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Visitors Among Us

Posted on Tue Jun 20, 2017 @ 12:11am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

770 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Security Chief's Office
Timeline: MD 5 1130

As Noelle left, Liam turned back to the security chief. "I do have an appointment in your calendar this afternoon, but as I'm already here I hope you don't mind." They couldn't go to the Lotus Lounge until later anyway.

“Sure. What’s on your mind, Lieutenant?” Caleb asked, settling back in his chair.

"I need to report that I recently met with the Tholian ambassador in their embassy and," he slid the data rod they had given him towards Ryan, "this is apparently surveillance data they have on two individuals with a different quantum signature that are on the station for reasons unknown."

“A different quantum signature?” Caleb asked, arching an eyebrow. He took the rod and plugged it into his computer, calling up the data. “Did they say who the individuals are?”

"Tholians are not the best conversationalists," Liam responded. "Everything is on that, Commander. I thought it best it best to bring it direct to you. I am not the most adept at technology."

“I’ll upload the readings into the internal sensors,” Caleb said. “They should be able to track them that way,” he told Liam. He connected the padd to his computer and uploaded the Tholian’s data. “What do ya think it is?” he asked Liam, settling back in his chair as he waited for the computer to finish.

Liam looked pained for a second and focused on the floor before forcing his eyes back up to Ryan. "Whoever they are, I hope they are not people I have met before. You don't know this, as it's sealed up from my Starfleet record. It's also not something I would like being spoken to others about. The XO and counselor both know, but I have unfortunately spent some time in an alternative universe. The people I interacted with...." He scrunched his nose up at the sudden memory of needles piercing his skin. "They were not pleasant. I was tortured and my double was. He was a henchman for someone, very much a dictator. The other me, he had .... different abilities to mine."

“Do you think it could be him?” Caleb asked with a frown. “Why would they come here?”

"I don't sense him, and who knows. They were fighting a huge war. Perhaps they are looking for escape or something they can use in that?" Liam speculated. "I believe there are some sleeper agents in this universe with specific roles. I heard bits, not the specifics, Chief."

Caleb nodded. “Okay. I will pass that information up the line. Sleeper agents presents some causes for concern.” He frowned. “I mean, if they replace themselves, they could potentially be embedded in sensitive areas. It would be the changeling crisis all over again. How reliable is this quantum scan?” he asked Liam.

"I'm not a science man, so the validity of the report I couldn't tell you, but I have no reason to suspect that the Tholian Ambassador would be making it up. He did, however, try at first to bargain with it. They wished to go down to the planet and go through one of the portals. I advised I did not have the power to grant that, and he gave it me anyway," Liam informed him.

"And yes, the idea of sleeper agents worries me too. They..." he frowned. The memories he did have were still very fuzzy. "I remember briefly them talking and mentioning agents when they had me drugged up for the tests. Their Amia over there...she helped me with the pain and did what she could, and my ex-girlfriend in this reality came and rescued me, bringing me back. I have been working with Noelle to adjust to this experience, but she is hesitant to let me explore my mind with hypnosis. Yet. I would prefer to barge forward with that, but I have to respect her as a therapist.

And," he figured he best tell Ryan, "my family removed/closed down -- it's a Betazoid thing -- some of the memories from my own request, which I don't know why I asked that. So perhaps it's a good idea to wait to dig deeper."

Caleb frowned. “Ah can’t ever imagine wantin’ anyone messin’ in mah head like that,” he said. “If ya do think of anything, let me know.” He stood up. “Ah’ll get the data to Science for analysis and then talk ta Engineering about working up a detection system.”

Liam stood up also. "Thank you, Chief. I'll see you later at the Lotus."


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Commander Caleb Ryan
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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