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Like-Minded Individuals

Posted on Sat Jan 13, 2018 @ 3:17pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

1,911 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: The Dilithium Chamber
Timeline: MD 1 1900

Dorian Gabriel scanned the room briefly until he saw the person he was searching for. It wasn't that hard to find Artemis, even without his Starfleet uniform. The man had a distinct look that allowed him to stand out in a crowd of partiers and drinkers. He walked over to the man's table and spoke over the noise.

"Mr. Pierce," Dorian said directly.

The tall, dark-haired Australian looked up from his drink and conversation with two attractive, younger Human females at Dorian, raising an eyebrow questioningly. “Yes, mate? Can I help you?”

"Mr. Raddon would like to speak with you, in private," he said.

“Mr. Raddon?” Artemis glanced back at his two companions. “And what about? I’m off duty and enjoying a drink. Unless you’re Starfleet Command or the Federation President, I’m not accustomed to jumping when summoned, mate.” Of course, if Raddon had done his homework, it was more likely the Starfleet admirals who jumped when Artemis Pierce called.

Dorian's jaw clenched involuntarily as he suppressed the first thought to go through his mind. You...arrogant motherfu...

"Mr. Pierce, this is Melvyn Raddon we're talking about. I'm certain that he'd be much better company than the President of the Federation," Dorian said through a practiced smile. "He's very interested in speaking with you in a less...crowded environment," he said, gesturing to the crowd in the main area.

Pierce noted the flexing in the man’s jaw muscle and was inwardly amused.

“Melvyn Raddon. He plays Parisees Squares for New Avalon, right, mate?” He just had to push that button, deflate this toady’s ego just a bit.

Artemis looked across at his companions. “Eve, Myru, if you’ll excuse me,” he said with a nod.

“Of course, Artemis,” the blonde said, giving the brunette a look, arching her eyebrow.

Pierce stood and smoothed his civilian tunic. “Lead the way, mate.”

Dorian led the man through the crowd and mentally counted to ten in several languages to keep himself in check. He wanted to just punch the man in the mouth and drag him to see Mr. Raddon; however, he had been given specific orders to treat Pierce like a valued guest. Not the pompous ass that he was.

Dorian entered the room first, followed by the commodore. He nodded to the woman standing by the replicator as he went and took his seat in one of the plush chairs available.

"Commodore Artemis Pierce," Melvyn said as he stood to greet the man. "What a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance!" he said with a smile as he walked to the man and extended his hand.

“Mr. Raddon,” Artemis said with a nod, a lot more polite than he had been with the flunkie, taking Raddon’s hand in a firm, calloused grip earned working an outback station.

"Welcome to my humble establishment. I trust that you have been treated with considerable attention," he said as he gestured for his young assistant to bring over a tray of drinks. "We try to go out of our way to make visitors feel like they’re back at home, regardless of how deep into foreign territory we may be," Melvyn said as he took his seat again.

“Well, I tend to like to avoid attention, but yes, the service has been excellent,” Artemis assured Raddon. He took a scotch from the tray and settled into his own seat. “I’m a bit surprised you wanted to see me. I don’t get invited to many social gatherings since my days of infamy,” he said with wry amusement.

Melvyn reached for his glass and smiled warmly to his young cocktail waitress. She walked over to Dorian and kneeled down as he whispered to her briefly. She nodded and then left without further response.

"Surprised? That's a shame that you aren't appreciated more often by the Federation. You put your life on the line everyday for the betterment of our people," Melvyn said as he took a sip from his glass.

"From a personal standpoint, I wanted to thank you for your service on that tribunal Captain T'Vaurek allowed to take place," he said dispassionately. "It takes courage to stand-up in the face of political bullying, especially, from our so-called allies," he said.

"But you held your ground and showed everyone that we will always protect our own!" Melvyn said strongly. "This wasn't the first time that this station's commander abandoned a Human officer to the wolves," he said, gesturing towards his associate. "It's a shame that there was no one like yourself around to stand up for Dorian during his Starfleet-sanctioned witch-hunt," he said.

It had been years since Dorian had been dismissed as the Chief of Security for the station. It wasn't so much that he had been dismissed, but that he had actually be removed and then put on trial.

"I doubt even the great Artemis Pierce could have done much to stop Captain T'Vaurek and Cardassian ambassador Getal Tharek's conspiracy to get rid of me," Dorian said, the bitterness still obvious in his voice as he took a sip from his glass.

“I’m afraid I don’t know the details of Mr. Dorian’s plight,” Artemis said. Did he subtly emphasize the Mister? “But Caleb served under me on the Nemesis with distinction for several years. I was sad to lose him after…” He trailed off and sipped his scotch. “I reward loyalty. But Commander Ryan’s difficulties are far from over. He will still face an inquiry by Temporal Investigations, I’m afraid.”

Another sip. This was good scotch. “So why am I here, Mr. Raddon?” Pierce could play politics. It didn’t mean he liked it.

Melvyn smiled again. "You like to get straight to the point. I like that, Mr. Pierce!" he said excitedly. "Your talents are being wasted in that uniform," he said. "You understand what needs to be done to protect our way of life. Otherwise, Section 31 would have never given you a second glance," he said, indicating that man's prior affiliation with the organization.

"The Raddon Corporation is dedicated to the same ideals as you: to defend and protect humanity by any means necessary," he said solemnly.

Pierce gave a small smirk. “Ah, but they never actually could prove I was a member of Section 31, Mr. Raddon,” Artemis pointed out. “Otherwise, I would be tending gardens in a Federation penal colony.” He sipped his scotch. “Not that they didn’t try their best.”

Artemis lowered his glass to his knee, turning it idly in his hand. “I defend and protect the Federation,” he said. “Starfleet happens to be where my talents are most suited. I had a try at retirement, albeit enforced. It didn’t take.”

"You defend aliens who care nothing about our kind." Melvyn said, with a strike of seriousness in his voice. Gone was the jovial smile. It had been replaced with a scowl of intense focus. "Starfleet demoted you and tossed you aside, for what? So they could show their alien allies how fair and impartial they are?" He asked rhetorically.

"Starfleet was formed to defend and protect a United Earth that was just waking to the reality of the threats that existed in the galaxy." Melvyn said. "In its inception, it was Humanity that led Starfleet in tracking down and destroying the Xindi plot against us. It was Humanity that led the War against Romulus. But now look at what Starfleet has become." Melvyn said with a disgusted sigh.

"Its turned on its best and shining Officers such as Dorian, Commander Ryan, and even yourself." He said returning eye-contact with the Commodore. "You owe your allegiance to the Federation, not to some bureaucratic tool to be manipulated by whichever alien force." He said.

"My company is working to defend our homes, our people, our way of life, Artemis," Melvyn said in a more sincere tone. "I see that same spirit and drive inside of you," he said.

“Is that so? I thought your company was in shipping and exports?” Artemis queried. “But yes, that is why I serve in Starfleet.”

"It is, Artemis, it is. " Melvyn smiled as he took another sip of his glass. "But my financial success has given me the ability to advocate for causes that are truly important to me, my family, and others just like you and I," he replied. "Your work in Starfleet was commendable, but unappreciated. Come to an organization that won't feed you to the wolves just to cover some bureaucrat’s ass," Melvyn said.

Dorian sat quietly and simply observed the conversation. He wasn't a fan of Commodore Pierce even before Melvyn asked to speak with him. Dorian always felt that his involvement with Section 31 was never fully explained, and his mysterious return to grace by Starfleet seemed to smack of favoritism. Some could say that Dorian was feeling the pangs of jealousy. However, he had always learned to trust his gut, and something told him that Pierce was not the true believer that Melvyn was hoping for.

“Well, if I wanted back into the private sector, I’d just go back to my own company,” Artemis said, sipping his scotch. “As it is, Blackwatch does very well riding on the coattails of my commission, Mr. Raddon. My little girls may be grown up now, but I had been hoping to have a nice pension when I finally retire. I know there is little hope for promotion, given my...past indiscretions, but the job patrolling the border is a pretty quiet and easy way to wind down my career.”

Melvyn's many years in business had taught him to recognize when he had reached a dead-end. It appeared as if this master negotiator would not be able to convince this man that the grass was, in fact, greener on the other side.

"Very well, Artemis. I see that you are a man with his mind made up." Melvyn sighed. "If you are truly happy where you are, then I don't think I'll be able to convince you otherwise," he said as he stood and extended his hand. "It was a pleasure having the chance to spend time with you. Hopefully we can do this again in the future," he said with a genuine smile.

Artemis finished his scotch and smiled, standing and taking Raddon’s hand. “Just because I am happy in Starfleet, Mr. Raddon, doesn’t mean I do not share some of your concerns. Perhaps a man in my position could still be beneficial,” he suggested.

"I truly hope so, Artemis, I truly hope so indeed," Melvyn said as he shook the man's hand.

As the man left, Dorian put down his glass and looked towards the door as Melvyn's son, Raymond, entered the conference room.

"Well, that was a waste of time," Raymond said. He could tell by the look in Dorian's eyes that they were in agreement. "He's clearly still trapped in the mentality that Starfleet truly cares about defending Human interests," Raymond said.

"I wouldn't become so cynical yet, my boy. I believe that Mr. Pierce may prove to be more useful to our cause than even he knows," Melvyn said.

Melvyn Raddon
Raddon Corp

Dorian Gabriel
Security Consultant
Raddon Corp

Commodore Artemis Pierce
Commanding Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan


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