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More women just to make life complicated

Posted on Thu Aug 24, 2017 @ 2:11am by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

607 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Liam's quarters
Timeline: MD6 Midday


Liam returned from his breakfast with Cade and morning workout. It was his day off, so he had thrown some swimming in as well. "I think breakfast is well and truly worked off," he mused. He walked into his bathroom and stepped on a scale then smiled. He had dropped a Kg.

"Computer," he said as he rummaged around in his chest of drawers for another layer of clothing. Loosing weight had the effect of him being colder. He could of course raise the temperature of the room but his Nan had knitted him several jumpers. She had put the effort in so they deserved to be worn. Well at least once. The material was somewhat itchy he mused finding himself scratching behind his neck.


"You have one from Betazed," the computer informed him.

Liam's eyebrows raised. His sister Hannah was now residing on the Star base Protector having taken a position there and John was in deep space for the next 6 months at least. "Play," he responded.

"Liam, our new Brother. Daddy has business in the Racox system and its not to far from you, so Teena and I decided to pay you a visit. We have not had the honour of meeting our other brother yet. Its a shame you could not make the wedding."

Liam groaned at the faces of two teenage girls wearing far too much colour and makeup staring back at him.

"We hear the shopping on the station is brilliant so you can show us round for a few days."

Liam groaned again. "Oh no no please no."

"We arrive in two days. See you soon brother dear."

The screen went blank and Liam swore in betazoid.

"You have one further message," the computer informed him.

"Play," Liam said annoyed.

To his surprise a red headed Bajoran woman appeared on the screen. "Lieutenant Reynolds. My name is Yozu Leelu. I have a ... "Business proposition" for you. Can we meet for dinner at Chez Francois on the 14th deck of the promenade tomorrow night?" I look forward to hearing from you." Then the screen went blank.

"What is going on?" Liam asked out loud. "Which one of the goddesses have I pissed off to warrant my step sisters descending on me and some strange women insisting on dinner?"

"Computer," he sighed. It wouldn't do to turn away Teena and Kestra. When his mother deemed him in her life again it would be taken as a snub. Not one worth making. "Can you book temporary quarters for in two days, for ..... " He wondered seriously how long two girls could shop, "a week maximum? Two bedrooms, and close to the promenade?"

"Yes deck 183 has civilian quarters that can be rented,"

"Book one," He muttered. He really didn't want them in his quarters. And no way his mother could complain that he had sorted them out somewhere to stay.

"Acknowledged, quarters 11875 has been reserved."

"Ok, now computer. Cancel my counseling sessions with Lieutenant Noelle Bennett and request a different counselor. A male counselor," he added quickly. He wasn't sure what he would say if Noelle questioned him on this move but he would deal with that when he had to deal with it.

"And politely RSVP to one Yozu Leelu that I am unavailable for dinner. If its a diplomatic issue I can be reacted at the diplomatic offices," he added.

"The messages have been conveyed,"

"Thank you, now," Liam stated, "Send flowers to Thereen Tera and invite her to dinner tomorrow night if she has availability. Here in my quarters. I'll cook," he decided.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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