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My Girl, My Girl, Don't Lie to Me.

Posted on Fri Mar 30, 2018 @ 1:47am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

1,514 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Deck 155
Timeline: Back post Md -1 1430


Finding Aleczandra Ryan wasn't hard. A few questions to her younger patrons and Yolanthe soon knew where Aleczandra was tutored, along with many of the other children of the Fleet, in the school on Deck 155. She waited there until her class broke up for the day, and as Aleczandra walked out, Yolanthe fell into step alongside her.

"Miss Ryan? Can we talk?"

Aleczandra blinked and turned from talking to her friends to look up, and up at the tall, colorful alien.

“Um...I guess. What about, Miss Ibelin?” She asked, stopping in the Promenade, clutching her padd to her chest, brushing back a lock of rainbow hair from her blue eyes. She wore the standard blue minidress school uniform, though she had layered on a black bolero jacket. People bumped them, and she looked around for a place to get out of the way. “I was going to head to Gino’s for a bite,” she offered. “But we can go to the Box, if you’d rather.”

"Thank you." Yolanthe indicated the turbo lift for the nine or ten deck ride to the Prom. They rode in a strained silence, and when they arrived on the Prom, Yolanthe led her into the Box of Delight, pausing at the bar. "Can I get you some refreshments? On the house." She held out the menu of drinks and small snacks.

Aleczandra glanced over the menu. “Root beer and the nachos,” she said. “Thanks.” She looked up curiously at Yolanthe, wondering what she could want to talk to her about.

Yolanthe nodded to Leyla, who had the bar for the early shift, and then the two women went back of house into Yolanthe's office. The office was decorated in white with black upholstered rococo furniture and thick piled rugs. A black crystal chandelier hung over a dark coffee table flanked by a couch and a chaise lounge. The desk looked like an eighteenth century French desk, but the smoky glass table top with its LCARS interface showed it was an entirely modern creation. Behind the desk, mounted to the wall, was a variety of weapons, assorted blades and clubs, but also the occasional disabled phaser or disruptor.

"Please, sit." Yolanthe indicated the sofa, and took her own seat on the chaise lounge.

Aleczandra eyed the weapons on the wall with interest, though that was mostly Juheni’s interest. She blinked when Yolanthe spoke again and then nodded, smoothing the back of her minidress with her hands as she sat on the couch, crossing her knee high black boots at her ankle.

“So, uh, what is this about?” Aleczandra asked. “Do I have an outstanding tab?” She tried to remember, but there were a lot of blank spaces in her memory. It’s possible Kinony or Juheni had.

"One of my boys has gone missing." Yolanthe held out his picture. "Ahjess. One of my regulars said he saw you go into the Lotus Lounge with him. I want to know what happened next."

Aleczandra took the picture and studied it. She rubbed her temple as a headache started. “He...looks familiar,” she admitted. “But I’ve been in the Box, so I’ve probably seen him. dad would kill me for even going into the Lotus Lounge, much less bring an older man there with me,” she told Yolanthe, looking up at the alien woman. “I’m sorry, but your regular must be mistaken.”

Aleczandra winced as the headache turned into a full blown migraine, like a vice around her brain.

Yolanthe’s body turned a golden yellow. The girl was lying, but why would she? Unless she had something to do with it.

Or maybe it was just fear of consequences if it got back to her father. It was a ridiculous thought in Yolanthe’s mind, but she never had a father. He would have been one of the group of males her tribe held. They didn't take tests to know who sired who. It was irrelevant.

"They're not mistaken," she said calmly. She groped for something she could say that would make the girl believe. "They were quite specific about it. Your hair." She pointed at the rainbow locks. "Look," she offered, "I'm not going to say anything to your dad if you tell me first. Where i come from, no man has the right to disapprove of what a woman does, and I only care because my boy is missing and I take their welfare very seriously."

Aleczandra shook her head. “Look, I don’t know your guy here,” she said. “I’ve never been to the Lotus. I’d help you if I knew.” She rubbed her temples. “God, I have a headache.” She dug into her bag for a hypo of analgesic. “I hope you find him. I hope he’s all right. But I have to get home and do homework.” She started to stand.

We’re going to have to kill her.

Aleczandra froze.

What? Juheni, what did you do!

Yolanthe noticed Alexandra's pause, and, strangely, her sense of a fight started to tingle. The girl felt like an opponent. Unconsciously she shifted her weight, ready to react. "You know something. I will call your father if you won't tell me."

“Look! You don’t need to call him. I’m telling you the truth! When was I supposed to have gone there with him?”

"Ten days ago now. Stardate 70216." Yolanthe eyed the teen suspiciously.

Aleczandra’s eyes lit up. “I have an alibi!” she exclaimed. “I was home in my room all night! Starfleet Security can confirm. They came by the next day to question me about an incident in one of the docking bays, something about my blood being on the scene. Obviously the lab messed up the test or whatever, because it couldn’t have been mine. They pulled the security footage from outside in the corridor and I didn’t leave my quarters all night.”

Damn. I was hoping to get to kill her.

Shut up, Juheni!

Yolanthe laughed, a rich, and sceptical, laugh. "Woman, I run a bar. You think I don't know that kids have a dozen different ways to skip out whilst their parents think they're tucked up snug?" She took a step so she was between the girl and the door. "Especially the security chief’s daughter? Pull the other one. It's got bells on."

Aleczandra’s eyes narrowed as she got up. “If that’s what you think, then prove it,” she said. “Now get out of my way.” She stepped right up to Yolanthe, not appearing to fear the bigger, more muscular woman at all. Something...dark was in the teen’s eyes, and the way she moved seemed to have...shifted, become more predatory, ready for a fight.

Yolanthe side stepped, blocking her way. "I've got all the proof i need. You were there. I just want to know what happened. I don't care if you slept with him. He's not happy until someone's ridden him to exhaustion. But I do care if he comes to harm because you won’t tell me what happened next."

“I told you I’ve never met the guy!” Aleczandra snapped. She lashed out with a kick at Yolanthe’s knee, intending to put the big woman on the ground.

But the blow never landed. Yolanthe blocked it with crossed wrists, then whipped her elbow into Aleczandra's head with frightening speed and force.

Aleczandra turned and leaned with the blow, turning it more glancing and less a direct hit that would have left her unconscious. She still had to roll with it, hitting the floor and coming up on one knee, glaring at Yolanthe, her blue eyes darker with hatred as she reached for the daggers in the wrist sheaths beneath her sleeves.

Shut up, Zandra. She’s mine now, Juheni crowed as Aleczandra’s instincts tapped into Juheni’s greater skill. Aleczandra struggled to fight him back. She stared hard at Yolanthe.

“You’re going to let me leave, or I’m calling Security.” She managed to force her hand to pull out her comm instead of her knives.

Yolanthe narrowed her blank eyes, and then stepped aside very deliberately. "I know you know. This is not over."

“Fuck you, bitch,” Aleczandra huffed, and hurried out the door before Yolanthe could change her mind.

I will have to deal with her.

“Not now, Juheni!” Aleczandra hissed under her breath.

Leyla had been arriving with the nacho order, and was surprised by Aleczandra stalking past. "is everything okay, boss?"

Yolanthe looked after the retreating girl. The chief of security daughter was involved in the disappearance of one of her boys, and she couldn't be having that. "No." She took the nachos, and turned back to her office. "I'm going to have to call in one of my favours with Gev."


Aleczandra Ryan
NPC Caleb Ryan

Yolanthe Ibalin
Proprietor, The Box of Delights


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