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A Simple Answer

Posted on Tue Jun 20, 2017 @ 4:44pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,035 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Cardassian Embassy
Timeline: MD5 - 1830


"Have you lost your mind?" Ambassador Hydel Turvan said as he stood up from his chair. "Surely you must've have fallen and collided with a pylon and severely damaged your brain." He said to the Lissipian before him. He had read the proposal the Ambassador had brought to him in regards to the Starfleet Officers that had been arrested in accordance to the Seldonis IV Convention.

Lucent Speer wondered, not for the first time, how such a petulant child could have become an Ambassador. He should have stayed a Legat, where he could have indulged his temper. "Absolutely not. Given the Federation's commitment to the protection of their people, I think this represents the best chance of you actually being able to remove them from the station without starting another war."

Ambassador Turvan threw the padd across his desk directly into the Ambassador's chest. "Have you forgotten who your people work for? You don't make suggestions when it comes to the detention and prosecution of our prisoners, Lucent." He said angrily. The nerve of a Lissipian, a race no better than carpet merchants in the eyes of Cardassia, to come into his office and suggest that Cardassia give up their prisoners just to appease the Federation. It was offensive to say the least.

"I work for the Lissepian people, Ambassador. Not the Cardassians. However close the special relationship between our two governments, My loyalties remain with them. In case you haven't noticed, this station is on lockdown, and the command of this station has demonstrated it has no issues with violating sovereign territory. Unlike the Ferengi we haven't committed a crime, but I doubt that will be any barrier if they decide to get their people by force. I do not wish to see my embassy invaded by force."

"You coward!" Gul Nivall bellowed from beside Ambassador Hydel. "I have an entire Tactical Wing just outside this system!" Gul Nivall said. "That is a dozen high-armed vessels with Cardassian High Guard Shock Troops ready for deployment." He said critically. "The Federation doesn't have the stomach for War simply because of the death of 3 officers." He added.

"Those prisoners belong to Cardassia, not some 'coalition tribunal' or whatever trash you have allowed the Federation diplomats talk you into accepting." Ambassador Hydel said.

"The Federation may not have the stomach for war, but if you remember, the commander of this station is not Federation. She does have stomach for war, and no love of Cardassia." Speer remained calm. She'd weathered more than a few rages from Cardassians, this was nothing new. "And I'm sure I don't need to remind you that this treaty was negotiated fully with Cardassia, and the government signed up to it fully, including any wiggle room that the Federation is now using against you. If you can't convince myself, a Romulan who hates Isha t'Vaurek, and a Ferengi who's had their own sovereignty challenged by Starfleet, that four people are guilty then perhaps I should contact Cardassian Central Command and suggest they send an alternative prosecutor?"

"Unacceptable," Gul Nivall replied forcefully. "They were responsible for the death of Cardassian citizens, either they face a tribunal with Cardassian on it or they will simply face the end of a disruptor to the temple and we can end all of this pageantry and dare the Federation and its neutered pet Romulan to retaliate." Gul Nivall shot back.

"Perhaps. . ." Ambassador Hydel said calmly. "We can come to a compromise." He said, cutting Gul Nivall off before he could launch into another tirade.

"Gul Nivall is correct, the Starfleet Soldiers will be judged by Cardassians placed on the panel. You can determine the number, but Cardassia will have a vote in the manner." He said.

Speer nodded. "Agreed. Though I suspect the Federation will want the same concession. I shall offer them one place, and two for your own." It would put six people on the panel. Enough to make an even split, which could hold things up. But any more would be too unwieldy, and speed was a factor.

"Additionally, I want the Cardassian child returned to our custody, immediately." He said deliberately. "The child is turned over to our custody immediately, or I can't say for certain that I will be able to properly control others that may take exception to a Cardassian child not being with its own kind." He said, allowing the full weight and recognition of the statement to sit in the air while he cast a slight glance towards the Cardassian Military Commander to his right.

"You have adequate medical facilities to treat him?" Speer confirmed. "I will press for his return. As long as his medical needs can be met, they cannot hope to hold him."

"Do more than merely 'press' for his return, Speer," Ambassador Turvan responded. "They are detaining a Cardassian citizen. Either they turn him over peacefully, or we will consider other appropriate actions." He added.

"I will use everything at my disposal," Speer assured him, and stood, she had achieved the best outcome she could hope for. "Please advise my office who will be acting as the case for the prosecution, and who you wish to see on the panel. We will start the hearing at 0900 hours the day after tomorrow."

As the Lissipian representative left the conference room, Ambassador Turvan could feel Gul Nivall's eyes searing a hole into the side of his head.

"Are you actually going to roll over and submit to the Federation and their ridiculous rules?" Nivall asked incredulously.

Ambassador Turvan turned and faced the other Cardassian. "I plan on doing whatever is in Cardassia's best interest. If that means 'appearing' to play nice, than so be it. If that means having your Tactical Wing burn this station to the ground, then so be it. But at the end of the day, the Federation will know that we are not one of their 'friendly allies', that we are a galactical power to be reckoned with and that there are consequences for invading our lands." He said strongly.


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Commanding Gul
Druman Nivall
127th Tactical Wing

Lucent Speer
Deputy Ambassador
Lissepian Embassy


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