asked her girlfriend.

Caleb took some of the garlic mashed potatoes and then handed the bowl to Opal. He put his hand on her thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze, knowing this was awkward for both her and Aleczandra, as it was for him. “Things been busy in Sickbay?”

"Yes, thanks," she replied distractedly, accepting the bowl of potatoes automatically, but then equally robotically putting them down on the table in front of her, not appearing to have seen them and definitely not having taken any.

Caleb frowned and leaned in. “Everythin’ alright, Opal?” he asked quietly as he put a piece of corn on the cob on his plate.

"We have found premises," Teena said, answering Zandra's question. She reached for and placed a piece of the yellow vegetable on her plate also, and as the other lady wasn't eating what was in the bowl, went in for a spoonful. It smelt very good. "What is this?" she asked.

“Garlic mashed potatoes,” Aleczandra said. “Very delicious. Though I think dad’s trying to keep us from kissing with the garlic,” she said with a teasing grin at her father.

“Now wait a minute. That wasn’t mah intention at all. Ah know ya like it,” Caleb protested.

Teena took a bite, not understanding what the joke was, but smiled. "It is delicious. May I have another spoonful?" She looked over at Opal. The woman was spooked. Whatever had been whispered was making her very uncomfortable. And Zandy had felt jealousy, and across from her, her father was trying not to feel attraction in her direction but failing. Something she would not be mentioning to Zandy or Mr. Ryan.

She ate another mouthful of the delicious garlic dish and mused. She had no idea how Liam did this day in and day out, living amongst so many different cultures with so many crazy emotions. She would have to get up to speed fast though if they were going to open their shop.

Opal accepted a corn and thanked Caleb for passing it. She set about eating it without further comment and let the younger guests continue their news.

Aleczandra put more potatoes on Teena’s plate, leaning against her girlfriend, smiling at her.

“It’s good ta hear ya’ll found a place ta settle down,” Caleb told Teena. “Good luck with your perfumery? Is that what it’s called?”

Caleb glanced over at Opal and put a hand on her leg. He felt her tension and gave her a curious look as he refilled her glass of wine. His look asked if everything was okay.

Under the table, Aleczandra slipped her foot from her shoe and reached across, caressing it up and down Caleb’s leg.

Caleb looked with surprise over at Teena. Was she...coming on to him?

Opal appreciated Caleb's concern, but wasn't feeling like this was the time to tell him what had happened. She didn't really know what she felt about his daughter and her clear symbiont invasion, but then again she wasn't sure how he would react either, and allowing this to become a rout over dinner did not feel like a way to deal with anything at all. She breathed deeply and slipped her hand under the table to meet his on her leg. She squeezed his fingers affectionately and smiled at him, suddenly noticing that his concerned look of a few moments ago had changed to a deep frown, looking like confusion and...perhaps alarm? No, she had to be imagining that. She was really off her game tonight, she decided, and went back to eating.

"Perfumery?" she asked in a quietly interested voice and looked over at Teena. "There's nothing like that on the Promenade. It would be a great market niche to pursue. Would you mix your own perfumes? Or import them?" she asked, wondering if Teena was blushing slightly. "Oh, I didn't mean to be nosey. I'm sorry if that wasn't an appropriate query." she withdrew immediately, apologising for asking on the assumption that it was her question that seemed to unsettle Teena. It seemed as if maybe she wasn't the only one on edge tonight.

“Yes, Teena’s perfumes are quite delightful,” Aleczandra said. “She and her sister make them. Perhaps they could find something for you, Ms. Oliver,” the teen said, saccharine sweet.

Perhaps Eau de Whore, Zandra thought jealously to Teena.

Opal was only half Betazoid, and as such she couldn't read what was sent between the girls, but she was empathic, and she could sense the jealousy and spite. She shivered, but kept her well-trained doctor straight face firmly in place as she smiled softly and replied that it would be lovely to visit the perfumery as soon as it was established and opened. This was the truth, as it really would be nice, and she would enjoy picking out a new perfume, so that wasn't so hard to incorporate in her response. She couldn't help but wonder what it was that Zandy clearly felt threatened by. Perhaps she was afraid that Caleb might leave her for Opal, but until she expressed her concern, it wasn't okay to just assume it was that. She felt miserable at the whole situation, and mostly about what was going on in that poor little girl's head.

Teena swallowed her potatoes. She seemed to be the only person really eating. Unconsciously she licked her lips and caught Mr. Ryan's eyes and his girlfriend’s suddenly on her. She had no idea what was going on. Zandy was jealous. Her host, she had explained. Not that she liked it. She wanted her girlfriend’s attentions on her. Her father was flipping between having sexual attraction to her and wondering if she had sexual attraction to him, and his girlfriend... Well, she was miserable and desperately trying to get the conversation in a direction she felt comfortable with.

"Yes, Mr. Ryan, perfumery is the correct word. On Betazed we call it Tamashī no umi. Closest Terran translation is waters of the soul. We mix our own, and are trying to source exotic and interesting plants and flowers, importing them in or possibly look to grow some of our own. I insist you come to the shop, Ms. Oliver. I will mix something for you. I am considering opening that up as a personal service or experience for people. I could use someone to test drive it on, if you don't mind. Perhaps Zandy might like to help too? I would love to show you what I do. We could have, as you say, a girly day." She smiled. She ignored Zandy's spiteful thought, deciding that these two just needed to find a way to exist round each other.

"That's such a great idea. I'm sure it will be very popular. I'd really love to help you start it off, Teena, I can't wait," Opal replied, finally finding something she really was genuinely comfortable with. She smiled gratefully at Teena, but not while Zandy was looking. That seemed the best way with this situation.

Obviously Opal had no idea that Caleb was attracted to the teen, which was a good thing, seeing as she was warming to her, and that might have spoiled the growing rapport. Opal settled enough to eat a little of the meal and compliment Caleb on his cooking and the delicious results. She smiled at him with affection and also attempted to avoid a moment when Zandy was looking, but she wasn't so lucky with the moment as she had been when she had smiled at Teena.

The dinner settled into awkward small talk, Caleb thinking maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea. He wasn’t sure what had gone wrong. He had expected Aleczandra might be a bit upset about him dating again, but he hadn’t expected her to be so...waspish. She acted just like Mika did when she caught his eye straying, though Mika only really had to flash him her smile and a coy look to reel him back in. His wandering male eye was no match for his love for her.

Aleczandra settled into a cool seethe as she ate. She reached over and held Teena’s hand. It calmed her a bit, let her reassert herself over her mother a bit more. But later during the meal, Mika came to the fore again. Zandra brought her leg up, slipping it between Caleb’s legs, her stockinged foot gently massaging the front of his pants.

Caleb looked up sharply at Teena. What was she doing! Standing quickly to get away from the arousing foot massage, he said, “Anyone for dessert?” He flashed Opal a smile and excused himself to pull the fresh apple pie from the counter. It was still warm. “There’s ice cream ta go with it too, if ya want,” he said.

Teena caught Caleb’s glare and panic believing she was coming on to him and rolled her eyes, suddenly figuring out what Zandy was playing at. She could get cross at her girlfriend. Was it worth it? Hm. Maybe some makeup sex though. Or she might have to cross swords with one of her hosts, in particular her mother. She wasn't up for that, or she could have some fun with it if her girlfriend’s dad was so thick to believe his daughter’s lesbian girlfriend was interested in a man, and one twice her age at that.

She kept her face deadpanned. "I would love some dessert, Mr. Ryan." She smiled as she nuzzled into Zandy's shoulder and watched the Human practically run into his kitchen. She thought to her girlfriend, You owe me big time. Your father thinks I am coming on to him. Stop flirting with him and do more flirting with me please.

Opal sensed alarm in Caleb, but she had no idea what had sparked that. She could only imagine it was her own unease, and she felt guilty. She saw Teena nuzzle closer to Zandy and smiled softly at the warmth she felt in that affectionate action. She slipped from her seat, partly as if being tactful and also to follow Caleb into the kitchen, reaching out to take the apple pie and carry it back while he organised the ice cream to go with it. She looked up at him with a sheepish apology on her face.

"Caleb, I..." she began quietly, about to apologise.

“No,” Caleb said, pressing a finger to Opal’s lips. He leaned in and kissed her. “Ah shoulda known this would be a hard sell,” he said. “Maybe it was too soon. Ah do want ya’ll ta get along,” he admitted, caressing her cheek.

Aleczandra leaned into Teena. The Betazoid could feel her pushing her mother back. I’m sorry, Teena. I don’t know what’s come over me. Mom is so...jealous. When they have powerful emotions, it’s harder. She smiled. I do owe you. She sent a few visuals of just how she intended to make it up to her girlfriend, courtesy of Kinony’s much greater experience. It was rather hot. Of course, the problem there was Kinony liked to come out when Aleczandra got worked up in that way, though Kinony was better at sharing.

"Well," she said with a cheeky grin, "I have to work all those potatoes off somehow."

Opal melted when Caleb was so understanding and sweet to her. She returned his kiss and they both lingered just a little there. Happily, they returned with the next course and found Zandy and Teena also nose to nose and smiling affectionately at each other.

Settling in for more delicious food, the group managed to stay civil and light for the rest of the evening.


Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Aleczandra Ryan
His daughter
NPC Caleb Ryan

Teena Otrei
NPC Liam Reynolds

Dr Opal Oliver
Civilian Surgeon - DS5


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