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Clearing out

Posted on Tue Mar 27, 2018 @ 12:57am by Civilian Ricardo Draxx & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,915 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD5 1400


As the colour changing alien arrived at work a couple of her staff shared a nervous look . Yolanthe saw it, adn frowned. "Whats happened this time? Who died."

Rosh Pelin, her main barman shook his head, bajorran earring dangling. "Zoe quit boss. No explanation. She got a personal message, seemed to pale and get very upset, told us to thank you for the opportunity and walked out. She loved this job. Somethings not right. And now we are stuck with just a replicator menu and fridges full of stuff none of us know what to do with."

Yolanthe flashed a dark yellow, then went a crisp cyan. "Quit? Who was the message from? Do you know?"

"I ermmmm think that chap. You know the one who calls you princess boss,"

Draxx. Yolanthe sighed, a dirty ochre rolling across her body, leaving her hair a mustard yellow. "All right, limit the bar snacks to what doesn't come out the replicators. I'm going to find Zoe."

She headed back out, pausing to check with Administration where Draxx was berthed, and headed down to Docking Bay 147, looking for the irritating man.

There was a lot of movement in Draxx's docking bay and a lot of voices all talking at once. Every person looked frustrated like they had been talking for a long time.

"But this is now home, I had a job ....."

"What about the business ....."

"The babies won't cope well with this upheavel ......"

"ENOUGH," roared Draxx.

Yolanthe saw all 9 of his crew/family suddenly shut up and snap to attention. Even the baby gorns, who stepped closer towards Lucy. Draxx stated several words in a language the approaching Yolanthe didn't recognise raising his arms frantically. Finally as his crew shared several looks between them, he stated firmly,

"This is how it is. Anybody doesn't wanna fly with me anymore, this is your port of harbor. Its been a bit of a longer stop over but we tried it and our past caught up with us. There's a lot of fine ways to die. I ain't waiting for Thom senior and Rex to choose mine. Now if your coming get your stuff as we will be off this tin can station in the next couple of hours." He kicked a box of something in obvious frustration and marched inside, not looking backwards but yelling behind him, "And Yolanthe get your scheaming traitor colour changing arse off my flight deck. I ain't got nothing more to say to you."

She went from dark yellow to the olour of a ripe banana. "I'm not here to talk to you, hypocrite." she walked past him, ignoring him entirely. "Zoe, I want to talk you out of quitting. " One of the baby gorns scampered up her leg to sit on her shoulder, hanging on to her butter coloured hair. She winced as it tugged a bit too hard to keep its balance. "Is there anything I can say to change your mind?"

Zoe shook her head sadly. "There are some very dangerous men who have just come back into our lives. Draxx is getting us somewhere safer."

"Somewhere safer?" Yolanthe raised a sceptical eyebrow. "Than a Starfleet installation currently surrounded by warships?"

"Yeah your Starfleet lot haven't even sussed out how I keep playing music in the security chiefs office, I'm really putting my faith in them to protect my baby sister. Hell look at security not long ago, one of them just breezed in to security claiming to be Draxx's lawyer. Apparently the new chief was distracted by you administering your feminine charms ....." Biggs stated crossly.

"Don't forget the trying to manipulate the new idiot to keep the Captain in jail," The female Gorn hissed stepping forward and holding her arm in which her offspring promptly jumped on to it, turning to hiss at Yolanthe. "Captain really weren't pleased at your setting him up bitch. But we called it. Ages ago."

Yolanthe was now shades of lemon, and she squared up to the Gorn, who must have outweighed her four times over. "I din't set anyone up. And when your sorry excuse for a captain insists on insulting the person trying to get him out, then don't you think a change of heart is understandable?"

Lucy stared down at the small alien glaring. "As I recall it, when my captain did a job for you, you insulted him constantly and oh he had a change of heart. You have done nothing but bleat on that he wronged you since despite him going back for your sorry arse, making you an incredibly rich woman and getting you one of the best chefs on the station. Thats fact or your wouldn't be here now trying to talk her into staying. Your not thinking about her, your thinking about your profits and your precious "Boxes" livelihood."

Yolanthe, butter pale, stared up at the gorn. "I'm going to ignore that because, a) you've only heard his side of the story, and b) I'm not pandering to your jealousy. You want Draxx, you can have him. I'm not interested."

Lucy snorted and then roared in laughter. "a) I only need the captains side of the story and b) the fact that what you just said is so stupidly hilarious as a kindness I won't let my offspring eat you. You know what Yolanthe, one thinks the colour changing alien protests far too much," she sniggered.

"Bet this is how she always gets away scot free when all the bodies and violence stacks up in her bar. She's banging the current chief," Biggs suggested suddenly stepping between the alien and the gorn. A laughing Lucy was just as dangerous as a pissed off one in his book.

"Carl," Zoe stated high pitched. "Thats not how Yolanthe conducts business. Don't say things like that."

"Whatever, Captain says to get her off the flight deck,"

Draxx stomped out of his hatch and handed Biggs a small bio box promptly ignoring Yolanthe. "See that the new Science chief gets that. And sort out a secure and undectable communications frequency to my ship she's impounded." As he walked back up to the ships hatch they all noticed blood dripping from his hand.

Yolanthe ignored Biggs and turned back to Zoe. "Look, if the problem is Draxx, Draxx seems to be leaving, wouldn't staying here, and away from him, be far more sensible?"

"Look I know you and him have your .... issues but Draxx is family. Like another brother and I am going with him to stay safe. Potentially there's a shit storm coming to this station Yolanthe. And its one I have already been in the middle of for much of my younger life and childhood and I agree with Draxx, as much as I would love to call this place home permantely, I am not getting in the middle of it again," Zoe told her.

Draxx appeared again having pulled a rag of some sort round his bleeding hand. "Glad to hear your being sensible Zo. Biggs belay that last order. Get Orson on it. I need that regenerator thing we negotiated off Zion 8 and I want to know what's in that briefcase."

Biggs nodded. "Lucy would you. Locker 12," he asked the Gorn to get her out of Yolanthes space. Turning back, "Well I can hack into the security feed and if he opened it in there try get a look but to be honest is it even worth it?"

"What do you mean?" Draxx said a hint of annoyance on his face.

"Draxx, Rex is setting someone up and if Torm seniors decided he wants this station as one of his play things he'll go after the biggest fish at present. Make a point," Biggs stated.

"Raddon," Draxx nodded. "Makes sense. Drop copies of some of his more "interesting" paperwork and reading. Give the starfleeters a legitimate in to try slap him down. Do Torm's job for him of course. Anyone who's pissed off Raddons in a precarious position now too. He'll assume people are working for Torm and against him. That kind of paranoia won't make things any easier alongside his usual dealings."

"I'll make sure you get copies of all my recipes," Zoe offered Yolanthe as the men talked.

"Not that I'm not grateful, but its hardly the same as the person who created them." Yolanthe sighed. Everything seemed to be going wrong right now. "If you're sure, then." She held out her hand. "just don't let him talk you into anything really stupid."

"He wouldn't do that," Zoe said confused. Did Yolanthe have no concept of family at all.

"Yolanthe," Draxx stated simply shaking his head at the sheer audacity of the alien to try poison his crew against him. "Don't go getting in Raddons business or trying to talk anyone else into doing something really stupid like you set me up with. Torm senior demanded that I come back into the fold and keep you safe. So that means he's got plans for you. You don't want Raddon getting wind of that."

Yolanthe turned from Zoe, going cyan in utter confusion. "Sorry? Who? What are you babbling about?"

"You're on Torm seniors agenda probably because he's figured out you were involved with the Romulan bitches lot who torched his son out of existence. He will be coming for you," Draxx said darkly.

SHe held up a hand. "Hold on, Hold on, hold. What Romulan? Torm Senior?" The tall woman shook her head, now a dark teal. "Slow down, take a breath, and tell it from the top."

"Hardly," Draxx said simply getting up again. "You just tried to set me up Yolanthe. If I could be bothered to stick around I would get you back dam good. Luckily for you I consider being on Torm seniors hit list punishment enough. Best of luck with that."

"Now where's that regenerator," he yelled up the ramp stomping after his Gorn. Blood still dripping on the metal.

"Set you up?" Yolanthe could not figure out this man. First he wants her to bail him out, then he insults her, then he drags away the first decent chef she'd found on the station, and now he was ranting about setting him up. "Have you got brain damage?"

"No woman. I'm missing a thumb doing the dam right thing AGAIN to help out a woman AGAIN but getting shit for it oh AGAIN," he demanded. "Flight deck," he waved his arms frantically, everyone getting a good look at him having hacked off his own digit. "You need to take a walk off it. We are clearing out."

"Fine, I'm going. You're going. everyone is happy." she snarled, turning on her heel to the exit. "But at least take your dumb thumb to sick bay before you go."

"Like you care that much about my dumb thumb," Draxx shot after her. "The only thing you ever wanted from it was my print to charge me anyway."

"Its the only bit of you I had any interest in." Yolanthe agreed stalking out. "Go rot you floppy-cocked arsehole."

Draxx presented the alien woman with a one fingered salute with the hand not missing a digit and stomped back into his ship. Around him his crew exchanged looks of amusement and raised eyebrows.

"One thinks the colour changing alien still protests far too much," Lucy sniggered watching the alien retreat.

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Ricardo Draxx


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