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Checking the Marine Mindset.

Posted on Tue Mar 27, 2018 @ 1:08am by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue

2,840 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Counselor's Office
Timeline: MD4 14:00


Blue had to get this out of the way; he is not a fan of Counselors; he respected their jobs, he just had a bad coupe of experiances with them. The typical question about his Orion Heritage gets old; they were more interested in how someone of a 'hostile' background is coping with the stigma of being a Male Orion in modern society? While Blue did not really trust females of his heritage; his mother had warned him of a few tricks females play but it rubbed Blue a little that Orion Females are more readily accepted than he is.

*Can't Blame people.* He reminded himself and started to clear his mind as he rounded the corridor to the Counselor's Office. Ringing the chime to wait access.

"Come in," Liam said through the intercom. He wasn't expecting anyone but the way the man walked into his office, he had the impression it was a military person. His stride was calculated and precise. "Can I help you?" he asked.

"I am Gordon Blue." The Orion offered a handshake. "I am the new Marine Commanding Officer and thought if you had some time I might get cleared for duty." He gave a slight grin. "Found out that coming to see you saves bad rep of you chasing me down Sir, it seemed easier to seek you out first."

Liam mused inwardly at the ironicness of a green alien having the surname blue. He controlled his face though and raised his hand for a bone crushing handshake. Not that he expected anything less from a marine. "Welcome aboard," he answered deciding to take it as a compliment that he had been worried of Liam hunting him down.

"Please take a seat," he indicated his couch. "How are you finding the station?" he asked sitting in the chair opposite.

"It is a station." Blue said as he took the offered seat. "I have only been here a day and that was settling into the BOQ and getting a look at My Marines for the first time." He have a quirked grin. "They have potential, I have a lot to work with so it will be a good challenge to bring them to the next logical training level."

"What's the next logical training level?" Liam asked. He didn't really know a lot about marines.

"To be Force to be reckoned is where they are now; under utilized for sure, but we are the Few and the proud."He continued. "The next level will be an elite fighting force, the best unit in the quadrant." Blue added. "It is not a quick training but it is one I think they can handle. If I can make it through the Force Recon training, this unit can be an elite fighting force."

"What will you do if they can't handle it?" Liam asked.

"Assign them regular duties." Blue replied. "I will give all the Marine the option to succeed and if not then they will still be proper Marines and create a team of them." Blue continued. "It is my job to make the best of the Marines."

"Do you intend to engage the populous?" Liam asked. "And the Starfleet contingent, more? The station is in the midst of a rising level of xenophobia. Trust is low from our citizens and well, they are pretty upset. Marines have and please understand this is not my personal experience and I will try put it delicately ....... they have a reputation of bulldozing in so to speak. Citizens have a narrow view of Station security at present, I am not sure what they will make of an elite fighting force walking the decks."

Blue chuckled and tried not to laugh.

"I am not going to invade, we are here to protect; whatever command practices my predecessor did is not of concern. I am not going to parade my Marines around like targets." He explained.. "Do you know how to tell an elite team Marines from a regular Marine Counselor?" It was a trick question. "Because few do and that is what will be more effective to those that would ask; 'how' do you tell?" Blue gave a sly smile. "Ever Marine is trained as a Rifleman; one shot one kill, how do you tell the difference when we all are ready to grab a rifle and know how to properly use it. Buck recruit ; yeomen and The Command Officer are the same in the foundation. Outside the Corps it is hard to tell one Marine from another." He sat back. "But I also am adapting a more prudent method, when out of Marine Country the Marines are to 'look as little like Marines' as possible. They are not going to be parading about everywhere; they are individuals and need to enjoy life outside. I do not want them targeted outside that so I am trying to go 'low key' when not a Marine operation. That way less impact among the citizenry and makes us less of a visible target and less of a problem for the masses in my opinion." He nod. "What I do is in Marine country and on assigned sights only; the citizens of the station will only see that part of my Marines, should lessen troubles that way."

"We will see," Liam said. "And no one is entertaining the idea that you are going to invade. Elite team aside, I do hope you will be sending them all for a psyche evaluation. Marines endure stress and all the other emotions and issues just like the rest of us. What did you do before you became a marine?"

"Hung out with Marines until I was old enough." Blue said truthfully with a sly Grin. "My father was a Marine; human, and so I was always around them. I had a 'brotherhood and if any bunch of kids decided to bring their big brothers to beat me up I brought my Brotherhood of Marines." He chuckled. "I was a large boy growing up and the kids my age got their older brothers who were more my size to attempt to put me in place. I learned early that Green is not a favored Color in the Federation." Blue nod. "But my size also afforded me aq lot of latitude; I could do as I wanted without getting tough, I found out that girls liked hanging around me so it all panned out. I had an implied family in the Marines and girls that thought Green was not so bad. I like and respect human females; they were the most accepting, I liked to just had a little fun here and there, Rugby is a great Human sport that I favor."

Liam raised an eyebrow briefly at his comment on liking and respecting human females. He hoped that the man in front of him respected all females regardless of race or he was going to have issues working here. He was glad however to hear there was a side of his personality that wasn't marine related as he had been coming off rather one dimensional. Perhaps he didn't realise or he liked it that way.

"Lets talk about this "green" thing you keep referring too. Can you elaborate on things so I can understand? I have been in the federation well," he mentally tallied up, "nearly a decade. I have seen many species of aliens with many different coloured skins and never come up against there being an issue with them having less favor than any other race in the federation. What experiences have you had?" he asked. He sensed this was going to be a big can of worms. Any man who felt the need to stress that "Green was good for girls" clearly had a deep routed issue and was doing some overcompensating.

"I was called 'Kermit by the kids in school; took me two grades to narrow what it meant." Blue shrugged. "Some puppet style character 's children song about how hard it is to be a frog." He explained. "The only time I got some advantage was when the girls wondered if Orion Males could be as seductive as the Females were said to be. I just proved that I could be romantic but it was me not the Orion Heritage; I have not been to the Orion Home World and only have my Mother's stories to base any opinion upon. Kind of hard to get a good come back when teased."

Liam nodded, as he listened to the Marine commander explain he had been bullied as a child and struggled to make people see more than a species stereotype. "I know the frog. He was the leader, of the ...... muppets." It took him a while to recall it. His grandmother had let him and his siblings see archaic recordings when they had been on Earth. "A Band, variety show. He was the calm, sensible one, The planner, the one everyone trusted and came too with their problems because they valued his help. He had many friends and a lot of respect. Perhaps you can try see past just the green on the frog and see that to be compared to him, there are also many further good attributes. I realise its pointless for your childhood experiences, children can be cruel. Thats fact, but usually they grow up and realise later on I could have been a better person. You may find one day your path crosses with one of these kids again and they in fact apologise. And if it never does happen, be proud of yourself that you were the more mature person and did not use your bulk and marine connections to retaliate."

"In terms of the seduction Orion thing, some would have played on that and used it and people. I am very impressed that you had the integrity to be yourself and be honest. It is difficult, and I know this full well when you have to constantly educate wrong assumptions on your heritage. I am half betazoid. The amount of people who decide straight off that they do not like or trust me because, "apparently I can just listen to their thoughts and will do so whenever I like" does upset me. I end up educating people all the time. My only abilities are empathic. I have limited telepathic ability and its usually limited to few species. Sometimes as part of the job I have to monitor people, but equally sometimes people have such powerful emotions that they can jump out and hurt me. What they don't realise is the big ones do hurt, physically. Angry people, its like small daggers all over your skin. Anyway, your not alone.

But Lieutenant Blue, you said that green is not a favoured colour in the Federation. There will always be people with silly personal views on alien heritage that we have to deal with. How has your skin colour affected your ability to work and progress in the federation? Have you been cast over for jobs, promotions etc. due to well I guess its a type of xenophobia isn't it?" Liam asked.

"I have had an interesting situation upon my arrivial and taking over of the Marine Contingent." Blue decided to mention the encounter with the Cardassian and Civilian Security company. "I have had Racial slurs cast in my direction just his week in a meeting with the Civilian authority; was told to remain in Marine Country and it was questioned about the 'sanity of my being give 'any' sort of promotion and worst over the Command of Federation forces being one of a Pirate race?" Blue gave the details almost with humor. "It is little things like being asked about how many Marines have my kind killed and the like." He made eye contact. "Those kind of encounters are not as uncommon as you might think. I try to take with a grain of salt and not escalate the situation when it happens, no use perpetuating the bad encounter after all, I have the Honor of the Corps to think of. It can be annoying but Orions are not common place so I tend to stand out as a target for such."

"When you say private authority," Liam asked. "It wasn't one of the ambassadors was it? who up until a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of daily insults of that calibre. Well regardless of whoever it was, take on board that such behaviour is sport to such people. They don't do it because they believe it in any way. They do it to get a reaction out of you and attempt to manipulate you. And your new. They are pushing your buttons to suss you out."

Liam was in disbelief that this man, in this position, was that ruffled and considering himself a target. He had the tactical and physical advantage on anyone onboard. But if people cottoned on to the fact that the new marine chief was sensitive about this sort of thing, they would push harder with it. The man needed to nip that in the bud immediately.

"Perhaps you need to change your thinking Lieutenant. Instead of considering yourself a target because your species is not commonplace here, it may be time to start valuing your uniqueness and individuality. And of course the skillset you possess to have bet thousands of other applicants out of the job you have just come into. Of course you have the honor of the Corps to consider but you also have your personal honour. Personally I would have been inclined to advise them that I will do my job as I see fit and its none of their business when you will get a promotion. Don't be afraid to ruffle a few feathers either."

Blue smiled.

"I made that point in the same tone with which we are speaking now; not taking the bait and escalating the situation. It was the human that escalated it to the level of verbal insults; the sign of a limited intellect to use racial slurs in defense of their point of view."

Blue leaned back in his chair and look the Counselor straight on.

"I have learned to have a thick skin." He chuckled. "I love the Corps, they are family as long as I recall and among the few that accept me as a fellow member just upon the efforts and Honor that I bring. We are 'The few, the Proud' Counselor. It is a place I truly fit in and it makes all the other petty opinions moot. When one has a purpose in life the rest just naturally falls into place eventually." Blue believed every word he said.

"Thats good to hear. So what I am interested in, is if you strip away all the marine stuff. Imagine its not there for a moment. What are your interests? Personal ambitions? What is there to you other than Rugby you mentioned and being a part of the marines?" Liam asked.

"Wine, women and song." Blue smiled. "I enjoy the company of a pretty woman, I have been known to cook a little and I really like to leave my rank and Marine at the door when on a date." He answered. "My Mother is devoted to my father ; she did a seldom known oath to my Father, Orion females only do it 'once' and it is for life."

Blue emphasized.

"Their one love. I kind of like to find out of I could stimulate that kind of affection in a woman. Call it a lustful or ; I prefer romantic, kind of ambition but still worth spending time with lovely women. I start with the sparkle in the eyes; no spark then I move along, The eyes are said to be the gateway to the soul so I check there first."

"Some say that," Liam agreed, "Some alien races say the gateway to the soul is elsewhere. But I find talking to and listening to women tends to help. If you have nothing in common. Nothing to talk about. I don't tend to find those relationships go far regardless of how sparkling the eyes are. But I'm not here for dating advice so I'll just say good luck to you there."

Liam tapped his Padd several times. "I've passed your psyche exam. I really hope you take onboard some of what i have said though. And that you ensure all your unit come to my department for their psyche exams."

"Thank you counselor." Blue stood and nod. "I will assure that the Marines will follow through, I do run things by the book so if they are due you can let me know and they will make their appointment I assure you." He turned to leave. "Be well Sir."

With that Blue left and only let a relief sigh on the opposite side of the office door.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor, DS5


1st Lt. Gordon Blue
Marine Commanding Officer.


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