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House of the Black Orchids (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Aug 30, 2017 @ 5:30pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D.

1,615 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: The Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD 5 1315

They entered Tianys’ office, and it was as luxurious as the rest of the club. It was much more hot and humid in here, more like what the Rowa’ni prefered, and Caleb tugged a bit at his collar, though he wasn’t sure if that was because of the heat and humidity, or just the attraction of the alien woman. At least in here he had only the scent of a single -- if powerful -- matriarch, and not the rest of her House in addition.

“Please, sit,” Tianys said, gesturing to the comfortable couch against the wall or the chairs in front of her desk as she took a seat behind the wooden desk. “Can I get you anything?” Even as she spoke, a beautiful, naked young Rowa’ni woman entered with a tray of edibles -- mushrooms and flowers and other snacks.

Not wanting to be impolite, but reminded of Liam's warnings, Noelle smiled. "Just water, please." She caught Liam's warning glance and offered a nearly imperceptible nod.

Liam asked for water at the offered drink, deeming it the safest option, and took the offered chair. He waved away with a polite smile the offered mushrooms and other snacks that one of Tianys staff suddenly appeared. Locking eyes with Noelle, he tried to convey not to try one, even if it seemed the polite option, remembering the state he had found Tera in when John had been aboard the station. Liam laid back into his chair, allowing Ryan and Noelle to start asking what they needed to know and him to continue reinforcing his senses and internal shields.

“Water is fine,” Caleb agreed.

The young woman nodded and retrieved water from a small font by the door. “Bokew bless you,” the girl said, dipping her fingers in the water and touching their foreheads. Caleb recognized the little hospitality ritual from the Rowa’ni at Leto and nodded his thanks, adding, “And you.”

Sipping the water to buy time to compose himself, Caleb raised an eyebrow. That was some great water. Rowa’ni always had the best, purest water, he remembered. He leaned forward and put the water down and clearing his throat before he spoke.

“We are investigating the death of the Ferengi diplomatic attache Nazl,” he said.. “I understand he was a frequent client of yours?”

Tianys gave a smile that lacked a bit of sincerity. “I am so sorry, but I cannot discuss who does or does not patronage my establishment, officers. Discretion is a major part of my business.”

Liam had started to feel somewhat better. The emotions he could still sense outside, but Tianys must have some sort of filtration system in her office. Either that, or this was her space so her scent overpowered everything else. Dealing with one Rowa'ni scent rather than multiple was a lot easier.

"The problem is," Liam sipped his glass and placed it gently on the desk; it was good water, "it’s potentially part of an ongoing rise of xenophobia on the station I am sure you are aware of." Liam didn't doubt Tianys was fully informed on the goings on of this group. "Starfleet is conducting an investigation into both his death and the wider implications. Safety of all station inhabitants is paramount."

“Of course,” Tianys said with a gesture. “But safety is your concern. Mine is the privacy of my customers. If they do not feel safe to...indulge in their fantasies here at the Lotus, then I lose business. People like the assurance that their little...peccadilloes won’t become the topic of replimat conversations.”

Tianys leaned back in her seat, which caused her sheer gown to drape enticingly over her lush figure. Caleb found his gaze sliding down her body again before catching himself and looking back up. He caught Tianys’ little smile.

“But perhaps we can come ta some sort of compromise,” Caleb insisted. He took a drink of his water again.

Tianys gestured for him to continue.

“Well, Ah noticed that the security sensor in this hallway is...out of order,” he said diplomatically. “Ah’m goin’ ta have ta put in a work order ta get that fixed.”

Tianys frowned a bit.

“Now, Ah’m a busy man, an’ Ah’m gettin’ on in years. Might be that Ah might...forget to put in the work order.”

Tianys leaned forward, her amazing cleavage leading as she studied the two men. “As I said, that would be...disappointing for my clients,” she allowed. “Ask your questions.” She gave a shrug of her beautiful shoulders. “The Ferengi is dead. He is beyond caring, no?” She flashed that brilliant smile that didn’t quite rise in her eyes. “I will answer what I can.”

Caleb nodded and glanced at Liam and Noelle.

Liam smiled slightly at Ryan's "creative" suggestion. It seemed the security chief had to also think outside the box sometimes to ensure cooperation. He figured Ryan knew exactly what he was doing, so didn't intervene, especially as it seemed him and the counselor were about to get what they wanted. He was frustrated he couldn't read Noelle, as he was curious as to her true reaction to what Ryan had just suggested.

“Did Nazl ever patronize your establishment?” Caleb asked.

“He was a frequent guest,” Tianys said simply. “He had a regular appointment for oomax.”

Noelle's face was inscrutable, but inwardly, she was smiling at Caleb's ingenuity. It was the sort of leverage only a security chief could possess. Now on her mind was how to approach a discussion of Nazl's character without straying into the traumatic territory which was perhaps best covered privately with individual staff. "What sort of customer was he?" Bennett asked, deciding it was best to keep things broad. Noelle, despite her alertness, found herself relaxing in the other woman's presence. The scene and the scents around her were quite pleasant, musky, with hints of vanilla.

“He paid his bills,” Tianys said. “He was a bit stingy, though. Bad tipper. But that’s Ferengi for you. He tried to haggle a bit too much. Like most repeat customers, he had his favorite girls.” Tianys shrugged. “He’d done his homework, though.” Tianys shook her head. “Tried to buy his way into an Eruw and I had to decline, despite the significant offer of latinum. The rich often think they can get their way with money.” She gave a dismissive sound and lounged back in her chair, looking very enticing.

Caleb couldn’t blame the Ferengi. He shifted in his seat, adjusting, his body electric with desire from the beautiful alien woman. His thoughts wandered to forbidden fantasies, and his eyes trailed over to Noelle, a beautiful woman he had known for a few years now.

Liam caught Ryan’s emotions and felt a wave of jealousy grow over him at his sudden attentions to Noelle. He got up and concentrated on getting some more water from a server, who again just seemed to appear. He wondered if there was an element of telepathy among the Rowani species, not that he could sense any or felt he could communicate in that manner with them. This was getting beyond a crush, he realised. He was going to have to do something about it, and he had no idea what. He decided to seek advice from his best friend.

But for now, concentrate back on the conversation at hand. "Some do," he agreed. His experience of being in one of the foremost Betazoid houses led him to agree to that statement. "But not all of them have the audacity to try it. Did he get nasty when you refused him?" he asked Tianys.

“No nastier than any other rich, self-entitled alien who somehow heard rumors of what occurs during an Eruw,” Tianys said with a smile. “Trust me, it was for his own safety.”

Tianys picked up a glass of water that contained some green-gold sparkles. Caleb couldn’t help but watch her full, kissable lips as she sipped, the way an errant drop fell to perfectly slide down her generous green cleavage. He shook his head to clear it. He should have gotten some of that nasal numbing spray they had developed on Leto.

“But no violence?” Caleb asked. “Threats?

Tianys’ eyes narrowed dangerously. “There is no violence allowed here,” she said. “Those who harm one of mine soon regret it.” She waved it off. “Blustering threats of small-minded beings. Nothing serious,” she answered.

Caleb gave Liam a look. Soon regret it? he thought.

Caleb looked back to Tianys more directly. “So he never laid a hand on your girls?” he asked. “Hurt them?”

“Plenty of hands were laid, Commander,” Tianys said with a smile. “But no, he would no longer be a patron at the Lotus had he hurt one of us.” She sighed. “His tastes did run in a more...domineering direction,” she allowed. “A reflection of his...professional circumstances, perhaps. Ilise was his favorite, but he never hurt her. He just liked to feel in control of some portion of his life, I imagine, not under some harpy’s thumb.” She chuckled, shaking her head.

Liam was wondering what an Eruw was, but didn't dare ask in case his curiosity got taken the wrong way. He cocked an eyebrow on Tianys’ comment on Nazi's "professional circumstances". It was not a line of thought he had ever considered. He just knew...had known the man to be a slimy toad.


Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Tianys Dalav’ni
The Lotus Lounge
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt. Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Ltjg. Noelle Bennett M.D.
Chief Counselor


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