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Set Up Phase, Part I of II

Posted on Mon Jan 22, 2018 @ 1:31am by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,426 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: OPS Conference Room
Timeline: MD01 1345

Previously on Suitable for 8 to 10 players

"Will you be using members of the station's security contingent to try and breach the defences of the Svikari?"

"That is exactly what we want," Janus replied to Annora. "We have two scenarios to test. A physical attempt to breach and take control of the ship. Scenario two is an attempt to obtain the schematics and other information on the ship’s defensive and offensive systems. How you approach it, we leave totally up to you."

And now...

With the flag admiral gone, Maritza gave it a count of ten to be sure they were completely gone. Then she turned to her staff. "Alright, everyone, thoughts?"

"I believe this is an appropriate response by Starfleet, considering what is standing outside our front door," Lieutenant Trellis said. "We cannot allow unsubstantiated fears to prevent us from doing what is right," he continued.

"Being totally honest, I think they're barmy," Alanna said. "The science doesn't fit what they say the weapons will do. You don't play around with black holes, even tiny ones. Causing a gravitational collapse is not something you can predict, nor are black holes. They're more likely to destroy themselves and everyone in the area. And I question their use of warp fields. They're too eager to have the biggest weapons in the galaxy to consider the damage they'll cause." She sighed. "But I am aware that they aren't going to listen to the scientific reasons why what they're doing is harmful to space and possibly time. So, I request permission to see how I can poke holes in their theories."

"One would tend to agree with Lieutenant Wells. The question is not whether this is going to go totally pear-shaped, but when. One is legitimately frightened of the catastrophic consequences that the Admiral is so dead set on ignoring," Krang said in a tone that showed both pained resolution, and barely constrained fury.

“If they’re lookin’ to impress the Cardassians, Ah’m not sure if a catastrophic failure is the best way ta go about it,” Caleb said, bemused. “Do we know anythin’ ‘bout the new ship other than the crazy next gen weapon system? Is it fairly standard Prometheus class? With the multi-vector system, there are a few extra access points Security could use for infiltration. There’s also the possibility of takin’ control of the ship from the secondary or tertiary battle bridge, if we can lock out the main bridge.”

"Maybe it's a deliberate move," Liam said softly. "They could be trying to get a reaction out of the Cardassians. Maybe they are hoping the Cardassians might have a go at testing the security of that ship out too. Going by my experiences with the Sixth Fleet, I doubt they could resist. Best to be prepared in case of other visitors when you attempt to board it, Chief," he offered Caleb.

Annora hoped that the predictions of doom and gloom wouldn't pan out. Especially those relating to temporal anomalies. "They seem pretty sure of themselves. Let's use that to our advantage. We should keep the station's shields at maximum during the test. Should help to mitigate any danger should things go south. As for the actual test, do we know if the ship will be docked with the station at any point leading up to the start?"

"Do we know how far away they intend to conduct these tests?" Amia asked. "I think there is a very good case to object on the grounds of endangering civilians and citizens of many worlds and cultures here on this station if they are planning to be anywhere within range of us," she conjectured.

That was a very good question. Alanna would have to do some calculations based on the size of the micro black holes and the distance from any habitable worlds, traffic lanes, or the starbase itself.

Maritza had been flicking through the padd whilst keeping her ears on the conversation going on around her. Privately she agreed with almost all of them, to a certain degree. Trellis was right about the Cardassians. She didn't share Wells' concern about the science; she didn't know that area of physics well enough to comment, but she did approve of checking it twice, and then a third time for luck.

She looked up from the padd. "Permission granted to pick holes," she said. "The more the better. " She thought Darkmoon was overreacting to the danger. They wouldn't be in field tests if it was that unstable. Then again, she didn't want anything risky near her station. "We can't object to the tests per se," she advised Amia, "but the proximity to the station is worth looking at. I'd like you and Dr. Wells to work out what you think would be a minimum safe distance, and tell me if they're proposing to be inside it. We can try and reduce any danger by pushing them further out."

Alanna nodded. She already had ideas she wanted to explore.

Maritza lifted the padd and turned to Caleb. "Nothing here stands out as being above and beyond a Promethean's standard specs, outside of the new weapons and shields. So its multiple parts could well be a good line of attack." She nodded at her Security and Intelligence people. "As for the Cardassian, I did ask Starfleet Command for assistance with their little invasion squad before T'Vaurek and Aldrex left. This is what they've chosen to send us. If the Cardassians see it as provocative, I think as well as a plan for doing as the Admiral wants, we need a plan to counter any aggressions directed at the station."

"I'll work with Lieutenant Wells, and also put Sickbay onto yellow alert as soon as the testing starts. If anything goes wrong, or if the Cardassians retaliate, I can see all of those possibilities meaning for a lot of casualties. Not a prospect I am personally looking forward too." Amia grimaced.

"Has anyone considered if they test this thing in the vicinity of the planet how that might go down with our new Fae neighbours?" Liam asked. "They sent us back in time for venturing into certain areas, amongst other things. Who knows how they might take something that could potentially create black holes in or near their space."

"As I understand it, the Fae retreated to their own dimension, having no further interest in our own. The portal complex is not something they actively control," Soran told him. "But you're right about being so close to a whole planet full of holes through space and time. We can only guess at what might go wrong there."

Liam didn't question further the new CO on her point that the aliens had retreated to their dimension, having allegedly no interest in theirs, but he had a feeling it wouldn't be the last they saw the Fae.

Alanna quirked an eyebrow at that comment. She wasn't sure she liked the possibilities. Something else she would have to look up later. There was far too much she didn't know about this station.

Amia had her own misgivings. Not just about the foxy Fae, but also about how many civilians, other parties, traders, diplomats, and not to mention crew she was going to end up patching up as this very unstable plan rolled out.

“The testing is supposed ta be out in the asteroid field,” Caleb said. “That might be far enough from the station an’ the planet. For the Cardassians, it’ll be awfully hard for them ta sneak up on our mini war group without the station or fleet detectin’ it. They’d have ta get ta the asteroid field itself first before they’d find any cover, unless Cardassians have developed cloaks in the last few days,” he said with amusement. “We could see if the Nemesis would park itself in the way, if we wanted.” He glanced at Soran, knowing she didn’t much like Commodore Pierce.

Maritza thought about it. Someone patrolling the perimeter, frustrating their snooping, might annoy the Cardassians beyond all reasons. It was an excellent idea. "I'll put the suggestion to Admiral T'Vel. Have you got any ideas on how to board the vessel?"

To Be Continued...

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Commander Caleb Ryan
Chief Sec/Tac Officer

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Offficer

Commander Amia Telamon

Lieutenant JG Annora Tessaro
Assistant Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief counselor, DS5


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