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Striking while the iron is hot - part 3

Posted on Sat Oct 28, 2017 @ 3:52am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

899 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Just outside Deep Space 5 jurisdictional space
Timeline: MD 8 1930

Gul Druman Nivall loomed over his conference table as his subordinate Guls poured themselves over countless reports, diagrams, displays, and any other piece of information that would better prepare them. Gul Nivall kept a straight face, but on the inside he beamed with pride as he saw the collective Guls of the 127th Tactical Wing or Tar'elk coming together to do what they were trained to do, what they were meant to do: Fight for Cardassia.

There was a blur of activity and information among the other five Guls in this meeting. Each Gul commanded a particular kes'elkor or wings within the 127th. Each kes'elkors was comprised of 4-6 vessels. All in all, the Tactical Wing was preparing to launch 26 vessels into a pitched battle against a Federation starbase that had been armed to the teeth.

"Gul Orhkell, what is the current garrison strength of the Federation facility." Gul Nivall asked. He knew the answer; however, he wanted it brought to the attention of his Senior Guls so that they knew what they were up against with their respective Kes'elkors.

"Sir, from what we have learned from our scans as well as information from our contacts within the station, their Fighter Wing is at basic strength.The fighter wing is at basic strength. The current Commander of the Air Group is an interim replacement, Starfleet has not designated a full-time CAG to lead them. The Marine detachment, the 6th Combined Operations Group, 21st Marine Expeditionary Unit, 9th Marine Division to be exact, is dispersed throughout the planet's surface in various forward operating bases." Gul Orhkell, commanding Gul of the Warship Survell

Gul Nivall nodded. "What is their complement of Fighters"? He asked.

"Approximately 180 Fighters, sir." Gul Orhkell responded.

"What vessels does the station have at its disposal?" He directed this question towards a different Gul.

This time Gul Dulvet, commanding Gul of the Warship Arvawn responded. "Sir, we are not exactly certain what additional vessels currently docked at the station have the capacity to engage in a sustained firefight. We do know that three vessels have been identified: USS Deloraine and the USS Ararat, both of which are Wallace Class Garrison Escort Vessels. The other vessels include the USS Satyendra Nath Bose, a Oberth Class Garrison Science Vessel, as well as the USS Nemesis." She identified. "We can anticipate the station will call for reinforcements immediately." She reported.

Gul Nivall knew that without an accurate count of combat capable vessels, he would be moving at a disadvantage. More importantly, he knew that the station would call for reinforcements and it would be only a matter of time before they arrived to complicate things.

"Fine, but the most important question is what weapon compliment does this station have." Gul Nivall said as he leaned forward on the conference table towards his gathered Guls. "I want to know how much firepower this station can produce against us." He said.

Gul Hulceen, one of the more elder and experienced Guls and commander of the Warship Beldon. He had served for many years with and under Gul Nivall as they rose in the ranks within the Sixth Order. Out of all of the Guls assembled, Gul Nivall trusted him the most.

"Sir, this station in particular possesses a High Capacity Auto-Modulating Shielding system, including regenerative shielding and ablative armor." He began. "They also have as a defense mechanism a Advanced Holographic Decoy Array."

"The Guardian Platform. . ." Gul Nivall said knowingly.

"Yes sir; however, after the debacle that occurred the last time the system was activated, I doubt we will experience much trouble from that system." Gul Hulceen replied. As he continued to he activated another Heads Up Display that showed what systems he was specifically referring to.

"From the perspective of Offensive capabilities, we are looking at 340 Type XII Phaser Arrays, 86 Point Defense Batteries, 36 Burst-Fire Torpedo Launchers." He listed. "In terms of torpedoe compliment, they have around 9500 Photon, 4800 Quantum, 750 Polaron, and 600 or so Tri-Cobalt Devices." The Gul reported.

Gul Nivall smiled. The information Gul Hulceen provided demonstrated that the Cardassians had spent significant time and effort in learning their enemies strengths and various weaknesses. It undoubtedly required an extensive intelligence network within the station to gain access to such detailed tactical information.

"I'm impressed, it appears the installation is well-armed." He began. "But it won't be enough," He said as he continued to review the data sent to his padd. "I want you all to report back to your Kes'elkorand begin battle drills." He said as he concluded the meeting.

"Yes sir," The gathered military Commanders responded in unison as they all stood up and departed from the conference room.

"Sir, we're being hailed by Ambassador Turvan," A young female Glinn reported to him. "He is requesting permission to beam aboard to speak with you directly." She commented.

"Very well," Gul Nivall said. He had anticipated this conversation from the Ambassador. However, the fact that Turvan had traveled directly to him demonstrated how important he was taking the recent spate of actions.

"Permission granted, I'll meet him at the Transporter Room myself," Gul Nivall said with a smile as he made his way towards the designated location.

Commanding Gul
Druman Nivall
127th Tactical Wing


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