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New tactics.

Posted on Wed Jan 17, 2018 @ 4:41am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

760 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD -4 0230


Yolanthe was last one out of The Box of Delights, as usual, and was about to set the alarm, when a familiar voice said,, "Evening Ibalin."

Yolanthe turned to the speaker. It was Gevran, the wrinkly old Yridian that was the closest thing to a Godfather that the station had, organiser and main profit earner from the illicit fighting ring that occupies the bottom levels of the station. He was standing there with his usual coterie, Kemmick is right hand man and the interchangeable nausicaan of the week, but there was also a third human. "What can I do for you Gev?"

"Its more what you can do for me, can we go in."

Yolanthe sighed and opened her gate again, and led them inside to her office. She served drinks and then sat down into one of her ebony rococo chairs. "What do you need?"

"Straight to the point." Gev smiled, "Always business with you, Ibalin."

"Well, I've already promised not to bet on your fights without permission, and refused to step in the ring myself. So you must want something else. This won't be a social call."

Gevran chuckled. "No it isn't. Remember your jaunt into Raddon's storage hangar not so long ago?"

"With the salubrious Mr Gabriel?" She turned blue for a moment chuckling. Poor Gabriel had nearly been crushed by the decks collapsing when the station moved far faster than it was supposed to, to dodge the planet emerging below. She'd hauled him out and put up with his grumbling about it until he'd found a way to get them out of the destroyed section. "Yes, of course."

"I'm getting curious. I want to know what inside. Asking nicely didn't work, so I'm going to make arrangements." He indicated the human who wasn't Kemmick. "This is Morty. He and some of his friends are specialists who do all sorts of tricky little jobs."

Morty stepped forwards holding out a hand. "Please to meet you, sweetheart."

She looked at him, then shook the offered hand with one of her own, now a dirty yellow. "Charmed. What do you do."

"Go places I'm not invited. I'm especially good with things that go boom. Making sure they don't go boom. Particularly when I'm standing anywhere near them, doing things other people wouldn't want me doing."

"I imagine that's a long list." Yolanthe said archly, unable to completely suppress her disapproval of a man putting himself in danger.

"Getting longer every minute, I reckon," he grinned back.

Gevran raised his glass and wet his lips. "Lani, I've told Morty all about Raddon and his lickspittles and their charming ways. I want you tell him everything you can remember about getting to, and getting in that lockup."

Yolanthe drank from her own tumbler of kanar. "Gev, it was a few months ago."

"Don't matter," Monty said, "Anything you can recall will help. Camera's, switches, keys, sensors."

Yolanthe looked doubtful. "Its probably all been changed by now."

"No offence love," Morty said, "But I doubt they'll do a root and branch reinstall just for some bar tender. Good security needs custom work, smart people. You just can't replicate it and leave it at that. They won't go through a new round of fuss for someone they must be 95 percent sure can't reprogram a light switch without help."

The dirty yellow got a lot cleaner. "None taken," she said. "And if it goes wrong, I've got an EMH program that Starfleet left behind. Its been isolated from the station networks so it can't grass on you."

"We use it for patching up some of my fighters," Gev added. "One hundred percent safe. Any issues, use this." He held up a small item, that looked like the casing from an isolinear rod. "Its good for a one time automated beam out. You can put three different co-ordinates in it, if you want to split up. But you all go at the same time."

"They can't beam," Yolanthe objected. "That hangar is shielded."

Monty laughed, "See love, you're telling us stuff already. That's mighty useful to know. He picked up his beer. "Start from the beginning. any little thing."

Yolanthe gave him a sceptical shrug, and set her glass down. "Well. The hanger is on deck 200. There's a little panel on the left hand side at foot level, open it up and there's a circuit board that needs a diode thing. a cylinder. If you don't have it, apparently the system kills you..."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Proprietor, The Box of Delights
[PNPC Soran]


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