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Posted on Tue Oct 24, 2017 @ 1:28pm by Civilian Thereen Tera & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

2,780 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Liam's quarters
Timeline: MD7 Evening

"Message from Lieutenant Reynolds," the computer alerted the quarter’s occupant as they entered.

“Play back, please,” Tera said as she walked into her kitchen and put down the fresh groceries she had just purchased at the market on the promenade. She stretched a bit and pressed her hands to her back. It had been a long day at the shop, and then more time spent in her work area, unpacking a new shipment and working on some projects of her own. She really wanted to just soak in the tub. As tired as she was, the replicator was tempting, but she found cooking actual food rather relaxing.

As the message started to play, Tera pulled out a container of fresh hasperaat spices and took a sniff, the spiciness burning her nose a little and forcing out a cute little sneeze from the Bajoran woman.

"Lieutenant Reynolds invites you for dinner in his quarters this evening," the computer informed her.

Tera blinked a bit in surprise. “I’m so tired,” Tera admitted with a small smile. Her stomach fluttered a bit to think Liam was thinking of her. She glanced over and raised an eyebrow, spotting a sheaf of flowers that she had missed. Obviously the cleaning lady had brought them inside. Tera picked them up and sniffed them with a smile, one that brightened when she saw the card from Liam.

“Tell Lieutenant Reynolds I will be delighted to have dinner with him,” Tera said, sending back the reply.

Replicating a vase, Tera arranged the flowers on the table. Then she quickly put her groceries away before heading to her bedroom, peeling off her tunic as she went, undressing to take a shower and make herself presentable for her Betazoid lover. She dressed in a little black dress and some heels. She put her long, black hair in a French braid with some of the little white flowers from Liam’s bouquet braided into it. Then she added a touch of makeup and headed out.

Tera blushed a bit as she got a few comments from passersby on the Promenade before exiting a turbolift onto the much less populated senior crew quarters. She paused to check her hair and makeup again, adjusted her dress, and rang the chime.

The door slid open and Liam smiled at her. "Hi. Come in. I opened some wine," he handed her a glass and kissed her quickly on the lips before stepping aside and letting her into his apartment.

Tera smiled, returning the kiss. “I haven’t heard from you in awhile,” she said, only half accusingly. “And I don’t think I have been in your quarters before.” She looked around. They were bigger than her small flat about her shop, but that was to be expected for a Starfleet department head.

"Yeah, I need to talk to you about a couple of things," Liam said sheepishly. "I don't know what ‘this’ is. Us. We haven't got a label on it, but I have been struggling lately. Confused. My Betazoid biology, upbringing. It's possible to be attracted, even feel love for, multiple people. I have never experienced something like this until lately. Tera. I really like and respect you, and because of that I can't not be honest with you. I also have found myself being attracted to a colleague. Nothing has happened with that person. Nor do I know if it ever would. I understand if you want to stop seeing me. I hope ... that you won't," he said honestly.

Tera blinked in surprise. “That...That is quite a lot to get blindsided by, Liam,” the Bajoran shop owner said, sitting on the couch. “I...Who is it?” she asked, and then vigorously shook her head. “No, it’s...I probably shouldn’t know. None of my business, right?” She gave him a wan smile.

This was something new for Tera. She had seriously begun to like Liam, and they had slept together a few times, a few amazing times. He was very nice, he didn’t hold her family against her. Yes, she could say she might be falling for him. And this...was a bit of a kick in the gut, leaving her conflicted. He was right; they hadn’t really defined the relationship they had. Such sharing was very much not the Bajoran way, however, nor had she a lot of dating experience, given her status among the Bajoran population of the station.

“ you, Liam,” Tera admitted, her blue eyes wide as she looked up at him. “This is...incredibly new to me. I wouldn’t want to lose what we have. And...And I understand your...traditions are different than mine. I want to try and about that. I mean...I can’t stop how you feel about someone. I don’t...want to stop seeing you, either,” she admitted.

Liam felt awful as he sensed all the emotions from Tera. She really liked him. He really liked her too. Perhaps Cade was right. He should concentrate on making something with Tera. "Then let's not stop seeing each other. Nothing might ever happen with the other woman, and if we get serious then it's a whole other board game. I don't cheat," he said seriously. Memories of Haku, his last serious relationship cheating on him with the XO of his last ship, flooded back. No way would he put anyone through that kind of hurt.

He took the wine back off her and placed it on the coffee table then ran his fingers softly over her hair, ending in caressing her cheek. He kissed her again softly. "Let me serve you dinner. Spoil you, Tera. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."

Tera smiled softly, turning her cheek into his hand. “I…all right,” she said with a soft smile.

Liam led her to his table where there was salad already out and a large bowl of linguine pasta. There were some small bread rolls on another plate. "These are oscoids. Betazoid shellfish in the pasta. It's a favourite meal of mine. I thought you might like to try it. Of course, if it's not to your taste I can replicate you something else. Anything you like."

“It smells delicious, Liam,” Tera said. “It will be fine.” She pressed his hand and then took a seat, unfolding the napkin to place in her lap. It was a bit awkward, after the revelation of his feelings for another woman, but she was trying to make it work. “How has your day been?” she asked, sipping her wine.

"Not too bad. One of the Rozielian diplomats brought a pet from home and it got loose in the diplomatic deck. That was fun. It ruffled a few feathers among some of the other ambassadors," he grinned. "A Tallituboo. Flies, similar to an Earth hummingbird, but much bigger. It's kind of cute, really. They change colour and make the most adorable sounds. Harmless thing. Just flying round and round the deck until we figured out how to entice it back to its cage." He picked up a padd and showed her some video footage of the incident.

"No doubt I will have several complaints insisting on a total ban of any animals in the diplomatic areas in the morning," he groaned. "But there's fish in the Bajoran temple, bugs in the Ferengi embassy, and the Klingons have a couple of targs kicking around in their embassy, so I doubt much can come of it. They'll try though, just for something to argue about for a few days."

Tera reached over and squeezed Liam’s hand. “Better than dealing with some emergency or other.”

"Oh!" LIam remembered as he sat down and placed his napkin over his lap. "I had a couple of other things to talk to you about. Firstly, I need your advice. My sisters -- step sisters, well new step sisters -- mother recently remarried. They are coming to visit. Have you any ideas on how to keep a couple of teenage girls amused for a few days?" he asked her advice. He had been at the Academy for much of Hannah's teenage years, so had missed most of it. This was unfortunately new territory for him.

“Hm,” Tera mused thoughtfully. “There is plenty of shopping on the Promenade,” she said. “And the holosuites. There are some all ages clubs, though I would keep them away from the Lotus,” Tera said with amusement. “What do they like to do?”

"I have no idea. This is the first time I'm getting to meet them. Mother has decided I am effectively dead to her for a year. It's a stupid, old fashioned Betazoid tradition," he explained at her confused face. "I refused to marry a woman back home and secure the line of succession was...sturdier, shall we say, and create an alliance between houses." He grimaced. He supposed he ought to come clean about something that not many people knew about him.

"I wasn't invited in her recent wedding. Tera, my family is of one of the eldest and most noble houses. My mother commands a lot of respect and influence. It's not something I share with a lot of people, as I have always wanted to be accepted on my own merits, not my family’s history or wealth."

Tera gaped a bit at Liam then. “I...had no idea, Liam,” she said. “That… I am sorry to hear you are estranged from your family.” So why was he slumming with a shopkeeper? “I can understand why your mother might be upset though, if it is that important to her.” Tera knew her own prospects for finding and marrying a Bajoran were thin, giving her collaborator status, unless she married another collaborator and compounded her problem.

"The year will be up in another two months. My new step sisters clearly feel as Jon and Hannah, that it's a stupid tradition and are happy to interact with me during this stupid mourning period. Would you like to meet them?" Liam asked.

Tera blinked with surprise. First, he wanted them to have an open-ish relationship, and now to meet his family? “I...well, sure,” Tera said. “If you want me to. When are they coming?” She picked up her wine and took a sip.

"Tomorrow," Liam answered. "Their transport lands at 1300. I am going to meet them and take them for a late lunch, then settle them into the quarters I arranged for them. Do you fancy lunch?" he asked hopefully. He was being a wuss, of course, but having Tera there would probably make him feel better, he suddenly reasoned.

“I…” Tera said. That was sudden. “Yes, I suppose I could do lunch,” she said, not having a real reason to decline. She was caught up on work, and really, she did need to eat. “Anything special?” she asked him.

Liam was confused for a moment. Did Tera think he was asking her to make lunch? He better clear it up in case. "I'll make a reservation somewhere," he said. "Maybe we could try that French place on the Prom Deck 412? Or do you think with teenagers we should go something fast food wise?"

“How about the new place that just opened on my deck?” Tera said. “It’s called Gino’s. It’s this new thing, a holo-restaurant. It specializes in Terran food, and each week has a different theme, and the restaurant and decor is all holographic, so it changes to fit the theme. This week is something called a...Fifties Diner?” she said. “I don’t know much about Terran food, but the menu is hot dogs, burgers, fries, onion rings, milk shakes, chicken fingers, buffalo wings… I didn’t think chickens had fingers, and I’m pretty sure buffalo don’t have wings. But maybe. I’ve never been to Earth.” She gave Liam a smile. “It has been pretty popular with the teenagers this week. Last week was Spanish tapas, and it was a beautiful villa overlooking the ocean, fresh sea breeze and everything.”

Liam grinned. "Sounds perfect. Yes, chickens don't have fingers. It's fried chicken sticks. They just call them fingers. And buffalo don't have wings either. It’s chicken wings fried and coated in sauce. You dip them in blue cheese. Oh, I'll have to do some serious running to work off tomorrow's lunch," Liam sighed.

Tera laughed. “I’ll run with you, if you want,” she offered. “So why do they call them buffalo if it’s chicken?” she asked, confused.

"Ahh," Liam said. "Well, you see, the first ever plate of chicken wings was served in a place called Buffalo in the USA on Earth. So they got referred to as Buffalo wings."

“Huh,” Tera mused.

"Would you like some desert?" Liam asked as he refilled her wine glass. "I programmed the replicator with Granny’s recipe for apple and raspberry crumble. It's beautiful with some cold cream or ice cream."

That sounds delicious,” Tera replied. “Ice cream for me, please.” She sipped her wine and started to clear the plates to make room for dessert.

"No," Liam said softly. "Let me sort that," He took the plates out of her hands and handed her back her wine. "You just relax. I'll sort the crumble." He put the dishes back into the replicator and let the machine whisk them away before ordering two of his personal program, his Gran’s desert with ice cream. He then placed it in front of Tera and sat down again.

"You know, we have only talked about me so far. What have you been up to, Tera?" he asked, feeling bad he had taken up all the conversation. "Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" he suddenly asked. "Because you really do look lovely. And I really like your hair like that. You suit it braided." He reached out and touched one of the delicate white flowers, then smiled when he realised they were the ones he had sent her.

Tera blushed, self-consciously touching her raven locks. “I am glad you like it,” she said. “The flowers are beautiful. Thanks.” She sipped her wine. “The shop keeps me busy,” she said. “And there was a meeting of the non-Human members of the Promenade Merchants Association I went to. They wanted to talk about the tensions between Humans and other species on the station, and, in particular, what to do about the Dilithium Chamber. Things really are getting tense. Two murdered Humans were transported onto the Dilithium Chamber’s awning recently. Things are getting rather horrific, on top of my usual problems as a pariah in the Bajoran community.” She gave a weary smile.

Liam nodded. He took Tera's hand in his and turned serious. "Tera, steer clear of the Dilithium Chamber. Please. I would hate to see anything happen to you. I've met the man who owns that place, and his right hand guy who flat out lied to me about who he was. There's things not right there,and .... well, secrets. Definitely secrets. I got the empathic impression they are both dangerous men and they have their own agenda."

Tera nodded. “I have no intention of going there, Liam,” she assured him. “They wouldn’t likely let me through the door anyway. I heard they even turned away Commander Aldrex and the Ferengi Ambassador! Can you imagine? I prefer Gino’s, anyway.”

"Sounds much more my sort of place too," Liam agreed with a grin.

"You know this Pariah thing," Liam said after a moment with a small grin, pulling her hand up to his mouth and kissing it gently. "It sounds as stupid as my mothers Betazoid ‘I'm dead to her’ thing. Don't let it get you down. You're a beautiful, intelligent, amazing woman. Not to mention a savvy business women, and a damn good one at that. If they can't see that, it's their problem."

Tera blushed. “Even though my father did horrible things?” she asked Liam. “Thank you. You always know how to make me feel better” She leaned over to give him a kiss, long and lingering, inviting. “Do you want me to stay the night?” she asked quietly. “I don’t want to presume.” She had never stayed the night at his place. When they had slept together, it had always been at her flat.

Liam returned the kiss and nodded. "That sounds lovely," he muttered, the smell of her perfume seeming to linger in the air.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Thereen Tera
Bajoran shopkeeper
NPC Caleb Ryan


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