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End of the Hunt is the Kill

Posted on Thu Jun 29, 2017 @ 4:40am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

1,756 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 7 0400


The next thing Ranjell knew was the discomfort of being squashed into a tiny space, then there was a crack of light and the top of the crate she had been stuffed in was pulled away and she saw she was surrounded by figures. Only some looked Human. There was an Yridian, and a Lurian, and a Nausicaan, and three more that looked Human. And the child who had stabbed her.

“Not dead yet, I see,” Aleczandra said, still hiding her features deep in her hood. “Haul her out. The boss wants her.”

Aleczandra limped away a bit and slumped into a chair. With little modesty she shucked her pants and fingered the knife wound in her leg, hissing slightly. She opened up the medical kit beside her and pulled out the dermal regenerator and started to slowly stitch her flesh back together as she waited for Kemmick to claim his prize. They’d had to leave in a hurry, security responding to the alarm the dead maintenance worker had activated, leaving DNA evidence all over the shuttlebay. She was going to have to do some fast thinking about what to do about it.

Ranjell slowly opened her eyes as her hands fell onto the cold, hard surface. She stared ahead of her for several moments as her vision began to clear and she realized that she was not alone. The pain in her side was agonizing as she immediately reached out to cradle the still bleeding wound. She was alive, but she wasn't sure for how much longer.

As she looked around the room, her pain fell to utter disgust and revulsion. didn't matter.

"I th--thought I smelled something unpleasant..." Renjell said scornfully as she looked towards the aliens. "Now the last thing I'll ever smell before I die will be this filth," she added.

Kemmick and Gev looked at her, exchanged bored looks, and turned back. "Yes, yes, quite. Any more pointless attempts at insults and entirely predictable epithets? Get it out of your system before we attempt a civilized conversation," Gev said. Behind him, her contact who had been shot was being hauled out of the box and dragged over to a spot underneath some support beams. A Human-looking man came over to the Nausicaan with a length of cable.

"Civilized… As if your kind know the meaning of the word," Ranjell said while suppressing a moan. "You can't have a conversation with civilized people when your preferred method of conversation is cowardly violence," she continued. "You might as well just kill me right now, because I won't lower myself to answer any question you think is relevant," she said as she spit blood from her mouth.

Gev shrugged. "You know the sort of people ready to die for the cause? Fanatics. Terrorists. True believers. This isn't about you, sweetheart. Give me something to take Raddon down with and you'll get your martyrdom and it won't hurt. Alternatively..."

He raised a hand, and the men behind him threw the cable over the exposed beam, looped the free end around their victim's neck. Then they started to haul. Kyran rose into the air, wheezing. The choking seemed to bring him round, and he spun slowly on the end of the line, clawing at his neck.

Gev turned back to her. "That's going to take a while. Want to to talk?"

Ranjell looked upward at the dangling and violent spectacle. She winced in pain. Both empathetically and personally as the wound in her side began to throb. Her vision was beginning to darken and become unfocused.

Death. She knew that her wound was fatal and that her life was slipping away as she sat there on her knees. But she looked back up at Kyran, watching him grasp desperately, futility, at the the rope around his neck. It was unfair, it was inhumane. It was typically alien.

"He doesn't know anything! Let hi-- let him...let him down and you won't..." She began to drift out of consciousness as the images before her began to swirl in an uncoordinated pattern. She tried again to focus on the aliens before her. "And you won't have to watch those close to you die just as painful and pointless of a death," she forced out.

Gev slapped her face. "Stay with me, sweets. Someone grab something to stabilize her with. Don't want her bleeding out just yet." He glanced over his shoulder at Kyran. Still kicking. "Tell you what. Tell me what Raddon is up to with all his Dominion tech and I'll let him down. But don't think too long. He's getting there."

Her face stung as it recoiled from the man. She looked up at him through her heavy eyelids, though still defiant.

"Do I look like a fu-f-FUCKING VORTA!?" she shouted, but then instantly winced and gasped in pain as her wound sent jolts of pain through her body. Her ears were ringing and her temples pulsed as the pain surged through her.

As she fell back to one knee, still clutching her wound, she thought back to the dead alien lying on the floor of the shuttle bay. Perhaps he was the more fortunate one.

"I...I-I've never been in the cargo bay, I...don'..." her voice began to trail off as she sagged even further to her knees.

Gev looked down at her, lips pursed, thinking. The Lurian returned holding out a hypospray. Gev took it and turned it over between his fingers. He came to a decision. "I'm not going to get anything more out of you, am I?"

Aleczandra lounged back on the crates, watching. “Lady, that wound is fatal if you don’t get medical attention. But it’ll take a long time, and it will hurt like bitch. We can get you help -- or a swift death -- if you talk.” She took out a sterile cloth from the medkit and started to clean the blood off of her bare leg. She was going to have to ditch the clothes in a reclamator.

"I said I don't KNOW!" Ranjell said forcefully, but painfully, as she felt the stabs of pain shooting throughout her body. "I....I've never been there. . ." she said, still cradling her wounded flesh. "He doesn't allow anyone down there," she said honestly.

"Now let him down!" She shouted more definatantly.

"No one?" Gev queried. "Then how does he get things in and out? Transporter only?" If he kept the logs, getting hold of them would make excellent blackmail material. He looked back at the Human hanging from the beam. He was still twitching, but the struggling and fighting for life was gone. "What about that arrogant brat of a son?"

“How is he moving the tech?” Aleczandra asked. “Who is his supplier? The Federation has limited trade with Dominion worlds, and none of it military. Is it a Cardassian supplier? Anything you give up about his organization will help you,” she told Ranjell. She dug out a hypo from the medkit and pressed it to her own neck with a soft hiss. The stimulant would keep her alert despite her own blood loss.

"Thats a good question," Gev said, his tone approving. "Well?"

Ranjell could feel the medication coursing through her veins, and it passed through her circulation system. The fogginess began to fade away as she could clearly hear the questions that were directed towards her. She looked upward again and saw that Kyron was still dangling from the rope; however, the fight in him seemed to all but have disappeared.

"He's dying! Let him down and I'll answer your damn questions!" she said forcefully as she continued to watch her fellow Human suffer needlessly. "He uses third party suppliers to transport certain items," she confessed. "Now let him down!" she shouted.

Gev held up a finger and the two minions holding Kyron up opened their hands. The strangled man hit the floor in a rubbery way and lay there, silent for a moment before ragged breaths could be heard coming from his blood-darkened face.

"Now, who are those suppliers?" Gev asked. "And any other tidbits you happen to know."

Aleczandra smiled. Well, this was going well. She reached for her pants to pull them back on.

Ranjell raised over to Kyron's limp form as he fought for air through ragged breaths. "Y-You...should have" he tried to utter in labored breaths.

"Shh...shh..." Ranjell replied. She could see how painful it was for him to even breathe, let alone form a coherent sentence. He had gone too long without oxygen. Unless they immediately sought medical attention, he would undoubtedly suffer permanent brain damage.

It was more than she was willing to tolerate.

"Shhh...shh...don't worry..." she said as she placed her torso over his body. "E Deus limpará de seus olhos toda a lágrima..." she whispered softly. "Não haverá mais morte, nem pranto, nem clamor, nem dor, pois já as primeiras coisas são passadas..." she said in her native Portuguese.

As she covered his body, she placed her hand over his mouth and nose, sealing his airway and preventing him from breathing. She held him for several moments as his body struggled gently, before the shaking finally stopped.

Gev held up a hand as one of men lunged forward to stop her. "Yes, yes, you're a cold bitch. Colour me bored."

She looked upwards and said through hate-filled eyes, "God will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever," she said.

"Just like every single one of you here," she said as she blacked out as the pain from her open wound finally forced her to lose consciousness.

Gev knew they had still got more than expecting. And his primary need was to shake the Human fascists up a bit. And he had everything he needed for that. "String em up till they're good and dead. Leave them for a good half hour. No chance of those do-gooders in Sickbay bringing them back after that. Then call in the marker with Borill and get him to sterilise everything and beam the bodies into place. Hanging from the awning of the Dilithium Chamber should be good enough. Lets see what Raddon does with that."


A Civilian Entrepreneur

Aleczandra Ryan/Juheni Naquiis
NPC Caleb Ryan.

Ranjell Nassir
NPC by Thom


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