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Set Up Phase, Part II of II

Posted on Mon Jan 22, 2018 @ 1:31am by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,222 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: OPS Conference Room
Timeline: MD01 1345

Previously on Set Up Phase

“We could see if the Nemesis would park itself in the way, if we wanted.” He glanced at Soran, knowing she didn’t much like Commodore Pierce.

Maritza thought about Ryan's suggestion. Someone patrolling the perimeter, frustrating their snooping, might annoy the Cardassians beyond all reasons. It was an excellent idea. "I'll put the suggestion to Admiral T'Vel. Have you got any ideas on how to board the vessel?"

And now the continuation

“The secondary battle bridge would be the least defended,” Caleb said. “Tertiary is in the engineering section. If we can get under the saucer section with a shuttle, and inside their shields before they raise them, we could beam in. If Science an’ Engineering can get their shield harmonics an’ frequency rotation, we’d have an even better chance.”

Caleb smiled a bit wickedly. “Even better, we could infiltrate their crew right now,” he commented. “Before exercises begin. Some might call it cheatin’...”
"I wouldn't be one of them, Mr Ryan," Maritza replied with a dry smile. "I would be saying the Promenade is a thronging collection of all the best our station has to offer, and you can meet all manner of interesting people there." If T'Vel wanted that ship boarded or otherwise infiltrated, she wasn't going to hold any of her people back. "We also have another Promethean currently docked, the USS Phoenix. Her captain and crew may provide you with more insight on tackling Prometheans, as well."

Caleb nodded. “Ah’ll talk ta them,” he said. “An’ Ah’ll see about a plan ta gettin’ someone on board the Svikari. What are the rules of engagement? Starfleet personnel only? Station personnel only?” He figured Artemis Pierce might have an asset he could use. But using outside people to breach a Starfleet vessel might prove compromising to Starfleet.

Sneaking around wasn't something Annora had much training or any real experience in, but she had an idea or two of her own.

"I don't remember them giving us a start time. In the absence of any hard data, that aspect is left for us to decide. As for infiltrating the ship, I think any major operation should wait until they start shoreleave. If they physically dock with the station, it will make things that much easier. Wait until a group is heading back and slip one or two of our own in among them. A few might get caught, but if we plan for that we can send extras for that very reason. Should they decide to use transporters, it's a bit different. I'd expect them to use our transporter rooms, so we have our own team waiting to piggyback off an authorized transport.

"Astrometrics uses passive scanning to communicate with space buoys and relay stations," Alanna said. "It's primarily for keeping stellar cartography up to date. It's not very difficult to piggyback a signal in or out. I have an algorithm I can alter to infiltrate Science, and from there the main computer. It'll look like any of a number of passive programs, and so not raise alarms. Once I'm in, I can have the computer send back tactical information to the relay station where I can access the data. You can do something similar with communications."

“Sounds good.” Caleb nodded to Alanna.

It was a lot of technobabble to Liam, but he kept his mouth shut as his brain tried to follow the conversation and tried not to wonder why the new Science chief seemed so au fait with piggybacking transporter signals and effectively boarding vessels without detection.

Amia was counting out in her head how many minutes there were between her Braxton and Hicks. She was sure this was what they were, but they were getting increasingly uncomfortable, and in a minute she might have to get up and move around, which was going to be hard to explain. She began trying to think what to say and to look for a moment to speak up when, as suddenly as they started, the pains just melted away again.

That was a close thing! she thought, relieved that, being the first ones she had experienced, they had been weak and ineffective and had gone off quickly and quietly. She hoped fervently that if any more serious ones decided to start, she might be somewhere less awkward when they happened.

She focussed herself back into the meeting discussions again, trying to think what equipment they had in Sickbay that might be useful in an infiltration. She had every type of scanner invented, but she knew that the ships had bigger and better scanning capabilities, so it didn't really help. She went on thinking around the inventory, but said nothing yet as she hadn't come up with any good ideas.

Being half Betazoid, Alanna picked up on Amia's emotions. She glanced over to her and whispered, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, thank you, I'm good." Amia whispered back. "Thank you for asking though." She gave Alanna a huge smile, grateful for her concern.

Liam was sensing the same as Alanna and was starting to panic. "I thought everything was okay," he asked, "after what happened at my medical. The waters breaking. Is she coming now?" he asked. His eyes flicked to Soran. "Can we beam her to sickbay, ma'am?" Amia had managed to stop labour occurring then with the baby being so early, but now she was in pain. Something was up.

"No, lovely friend. It's false pains. Every one has them. Kinda like rehearsing. I'm fine. We both are. Thank you but don't worry." Amia said in her calmest voice.

"Okay." Alanna knew about braxton-hicks contractions, and that they happened a lot leading up to the actual birth. She smiled at the doctor and turned her attention back to the meeting.

Caleb looked to Amia. “We could probably do with a few hypos of strong sedative,” he said. “Phaser fire on a ship will set off the internal sensors.” He gave a wry look. “Now would be a good time for me ta have one of those blasted sensor scramblers someone’s been usin’ on the station.”

"I can organise whatever medication you need. No problem Sir." Amia switched channels back to the business at hand again and replied to Commander Ryan's question.

Soran made a mental note to follow that problem up as well. Whoever had it was playing it smart. There hadn't been any more detected scrambling since the original incidents. "I don't know if we have one in stores, Mr Ryan. But there may be something we can do." She had a new Ops officer coming. They might be able to pull something off. "Any more ideas? "

Alanna shook her head. "I might once I get started, but for now I think I have all I need."

Amia reached under the table for Liam's hand and patted it reassuringly. "thanks" she whispered, not wanting him to feel pushed away.

"Very good. I suspect updates daily." Maritiza told them. "Dismissed."


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Commander Caleb Ryan
Chief Sec/Tac Officer

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Offficer

Commander Amia Telamon

Lieutenant JG Annora Tessaro
Assistant Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counsellor, DS5


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