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House of the Black Orchids (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Aug 30, 2017 @ 5:28pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D.

1,602 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: The Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD 5 1300

After his other meeting with Chief Ryan, Liam had taken half an hour to centre himself, ready for the onslaught of pheromones and sexual feelings that accompanied the Lotus Lounge. It could be very difficult to wade through. And not easy to be accompanying the counselor with this ridiculous crush he seemed to have on, and not be able to shake off, her.

He found himself that first one to arrive, so waited outside for his colleagues, already attempting to strengthen all his internal emotional shields.

Caleb arrived next and eyed Liam. “Steeling yourself?” he asked with a bit of an amused smile. “What can you tell me about Tianys Dalav’ni?” he asked. “Ah haven’t interacted with her too much.

"You have no idea how intense everyone's emotions are in that place," Liam simply stated. "Tianys, well, I only know her a little. She set up an evening for me to make amends with the Ferengi when I first joined the station. And she's a friend...I guess, of Tera's. If Rowa’ni do friends. She looks out for her, at least. She's always been very pleasant when I have interacted with her. Strikingly beautiful, intelligent, smart business woman, and like I said before, she doesn't sense as the sort of women to cross or have angry at you. I would tread carefully in your questioning lest any offence be taken."

“Sounds typical Rowa’ni,” Caleb said wryly. “Let’s hope she’s actually wearing what little passes for clothes among the Rowa’ni,” he said with a wry smile. “Ah know it can be an...intense experience, so if ya’ll need ta take a break, get some fresh air, and clear your head, let me know.”

Noelle approached the Lotus Lounge and took a slow deep breath to center her own thoughts. Although she possessed no psionic abilities and knew she wouldn't be affected in that way, she knew she wanted to be focused and as calm as possible in case her experience was still unusual in some way. She nodded politely to Caleb and Liam, catching the tail end of Liam's answer. "I was thinking I might ask any specific questions about harassment or assault, and I would do so privately. I know you gentleman are just as capable as I am, of course, but I'm wondering if some of the staff would feel more comfortable talking with a woman."

Liam nodded. "Happy to leave it to you. careful if you get offered anything to eat or drink," he suggested.

“True,” Caleb allowed. “Ah looked into the Lotus a bit after Ah first came. Ah’ve not seen any reports of illegal substances, but definitely mind-altering and mood enhancing. Nothing too addictive, though, but could lower inhibitions. Best to stick with just water.”

"Sounds like a plan," Noelle agreed with a nod.


The front of the Lotus Lounge was a large wall of frosted glass with just a picture of a deep purple, almost black, flower painted on it. There was no other indication of the nature of the establishment, and one could not see inside through the frosted glass. Liam opened the door and indicated for the other two to step in first then followed them in. His senses all got hit at once, making him stop for a quick moment and take a deep breathe. Catching up once more, Liam smiled as he spotted Tianys. "Tianys, how are you?" he asked.

The lobby of the Lotus was a luxurious place, with soft, deep leather seats for waiting. A long counter made of expensive, exotic wood stretched in front of a tall wood panel wall separating the lobby off from the main lounge. An opening in the wall at either end of the counter was closed off by beaded curtains, but the soft, luxuriant strains of music could be heard coming from inside. The air was perfectly climate controlled, which Caleb knew it was a bit cool for the Rowa’ni’s preference.

A male and female Rowa’ni stood behind the counter. With lush green skin, both were exotically different. The male had Bajoran nose ridges and pointed Vulcanoid ears. The female had Andorian antennae and a Cardassian spoon on her forehead. Both were achingly beautiful. The male wore just loose pantaloons and a vest of a thin, sheer blue fabric. The young woman wore a simple pink dress of the same sheer fabric. Both clung to their bodies when they moved, the sheer fabric leaving little to the imagination.

The third woman was on their side of the desk, conversing with the desk attendants. She turned when Liam addressed her. Tianys Dalav’ni was one of the most voluptuous and beautiful females Caleb had ever seen, and Rowa’ni were usually highly attractive by default. She wore a white dress with a V that plunged to her waist, revealing generous cleavage and where her navel would be, if Rowa’ni had had navels. The dress was just a formality, however, as it was just as sheer as those worn by the desk attendants, leaving her body to be admired in all its natural glory through the thin material. Her green skin positively glowed with life. Only the pointed ears betrayed which alien species had contributed to her genetic makeup, though they looked more Romulan than Vulcan. Caleb had done his homework and knew that House Dalav’ni had straddled the Neutral Zone before their matriarch had settled here on Deep Space Five.

And indeed Tianys was a matriarch, as the strength of her floral scent attested. Her pheromones filled the air around them as she approached, caressing their senses, teasing pleasure along their nerve endings. Caleb felt his body responding, his trousers growing tight, his eyes wandering over her lush, generous curves. It reminded him it had been a long time since he’d had intimate contact with a woman. He swallowed and tried to compose himself.

“Liam, how nice to see you again,” Tianys said with a bright smile as she took Liam’s hands. “How are you? Have you decided to finally take your pleasure here at the Lotus? Anything you like, we provide,” she said, her voice a sensual purr that caressed the ears, promising all sorts of pleasure.

“Can I introduce two of my work colleagues. Commander Ryan and Lieutenant Bennett," Liam introduced.

Tianys looked to the two other officers and smiled. “My, so handsome and beautiful,” she said, running her eyes in a visual caress over Caleb and Noelle. “So will you be wanting any of my boys or girls, or do you just want a private room to...enjoy?” she intimated, looking between the three of them.

Liam's cheeks flushed red despite himself as the floral pheromones flowed over him, and he fought to push away the happy emotions from the rest of the clientele in the establishment. When she mentioned a private room he made sure not to look at either of his colleagues. Ryan he sensed was just as awkward at that implication, and fighting to maintain an appropriate composure at the environment and stimuli all around them, and as previously promised he tried not to sense anything from Noelle. Which was a good thing, as the idea of being in a private room with her was rather appealing.

"I am afraid it is business, not pleasure that we seek. Commander Ryan is the security chief and Lieutenant Bennett the chief counselor for the station. We were hoping that we could ask some questions.”

“Hm. No reason business and pleasure can’t both happen,” Tianys said with a sensual smile. “I know exactly who Commander Ryan is.” She ran a finger down the tall man’s chest, her long nail colored gold. “And just how is Ambra Emar’ni, Commander?”

Caleb swallowed and offered a smile. “She is doing well, from what Ah hear, as is the colony on Leto. Ah wasn’t aware ya knew her.”

“Oh, honey, all Rowa’ni know each other on some level,” Tianys said with a laugh, caressing Caleb’s cheek. She looked back at Liam and Noelle. “Would my office suffice?” she offered

“It should do nicely, ma’am,” Caleb said with respectful tip of a nonexistent hat.

“This way, then.” Tianys gestured to the left exit. They went through the beaded curtains into the dimly lit lounge itself. It was a spacious area set out in little nooks and alcoves, comfortable leather chairs and round tables. Most tables had little light shows from holo-projectors going as customers stared mesmerized at the swirling patterns, a glass or plate of some intoxicant or other near at hand. Male and female Rowa’ni roamed through the customers, offering edibles or drinks, or lounging and caressing a customer. All the Rowa’ni were completely naked. Occasionally one of the green aliens would take a customer by the hand and lead them up a set of stairs to private rooms.

“Like what you see?” Tianys asked the Starfleet officers with a smile. “I give a discount for servicemen and women,” she told them. “Feel free to enjoy after our talk.” She led them to another set of stairs and Caleb couldn’t help but stare at her fine posterior in the sheer gown as he followed her up. He gave a small, involuntary groan as his pants twitched.


Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Tianys Dalav’ni
The Lotus Lounge
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt. Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Ltjg. Noelle Bennett, M.D.
Chief Counselor


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