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Evening Drinks

Posted on Sat Jan 13, 2018 @ 4:32am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

966 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD01 1800

:: ON ::

Krang was touring the promanade and noticed an interesting looking shop. He walked in and was almost assaulted by the mix of sights and sounds and smells. He stepped up to the counter and waited for the bartender to notice him.

The bartender was a statuesque humanoid woman, several inches taller than him. She had violet skin and her hair was a rich purple. Her eyes were pure white with no sign of pupil or iris, yet she was obviously looking at him. "Hey there, what can I get you? I've got all artisan made drinks, alcoholic and virgin. No replication, everything made by hand, from all over the galaxy. Terran beers, trill ciders, Bolian whiskeys, Kanar, Romulan ale, Blood wine. Whatever you like, chances are we have it."

"A Terran hard cidre please." he answered.

"Coming right up." She put a pint glass under a tap, and pulled the lever. "I've not seen you around here before. And I think I would have remembered someone with your..presence."

"I just got here this morning, so, you are correct. I've never been here before."

A waitress who was all legs glided over, a large and laden tray in her hands and leaned over the bar. "Two of the Bolian Stouts , a Champagne Supernova and a Bajoran Brain Death for Table thirty." She swanned off to the other end of the bar to dump the empties.

The bar tender put another pint mug under another tap, and set it running. Then she retrieved Krang's own cider and placed it in front of him. "There you go, First one's on the house." she started reaching for cocktail equipment. "Passing through, or going to stay a while?"

"I am the new head of Station Operations." he replied. "So I guess the plan is for me to 'stay a while', but we'll have to see." he answered, then took a sip of his drink. "Ah, yes, very nice. It is a refreshing change to have a non-replicated drink. Thank you." he added a salutary raise of the glass to the end of his thanks.

The violet tones of the bartenders skin turned to a more blue tone, more lavender than violet. "Head of Stations Operations," she said thoughtfully. "The new XO?" a smiled passed over her lips and her skin and hair began to turn a very pale pink. "We'll you'll be very welcome in here, as long as you stay. Have you had much chance to explore here yet?"

"No. I haven't really had much of a chance to tour. I basically had to jump into the deep end as soon as my shuttle landed."

"That's par for the course around here. It's all good. Never a dull moment," She gave a low chuckle, "Assuming you aren't so jaded that you find being shot at, having a station come down on your head, or living in a place that has an enormous murder rate is dull to you?"

"Well, if that's the case, I'll feel right at home." he answered, laughing as well.

The bartender raised an inquiring eyebrow. "I have to ask where home is if that's the case. Orion space?"

Darkmoon gave a chuckle. "An easy mistake to make, however, One can assure you that one is not a Mugatu."

She raised an eyebrow, "Not a word I know.". She finished tipping ingredients into a shaker, and tightened the lid. She flicked it up into the air, letting it spin, and caught it again. "What does it mean? Orion?"

"No, a Mugatu is a large Simian species often kept as exotic pets by the Orions. I presumed that's why you asked if I was Orion."

She finished layering up a cocktail and rested it on a tray. "I actively try and avoid anything to do with Orions. Or their pets." She removed one of the pint glasses from under the tap. "So if you're going to be here a while, is there anything I should look into getting in to you? I've got contacts all over, I can get pretty much anything, eventually."

"One does not presently have any needs of that nature, but one will keep the offer in mind."

Her violet tones turned blue, "Oh, everyone has needs, Mr...?"

"Darkmoon." he answered, regretting the decision to enter the bar, if this painfully forward attitude was going to be commonplace.

"And here at The Box Of Delights, we specialise in seeing them met, whether your interest is wine, wagering, or women." Her skin was the azure of a sunny sky, her hair a shade deeper. "Or men. Or both. I'm terrible at guessing."

"One finds it strange that you would be so forthcoming, especially since one has been warned to monitor this establishment closely."

She laughed, a rich and suggestive sound. The blue tones of her body deepening even further to a royal blue. "I certainly hope you have. We value your custom." She loaded up her tray, and a very attractive young man in tight clothes and long hair to his waist glided past and collected it. She started on a new order. "My humble establishment works hard to ensure everyone knows we can meet all their fantasies. I have over 30,000 holonovels, and hundreds more other scenarios, from gladitorial combat to Risan spas. I'm sure there's something there that you will enjoy."

"And how much of that 'accommodation' comes at the cost of 'skirting' the occasional regulation or three?" he asked with a telling tone.

The blue tones flushed a dark yellow. "Everything here is legal. Though if you don't believe me, I'm sure you'll find the Dilithium Chamber much more to your liking" And I'll enjoy watching them turn you away.

**post truncated**

Yolanthe Ibalin
Proprietor, The Box of Delights


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