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Striking while the iron is hot - part 2

Posted on Fri Oct 27, 2017 @ 11:04pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian Hydel Turvan

2,971 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: MD 08 1430


"Maam," Liam started a debrief. "We don't have a lot of time so I will try to be fast. I have been here a year now and its almost like the sixth fleet Guls are causing as many issues as possible, trying to watch us and wear us down any way they can. The same attitude every time, threatening to go to war. The worry is, they are making a play to get this station and control of the planet below. Which I am sure you know far more than I do on that score going by your previous assignment and have contingency plans in place.

As does Diplomacy. In terms of the bigger picture here I need to prep you as to the process if the Cardassian Ambassador does in fact hand over an order 13 once he arrives. As the Federation institution who gets that documentation, we are unfortunately responsible for getting several measures in place before Starfleet command will officially take charge of the situation. You will be effectively responsible for a long list of bureaucratic responsibilities very quickly.

Your first port of call after notifying Starfleet headquarters will be to notify all the other embassies. My team have drafted up messages at the ready if you would like me to send these communicees on your behalf? Then we have a long list that Starfleet command have put together of key personnel that have to be moved to safety. They will be for various reasons, central to the war effort. You have to circulate that to all Federation territories and allies. We have 7 here on the station," Liam placed a further PADD on her desk.

I can brief you on the expanded list of what needs doing once we know the state of play," Liam said simply, handing over another PADD. "Summarised from the most recent treaties and any changes in the last 6 months. All responsibilities are highlighted and I have put them in order of importance. I am sure you don't have the time to commit to go through the thousands and thousands of pages of documentation at present so I have tried to make things more comprehensive and easier for you."

C1 - The poor diplomat who got the assignment to head the Federation Embassy on Cardassia Prime is called Jenkins. He's been lying low watching and gathering as much information on what's happening and the key players for a while now. The view has been to really know your enemy you have to go to ground with them. If you want to wrestle the devil you have to bring them in close, only then can you get them to the ground. A fact I am sure you also don't need me to remind you. However he is set to cause as much uproar as possible now, pretty much give the Cardassians a taste of what they have been doing to us. He's going to nitpick and complain about everything to keep them busy before anything can officially be declared and we lose our eyes and ears in Cardassia. As the next port of call as with us, would be to expel any diplomatic parties.

C2 - Its all about diplomatic sanctions. The Cardassians have clearly forgotten how much the last war they participated in against the Federation cost Cardassia. They have only been able to rebuild in the last 17 years due to the treaties and allies they now threaten. Also again, probably not new news to you, but their Ambassador here has not been making many friends during his time here." Liam placed a PADD in front of her. "9 Official complaints in the last 2 months, almost 40 unofficial - the diplomatic parties involved agreed to not proceed further with."

Chapman and I have had drafted up paperwork to cease all financial and commodity aid to all Cardassian territories immediately. A transitional paper which I believe we can get agreement on quickly and signed off by the majority of the other embassies and allies is ready, if it takes slightly longer to hammer out all the usual intricacies.

She didn't reply at first, letting it all sink in. Oh it was dressed up in procedure and bureaucracy, but what it came down to was much simpler. War. Were the Cardassians willing to declare war over an incident in intentional space where they were the aggressors. She glanced through the complaints. Individually they were nothing serious, but the sheer weight was threatening to bring down an avalanche. "Well." She said looking up to where Liam stood. "Let's hope Turvan blinks, or you're going to have a very busy afternoon."

"More like busy year Ma'am," Liam stated dryly.

Ambassador Hydel Turvan walked through the sliding doors and planet his feet directly before the Commander's desk.

"What?" He asked impatiently. Not even stopping to offer a sign of acknowledgment towards the Diplomatic Officer.

"What was so important that you DEMANDED that I be escorted by Security to your office." He demanded of the woman.

She looked up a him, eyes calm and cold. "Are you willing to declare war on the Federation and all its allies?"

"What are you prattling on about? My time is valuable, I wouldn't expect you to understand that since your Starfleet has seen fit to 'gift-wrap' command positions to any warm body on the Operations Deck." He replied ruefully.

Soran ignored his bluster. "We have an issue with the leader of your tactical wing, Gul Nivall. He's rattling his sabre again, and if he follows through, there will be repercussions. Serious repercussions that threaten peace between our governments."

Turvan sighed in an exasperated tone. "He's playing you like an Arkellian Fiddle." he replied quickly. "He knows that you are, to be quite frank, questionably qualified to sit in that chair. He's poking you to see if he can get an over-exaggerated reaction from you. Just give him whatever it is that he's asking for and just be done with it. Otherwise enjoy looking like a buffoon when you go to Red Alert and he's still in neutral space laughing at how naive you were." Turvan responded.

"Sorry to interrupt Lieutenant," Chapmans voice cut through to Liam's comm. badge, " but the diplomatic deck is all in upheaveable. Somehow all the Embassies are aware that a Cardassian warship is trying to declare war and they are not happy. Arguments are breaking out among the ambassadors and well they are colourfully riled up to say the least,"

"The Klingon ambassador, and these are of course his words not mine, wishes to know when he can tear down the honourless spoon heads embassy with a single dagger and make it into a paddock for his prize targs to deficate in. He believes that a better smell is required once the spineless ones finally walk out of here with their tails between there legs. The Nausians wish to put up what I can only describe as a scarecrow image of Ambassador Turvan and perform some archaic voodoo ceremony designed to curse him to all eternity and burn it to a crisp and the nocturnal Fierliners have actually woken during the day to demand the Ambassadors head on a platter wishing to ingest it with an order of those frozen grubs we have to ship in special in a bid to understand his stupidity of allowing such a situation to arise over something so small and pointless."

Liam fought not to laugh at the sudden requests and Turvans true emotional reaction to it. "Thank you Chapman, give me a few minutes and I'll be able to tell you how to respond. He turned to the Cardassian ,

"Quite right. We look like the Buffon and are being laughed at. It comes down to this Ambassador, either get your Gul in line and to show the appropriate respect, and to follow the procedures agreed by your government - something which you also need to start doing or hand me an order 13 in this office now. I'm not willing to spend another year going round in circles having the same conversations with your sixth fleet commanders and I sure as hell am not spending energy sortng that mess out so if you wish an embassy to walk back too you have some diplomacy to actually do with other parties. You might wish to reconsider your stance on permanently insulting everyone.

Oh and Starfleet put this woman in charge, if you don't like that decision your welcome to log your concerns with Starfleet command," he turned back to the Captain and informed her with pleasure, "I can wing things for you to detain him in the brig indefinitely under section 87, article 14 of the stations charter on account of he's rattled up and caused uproar between several parties in my diplomatic deck and his associates are not respecting the chain of command. We normally waver this for diplomatic personal but I feel that in this instance that curtesy can be overlooked if you desire Ma'am.

"Save the theatrics, you and I both know that you'll do no such thing. If your security forces so much as take one step into the Cardassian Embassy without authorization, you will have breached our sovereign territory." Turvan responded.

"That's a path I'm sure you don't wish to go down again, isn't that right Commander?" He said turning his attention back towards Soran.

"In the past 6 months Starfleet has invaded a Ferengi vessel, killing several personnel. Not to mention you activated a time portal that resulted in the death of a Cardassian child and the kidnapping of another. Plus, there's that little race riot you have brewing on the civilian decks of this station." He added.

"You don't have the diplomatic capitol to launch a new offensive against another government. The only reason the Ferengi debacle did not explode into something bigger was because you undoubtedly bribed the Ferengi Ambassador." Turvan mentioned.

"So far, Cardassia has not fired a single shot against this station. Therefore, any military action taken by you will be seen as a hostile action." He said as he looked into her eyes.

"Like I said, he's playing you like a Fiddle. He'd love nothing more than for you to get riled up and make the first move; therefore, destroying any credibility the Federation Council would have if this escalated into a more protracted engagement." The Cardassian said.

"Stand down and allow calmer heads to prevail." He concluded.

"Okay Ambassador, first of all I have said it before but I will reiterate it once more I would never attempt to take your crown when it comes to theatrics. But if we must do this the long way round in response to all your points - 1 No one will be stepping foot in the Cardassian embassy. If Captain Soran takes the decision to throw you in the brig the same security forces that escorted you from the civilian restaurant that I have nicely just been billed for your 4 course lunch, including the dessert you had not eaten by the way and are currently still stood outside, will escort you from here. Cardassian Sovereignty will not be compromised in any way.

2 - The Ferengi incident has been dealt with but if the Ferengi feel its not sufficient its up to them to speak to us not the Cardassian Empire.

3 - Cardassians were in the party that activated a time portal down on the planet so you cannot lay all blame at our door. Also the Cardassian child in question, the party in that particular environment was being protected not harmed. If you wish to debate this incident again and further I am happy to be at your disposal again and further. Assuming of course we are not at war and you are not in the brig.

4 - The race riots you mention are being investigated by Federation security with full involvement with all allies and embassies on the station. If you checked the communicees I regularly send you, you would know where things are there.

5 - Diplomatic capital - the federation is not the ones with allies calling for our head. Quite literally calling to eat your head. With frozen grubs.

6 - I bribed the Ferengi Ambassador. No I lost a lot of money in a poker game to her although my Captain here feels I conducted a tea party. Feel free to check the records at the Lotus Lounge showing the games room booked, staff who dealt the cards and copies of the winning and losing slips. If you prefer I can show you my losing ones and the receipts to show I paid up with my own hard earned Latinum. I guess poker isn't really my thing.

And finally Cardassia may yet to fire a shot but neither has the Federation taken any military action against the Cardassian Empire. We have stated on record we are willing to listen to and consider your issue, once appropriate protocol is followed. We have asked you to present us with an order 13 if your Gul is in fact threatening to break the peace treaty and also your Gul refuses to follow protocol and both him and the Cardassian Ambassador of the station refuses to show the correct level of respect to the command staff here.

I have asked you to either get your Gul in line, as in do your job as the diplomatic aid of Cardassia so that as you point out quite rightly calmer heads can prevail or to back your Gul who has implied he is going to met out military action. You should be assuring your allies, not insulting them and allowing one of your Guls to try rile things up. This is the point where you as Cardassian diplomat step in, deal with him and calm the situation down. This is the point that you as Cardassian diplomat work with your diplomatic counterparts to defuse the situation. But instead you accuse me of making bribes and drag up every other issue you can rather than do your job and sort out this one.

Can you do your job Ambassador? Is that the problem, your incapable of reigning in your Gul and keeping him in line. Because if that's the case I can put a call into Cardassia prime and request a diplomat who can.

Maritza waited for Reynolds to run out of steam, and then held up her hand to forestall anymore outbursts from either man. The lieutenant's tirade was probably not going to help, although the points had to be made.

"Thank you, Mr Reynolds, I will speak for myself, going forward." She laced her fingers together and rested her hands on the table in front of her. "Ambassador. A Cardassian ship committed an act of piracy, and now Gul Nivall is demanding I hand over the victims, or he will take matters into his own hands. As for 'giving him what he wants'?. We do not bow to bullies, Ambassador. We will not aide and abet further illegality. We are also bored with the endless attempts at provocation. However," she said with emphasis, "We also recognise that he is obviously no friend to you, and rather than give him the war he so desperately wants, I want to find ways of solving this problem together."

Afterall, the enemy of my enemy on my side is one less problem to deal with immediately, she thought.

Ambassador Turvan paused for several moments. Although he would never admit it to the Federation, he himself was unsure of the motivation behind Gul Nivall's actions. The Cardassian Commander had always seemed level-headed and was not one to agitate opposing forces for no reason. Naturally, the Gul wanted to set an example for his troops; however, it made little sense for him to risk outright conflict for the sake of arresting a handful of terrorists.

"Fine." The Cardassian finally said.

"I will speak with Gul Nivall and bring this matter to a close. However, you will be expected to place your rabbid Diplomat on a leash. The last thing I need is for him to create political problems due to his overzealous reaction." He said, referring to Lieutenant Reynolds, but not looking in his direction.

"We will take actions to ensure our mutual co-operation," Soran smiled. It was a non-answer that could be taken any way someone chose. Just to end on the right note, "Mr Reynolds, if you would wait a moment?" She rose and offered Turvan her hand. "Thank you for your time, Ambassador."

The Cardassian responded with a firm handshake and promptly turned on his heels and walked out of the office.

Liam stood to attention as he watched the Cardassian weasel leave. How he had the Gaul to call him overzealous and suggest he cause political problems was hilarious. Turvan lived for that. The amount of problems that man had thrown his way in the last year big and small, the amount of theatre that he had had to participate and sheer insults to bear repeatedly.

He expected to get chewed out no doubt again. She had try cement her position with an iron fist. From his experience it was all the woman knew. Soran had been given a promotion many didn't feel she had earnt and had the ability to do. Something that would rear its head again repeatable no doubt among the rest of the embassies not to mention the general feeling of unease and lack of confidence among the staff. Turvan would use it as a weapon to poison them against her. And if she was stupid enough to put him on a leash then she would be playing straight into Turvans hand.


Commander Maritza Soran

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Ambassador Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire


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