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A Marine Enters A Bar part 2

Posted on Sat Mar 17, 2018 @ 1:42pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue

1,389 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD04 1900

Previously on A Marine Walks Into A Bar...?

"Well thank you." Her skin was getting noticeably bluer again. "Keep up the flattery and you'll be welcome anytime. And I take good care of my regulars," The Risan waitress came over and collected her tray of beers. "Don't we, Vedra?"

"Don't we what?" Vedra asked, settling the tray on one hand. with a salacious glance at Blue.

"Take good care of our regulars."

Vedra gave Blue a knowing smile, "Absolutely. Nothing but the best." She moved off again, hips swinging like a pendulum.

And now the conclusion...

"I am defiantly going to keep this as a hang -out, and let my Boys know the best respectable drinking establishment." Blue watched her leave. "Vedra; I will remember her." Blue noted and turned back to Yolanthe. "And your girls are more than just pretty." He gave a wry grin. "I know of few that could balance a tray and move naturally, a skill not many really notice. She is a pro, that is skill and talent to have that figure not throw off the center of balance." He winked to Yolanthe. "Lady has skills."

"Flattery will get you everywhere." she replied, then picked up on his first comment. "Your Boys?" she asked "You have a crew?"

"If flattery will help me get to know Vedra I will call that a win." He winked as he put his attention closer to the conversation. "Yes I have a few boys and girls that I look after; it might not be politically correct to refer to all of them as 'guys' but I meant it as we are a group and all are equal in my eyes." He winked. "I am their Commanding Officer after all." He shrugged. "I do not like to bring up work much outside the barracks, I am here to have fun, blow off steam and maybe even get the company of a beautiful woman to help remind me why I train people to protect?" He nod.

"Barracks." Yolanthe repeated eyes narrowing. "You're a marine! I thought you were all ground side?"

"No, we are not all on the surface." Blue casually sipped his beer. "Is there something wrong with being a Marine." He asked casually. "I like people thinking that way, makes the job easier." Blue look her in the narrowing eyes. "I did mention it was a steady job, I just hate talking work on my Leave time." He smiled. "I did say I wanted to get away and blow off some steam, this is how I do it, just be myself rather than 24 hour Marine."

"Oh, nothing wrong with being a marine." Yolanthe assured him. "In fact when Colonel Darson was here he agreed to some very favourable terms, and none of his replacements has seen fit to cancel it, so I'm more than happy to see marines in here. I trust you're as good a drinker as the rest of them."

"Any place that uses Favorable terms with Marines is a place that will get all my recommended business." Blue smiled. "I have drank Klingons under the table as a challenge more than once." Blue snickered. "But I admit I am more the wine and dining type, but that does not mean I cannot enjoy a fine brew or five." He finished his Beer and smiled for a refill. "SO did my predessor also have a Marine Guard for the first nights after duty rotations to just keep your overhead down and damage to a minimum?" Blue offered. "I do not like my Marines getting too rowdy and damaging our welcome." He grinned widely.

"Your predecessor was a marine guard all by himself. First time he was in, he tried to shoot neq'tai like a Klingon who needed to get drunk fast." She produced a third of the small dark bottles. "But the guys themselves. They're pretty good. They know the rules." She knocked off the wax seal and popped off the cap before presenting it to him. "They don't start things, they've never been arseholes to the other patrons, and they only spend their own money at the tables. I trust thats in line with expectation?"

"So long as you are okay with them I will not do anything to change it."Blue winked. "I am not one to fix anything not broken. Your business as to if they are allowed to enter, I am just here to assure they do not make trouble. As for me; I am the passive type; I am nice until it is time to not be nice."

Her skin was now as blue as a bolian, her hair a rich royal blue. She gave him an appraising look. "What a pity."

"Less damage coming out of my pay that way." Blue chuckled. "I play nice and keep out of the brig... mostly." Blue was hoping the Risan would make her way back again. "So I take it your waitresses are okay with Gentlemen trying to get a date?" Blue asked with an almost innocent expression. "If I am going to be hanging out here I should get to know the rules?"

"She's a grown up. Ask her. I don't think she'll have a problem with a gentleman trying. And for creeps who don't like the answer, well. I'm used to handling angry drunks."

"Any of 'My Marines' act like they don't respect the word 'No' just tell me and I will show them the error of their ways." Blue informed her. "You can bank Latinum on that I assure you."

Blue would ask the Pretty Lady Vedra if she might accept an invitation to dinner? What could it hurt?

"I don't think you marines will be any trouble. They like it here, and I like having them." Yolanthe nodded towards Vedra who was sashaying towards the bar with a tray full of empties. "We like to give them a warm welcome."

Vedra walked past Blue to the end of the bar. Blue couldn't help noticing the movement of her legs inside the tight skirt. She paused to tip the tray out into the empties bin, bending slightly, her back to Blue. Then she came back to Yolanthe and started to load the round of shooters Yolanthe had been layering up.

Blue was good at 'Observation' and while she had the figure he could not miss, she had pretty eyes. One thing that Blue found remarkable is the sparkle in a woman's eyes; or the lack of it in a sad woman, Vedra had a nice sparkle when she gave a glance.

"If I might be so Bold Vedra." Blue look into her eyes as it was the gateway to the soul by some beliefs; it was the mood indicator among other races but he just did this to show sincerity to the person he spoke with. "YOU have very pretty eyes." Blue told her and had to chuckle to himself. "Pardon my manners, I am Blue." He gave her that smile he did not often pass out.

Vedra gave him a once over, her gaze lingering on the broad shoulders and narrow waist. "Oh honey I hope not. I'd hate to think I had an unhappy customer."

"It would not change my name from Blue but if You let me buy you dinner I would be one Happy Gentleman." He gave a slight Bow. "I am a push over for a lady with pretty eyes?"

Vedra looked him up and down, then glanced over at Yolanthe.

The statuesque bar keeper nodded with a conspiratorial smile. "You look thirsty, take your break."

Vedra turned back to the marine. "Out front, five minutes." She lifted the tray of shooters for its delivery. "See you then."

Blue watched her leave and gave a sly smile at his luck and finished his beer placing down the latinum enough for the three needed and a good tip as he liked this place. 'Thanks for the brews, best I had in a while." He tipped an imaginary hat as gentlemen do. "Never leave a lady waiting." He winked and started to make his way to the front.

He was beginning to like his new habitat.


1st Lieutenant Gordon Blue
Marine Commanding Officer

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights


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