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Paying Respects

Posted on Sat Jan 13, 2018 @ 7:56pm by Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni
Edited on on Sat Jan 13, 2018 @ 8:11pm

2,194 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD 1 1400

The two green-skinned aliens walking along the Promenade drew stares for several reasons. The first was they were both incredibly attractive, the female with pointed ears like a Vulcan, and a curvaceous figure, the male with antennae like an Andorian, nose ridges like a Bajoran, and the pointed ears, as well. The woman’s hair was green, but the man’s was blue like a flower.

The second reason they turned heads was that they were Rowa’ni. The floral and fruity scent they wore tickled the senses of those they passed, stirring the blood, instigating the release of hormones, stimulating passion. It wasn’t mind control -- never accuse a Rowa’ni of being so vile as an Orion! -- but it was definitely a powerful aphrodisiac.

Rowa’ni weren’t unknown on the Promenade, of course. They owned an entire compound of their own in one section, fronted by the Lotus Lounge. But they tended to stay to themselves within the Lotus’ walls, not wanting to “give the nectar away for free,” as their leader Tianys Dalav’ni put it.

These Rowa’ni were different, however, and that was the third thing that made them draw stares. These two wore red Starfleet uniforms, the woman sporting commander’s pips, and the male those of a lieutenant. There were only three Rowa’ni in Starfleet, and two of them served aboard the Nemesis, currently docked with the station.

The pair turned down the short corridor that led to the entrance of the Lotus Lounge. It was quieter, less bustling. They paused in front of the darkened glass depicting the titular flower, no signage or name advertising the establishment. It was all very discrete.

The male, however, paused, glancing over to the next shop, one that sold Bajoran homemade goods, knickknacks, jewelry, art, and the beautiful Bajoran shopkeeper. She met his gaze and the male winked, causing her to blush.

The female looked at the male, saying no words aloud. He just grinned and shrugged, and she smiled and nodded. Then they entered the Lotus, the automatic dark glass doors parting on their approach, ushering them into a comfortable lobby with soft, overstuffed furniture and a long, dark wooden counter. From this side of the glass, one could look out on the Promenade, though it was impossible to look into the establishment from outside. The scent of the place hit one first, filling one’s senses, sending pleasure buzzing along ones nerve endings. It was heady, arousing. Not even Rowa’ni were fully immune to the effects of their own charms, though they remained more clear-headed than most species that entered the Lotus.

Behind the counter stood a male and a female Rowa’ni. The female had bright blue hair cascading down her back and Andorian antennae and Trill spotting, her figure voluptuous and enticing beneath her nearly sheer pale blue dress that molded to her figure, emphasizing features. The male had pointed Vulcanoid ears and Bajoran nose ridges. His moss-soft green hair curled with delicate attractiveness at his collar. He was bare-chested, wearing only an open vest and loose, flowing pants of the same nearly sheer material in white. They stood with padds talking to customers, greeting regulars, and taking information from new patrons so the Lounge could best serve their desires. Fresh fruit was on offer on a tray, along with pure, clean water.

Behind the counter was a simple paper screen illustrated with beautiful flowers and birds that separated the front lobby from the main club, ending a few feet before the walls to create open doorways.

Near each entrance was a burly Rowa’ni male, one with Klingon features and rose pink hair, the other with Cardassian features and violet hair, though both with the fresh green skin of the Rowa’ni and dressed in the same pants and vest. Their green eyes kept a constant vigil on the patrons entering and leaving the glass doors of the Lounge.

Once past the partition, the club opened up. The club was built on levels. Both to the left and right at entry level stretched long bars of rich, dark wood, highly polished to shine brightly in the low lighting. A highly carved railing kept patrons from falling down into the sunken level. Down three steps from the lobby led to the main level of the club. It was filled with soft chairs and couches and small tables with large ferns and other plants, giving each little grouping a modicum of privacy. At the far end of the room was a small raised stage on which Rowa’ni danced provocatively. On one side of the stage, a ramp led down from the kitchen and employee areas. Near each end of the bar, stairs led up to a balcony that circled the entire club. There were rows of doors on the balcony leading to private rooms.

Naked Rowa’ni males and females moved among the various patrons with trays of little goodies, munchies, and other intoxicants, including beverages. Other Rowa’ni, dressed in their typical simple yet provocative clothing, kept an eye on things. Other naked Rowa’ni lounged on the furniture with the patrons, curling up with them, touching and kissing, talking quietly about whatever subject they wished, though if things proceeded more carnally they were taken by the hand and led up the stairs to the private rooms.

The Lounge was filled with soft, trance-like music, soothing the patrons as they relaxed. Some inhaled from water pipes, others imbibed from small trays of mushrooms, drank, or were offered pills by roaming Rowa’ni; often, all methods were available. Some activated holoemitters on the small tables, fascinating themselves with colorful, dancing lights that moved to the beat of the trance music. And through it all was the intoxicating scent of the Rowa’ni themselves.

The two Rowa’ni at the lobby counter looked up, a bit surprised to see the uniformed Rowa’ni standing there, though they’d made no attempt to remain hidden from the Communion. They quickly plastered on fake smiles.

Welcome, Keesmaat Vacan’cil Mira’ni and Anzio Keesmaat’cal Mirani. The communication wasn’t exactly telepathic, though it was the closest approximation to the Communion that a non-Rowa’ni would understand. It was more a series of impressions, sensations, the warmth of the summer sun on the skin, the taste of fresh rainwater, the sound of wind rustling in the breeze, the smell of a rose, the vision of a sunrise. It was all tinged a bit darkly, however.

Well, not exactly the friendliest of receptions, Anzio thought to his mother.

What do you expect? Keesmaat said with a resigned smile. Afri’ni sentiment is strong among the Dalav’ni, and we are Mira’ni.

But you are still Rowa’ni, and therefore your welcome should be more hospitable, another voice spoke into the Communion.

The pair at the counter visibly winced and offered mental apologies.

Tianys came out of her office and penthouse quarters on the level above the balcony, pausing to look down on her domain, the mirrored window behind her reflecting her lush figure and rose red hair. She sauntered down the stairs with that sexy sway that all female Rowa’ni seemed to have, passing along the rail of the club, past the screen, and into the lobby.

Keesmaat and Anzio couldn’t help but admire the female, their eyes running appreciatively over her form.

You are very desirable, and I would lie with you if you wished, Keesmaat gave Tianys the appropriate compliment, which Anzio echoed.

And I with you, Tianys echoed, also appreciating the appeal of the pair of Rowa’ni before her. Among Rowa’ni, one did not withhold true compliments or offer false flattery. The Communion would know.

Keesmaat stepped up to Tianys and the two women pressed their foreheads together, offering a moment of shared consciousness. Anzio offered the same.

Tianys frowned as she stepped back. You withhold part of yourself, she scolded. It was the height of rudeness among Rowa’ni to not open one’s thoughts.

An unfortunate aspect of the job, I am afraid, Matriarch Dalav’ni, Keesmaat offered apologetically. As the matriarch of a House, Tianys outranked Keesmaat technically, though Keesmaat was the daughter of the matriarch of the largest Rowa’ni House. In order to not offend further, she emphasized Tianys’ superior rank. Starfleet expects secrets be kept.

Tianys huffed, the echo of her displeasure evident in the Communion. I am not sure acceptance among the naladis is worth not being able to be honest with your fellow Rowa’ni.

Keesmaat bowed in respect to Tianys’ opinion. I believe differently, she said simply But I understand your concern. The memories of the Lapjyp’wi are all too fresh in the Communion.

Tianys’ only response was to give a sharp look to the two Rowa’ni at the counter, her displeasure with them a fetid stench in the Communion.

The pair immediately jumped into action. They turned and picked up two ornate wooden bowls and filled them with water from a flowing fountain that sat under a wooden shelf holding carved idols of the Zeb’zak and Bokew. The bowls were also carved with images of the most important deities of the Rowa’ni pantheon.

The younger Rowa’ni brought the fresh water around the counter, the female going to Anzio and the male to Keesmaat, offering the bowls.

My water is your water, they intoned the traditional greeting into the Communion.

Waubkyd’wi’kew Anzio and Keesmaat returned with the invocation of the god of protection after they took long drinks from the pure, fresh water.

Tianys nodded to the younger Rowa’ni again, her approval now a sweet scent in the Communion.

I honestly expected you to visit sooner, Tianys told them, the sensation of a breeze in the Communion indicating they should follow her. They entered the club and took the turbolift up to the third floor where the House’s private quarters were located.

And we should have, Keesmaat admitted. I apologize for the rudeness of our tardiness in not paying our respects sooner.

Your time with the naldis is not making your manners better. What would your Matriarch think?

Keesmaat gave a wry smile. My mother approves of my goals in serving Starfleet, she said diplomatically.

Tianys’ skepticism was a sour taste in the Communion. I sense you are not here only to perform your obligations.

I am not withholding that from you, Keesmaat agreed as they entered Tianys’ private quarters.

The room was well appointed. Lush green vines with thick leaves and brightly colored orchid-like flowers and oblong green fuzzy fruit covered the walls. The floor was covered in comfortable sod grass, and several lounging couches of sod grass for furniture. Through a door could be seen a comfortable grass sod bed with carved wooden frame draped in flowering vines. Unlike the club below, the quarters were much more to a Rowa’ni’s liking, with the temperature around eighty and high humidity, with the strong scent of the orchid-like flowers blooming from the vines. Small, jewel-like hummingbirds buzzed between the flowers, pollinating and drinking the nectar, their joy of life evident in the Communion.

Tianys turned back to them and lifted an eyebrow, sending only a sensation through the Communion. Both Keesmaat and Anzio grinned, quickly disrobing from their Starfleet uniforms as Tianys removed her gown, as well, hanging it near the door.

When all three Rowa’ni were comfortable in their natural state, the door opened and several young Rowa’ni just coming into their fertility entered with trays of fresh fruit, fruit juices, water, and even a small bottle of a milky white liquid.

Oqawa, Keesmaat said with a smile.

My own, Tianys said with pride, pouring them each a small glass.

Keesmaat and Anzio sipped the fermented breast nectar of Tianys appreciatively. We are honored.

I am honored, Tianys said. It is not often the heir of House Mira’ni visits a small, out of the way House like Dalav’ni. She smiled. And that, I sense, is where your business lies.

Keesmaat finished her drink and put down the glass. Business can wait, she said, stepping up to Tianys and kissing her deeply, running her hands along the Matriarch’s lush curves.

Anzio smiled, stepping up behind Tianys to nuzzle her neck, caressing her hips, the heat of their mutual desire warm in the Communion as they made their way to the bedroom.


Tianys Dalav’ni
Lotus Lounge
NPC Caleb Ryan

Commander Keesmaat Mira’ni
Executive Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Anzio Mira’ni
Chief Flight Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan


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