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On the Hunt

Posted on Wed May 24, 2017 @ 11:43pm by Lieutenant JG Rhe'la Daughter of the Forty-ninth House

513 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: MD 5 1715



The tiny lizard skittered into the compartment and made a beeline for the Master System Display. The station was under yellow alert, which means they weren't under attack, but it could be forthcoming. Right now she was flying blind, and it wasn't a feeling she relished.

"Commander Aldrex called a yellow alert. I don't know why, but the station is on lock down - no traffic in or out." one of the engineers appeared almost instantly with a PADD held out.

Grabbing the device and giving the information a quick read, Rhe'la set it down and got to work. "So that means we aren't under attack, and there aren't any planets appearing underneath us. So at least that's something. But if the station is on lock down, than that most likely means that someone or something has gone missing. Or security has a bead on whoever killed Nazl and they're trying to keep them from escaping the station. Either way, we need to do what we can to keep the higher ups from flying blind; increase power to the internal sensors and bring the back up systems online."

"Yes, Lieutenant." the Human petty officer answered, sprinting off to carry out the order.

Staring at the cutaway of the station and wondering what she should be looking for, Rhe'la tapped her commbadge, "Engineering to Ops - what's the situation?"

+"Commander Ryan, and Lieutenants Rivera, Locke and Dell have been kidnapped. Something about what happened on Cardassia during the war. Commander Aldrex hasn't called a briefing yet so we don't have all of the information yet."+

At that, Rhe'la's eyes bugged out of her head. She was there too, with them, after being deposited on Cardassia by one of the portals on Pangaea. She could have just as easily have been taken, and could be the next target. "Ops, can you ask security to post guards outside of engineering? I don't think this is over quite yet. Rhe'la out."

Whirling around, the Zarnac moved to one of the unoccupied consoles near the fusion reactor. "Computer, activate transporter inhibitors around main engineering." Once the computer chirped in acknowledgement, she set to work.

Most likely the four missing officers were still on board. And if Aldrex had gone to the trouble of issuing a yellow alert, it means they hadn't been found. Which means, in all likelihood, they had been stripped of their commbadges or were being kept in an area where the internal sensors were being compromised.

"Or... someone is using transport inhibitors..." she muttered.

Hopping off of the chair, Rhe'la forgot that she'd walled herself in engineering and ran for the turbolift; her own safety had become secondary to liberating her crew mates. "Webber - you're in charge! I'll be in Ops!"

The other engineer called after her, "But what about..."

"I think I might be onto something, but I can't prove it down here! Just keep the sensors running until I get back!" she yelled over her shoulder.

Lt. (JG) Rhe'la, Daughter of the Forty-ninth House
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5


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