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Zandra's Hunt

Posted on Wed May 24, 2017 @ 1:16pm by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel

2,540 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Shuttle bay
Timeline: MD 7 0300

Aleczandra’s eyes opened as she lay in her bed. In her mind, she struggled against Juheni, but she reached under the mattress for the syringe and stabbed her arm. She felt the familiar tingle and mental quiet that came within a few moments of injecting the serum that would keep Juheni dominant.

Zandra slipped out of bed. She studied herself in the mirror in her sleep shorts and tank top, her rainbow hair a bit mussed. Juheni always was amazed at this body’s beauty. She took a moment to fondle herself a bit before she slipped out of her room.

Aleczandra paused, listening quietly. It was late, well into the night. She was alone in the quarters. Someone in Security had notified her yesterday that her father had been apprehended by the Lisseppians for “war crimes” and that they were doing everything they could to ensure his safe release. Of course, Zandra had been concerned, but there was little she could do.

Juheni found the absence of Caleb fortuitous, though it could prove to complicate things slightly. She moved over to the computer in the corner. If she could do this carefully, no one would be the wiser,and she wasn’t intending to do anything malicious. However, timestamps on her activity would prove Caleb’s codes were used when he was imprisoned. That might prove awkward.

Zandra typed in Caleb’s passcodes, gaining access to his security files. It had taken a lot of careful, surreptitious over the shoulder spying, and Zandra’s and Mika’s intimate knowledge of the man, to figure it out. Now that she was in, however, she could begin to work.

Aleczandra went first for the WANTED files. These weren’t exactly private, and in fact were posted on kiosk monitors all over the station. She was pleased to find that Security already had a BOLO out with the 3D rendering of the woman out based on the testimony of the girl from the bar. It matched the 2D sketch Kemmick had given Juheni. She was listed as a Person of Interest in the murder of Nazl.

Satisfied that the woman wasn’t easily going to get off the station without triggering a security alert, Zandra delved into the more secure areas of the security network. She opened up the station’s internal sensor controls and a complex facial recognition program. She fed it the data on the woman’s face from the images she had.

“Computer, let me know when the search is complete,” Zandra instructed, standing up. She peeled off her tank top and the rest of the clothes as she made her way to the shower. Juheni wasn’t going to waste this time being in control.

After the shower, wrapped in a towel, Aleczandra took the colorizer to her hair again, turning the rainbow locks to raven black. She added makeup to make herself look older and hopefully make it more difficult to recognize her. Then she dropped the towel and stood naked in front of her closet trying to choose a nice, sexy outfit to wear for a night on the town.

[LAST KNOWN VISUAL CONFIRMATION: DECK 1126, Engineering Support Labs, Shuttle Bays 34-48, Shuttle Storage, Shuttle Maintenance]

Aleczandra paused as she took out a black thong and bra that would lift her young teenage breasts. “Time stamp on that visual?” she asked the computer. How does she expect to get a shuttle? she wondered. Those are Starfleet exclusive.

Ranjell sighed contently as she observed the promenade from afar. It had been two days since she had been informed by Dorian Gabriel that she was the lead suspect in the death of the Ferengi ambassador. Undoubtedly station security had been ordered to seize and arrest her upon contact. She doubted that they would even stop to perform a real investigation into the Ferengi's death. That would raise too many questions and it would undoubtedly make the Romulan commander look bad. would not do. Someone had to be the sacrificial lamb. Why not a Human?

Ranjell had so far been adept at avoiding detection from Security personnel. Being a former Starfleet security officer, she was familiar with their regular patrols, their informants. She also was aware of what personnel would help her if she needed and who were just jack-booted thugs doing as they were told by their alien overlords.

She continued to look over the rail as she received a page from her communication device. Ever since Dorian had informed her that she was a person of interest she knew that relying on civilian transportation would be impossible. She'd be spotted the second she stepped foot in the regular cargo bay. Her only hope was relying upon her old connections to catch a ride on a service shuttle during one of its supply runs to nearby vessels. Of course, the shuttle pilot wasn't willing to do the job without any compensation. Thankfully, the Raddon Corporation had taken care of that part.

She turned away from the rail and spoke quietly into her unit. "Are you ready?" she asked.

"Yeah, the shuttle is prepped for a run to a Zarkathian Freighter within the hour," the man replied. "Hurry on over."

Any thought of a night on the town had been abandoned. Sexy clothes were exchanged for more practical, black cargo pants and military boots, black t-shirt, black hoodie, the hood pulled up to hide the features of the dark-haired teen.

Zandra slipped into Qu’it’s bar on the way. “Contact Kemmick,” she told the Klingon behind the bar. “Tell him Juheni has a location on the woman.” She listed out the deck and shuttle bay. “Get his people there.”

Leaving the dive bar, Aleczandra checked the pair of knives in their sheathes in her wrists. Their pull was free and clear. She started to make her way to the shuttle bay, following the telemetry provided by her link to the security sensor systems. When she arrived at the shuttle bay, she slipped the tricorder into the holster at her back and ducked behind some cargo crates and scanned the area for the woman.

One by one, Kemmick's people appeared, as if just casually passing: a brawny Nausicaan, a couple of shifty looking Boslic, a sleek Lurian. They sauntered in as if not in any hurry, making for the other shuttles that sat in the bay, as if crew for the cargo movers with every right to be there, but they had spread out to give most cover to the bay. Across from Aleczandra, the Lurian gave the half-Trill a tiny nod of acknowledgement before going back to shifting cargo towards another small craft, as if he had every right to be there.

Aleczandra smiled, noting her backup. She slipped into the bay, moving silently as she approached the wanted woman, face obscured by the shadows of her hood. Kemmick wanted the woman alive, so this would be more difficult than just shanking her like she had the Ferengi.

The doors in front of Ranjell hissed open as she calmly walked through into the large and wide-open bay. The bay itself served as the maintenance as well as loading bay for station service shuttles. It was fairly quiet considering it was off the beaten path and not close to the main hub for civilians. In fact, most civilians weren't aware that this area existed since it did not provide commercial transportation to and from the various ships.

Ranjell looked around and noticed various persons walking around in a slightly off-putting manner. It was not that they were out of uniform or appeared disheveled. However, there was something about their manner of walking that appeared to be too anxious and deliberate for someone who was only a grease-monkey in a lower-level shuttle repair bay. She shook off the thought and made her way towards the hunched over individual who was tapping on a control panel.

"Is everything all set?" she asked as she set her bag down gently.

"Yeah, I just need to wait for Carmichael to arrive on duty so he can cover for me while we fly out," Kyran said, still engrossed on the computer panel before him.

Ranjell sighed in an obviously frustrated tone. "Can't you get one of these grease monkeys to take over for you? It's not as if there will be some big emergency in the next twenty minutes." She stated, referring to the three or four individuals she saw in the middle of various projects throughout the large bay.

"What grease monkeys?" Kyran said, as he perked his head up. "I'm the only person assigned to this shift," he said as he began to look around at who she was referring to.

Kyran slowly turned around and took in the area around. The bay was dark, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but he could see the hunched over forms of a Lurian, for whom he had never seen before. His heart began racing instantly as he realized there were others in the shuttle bay that he had never seen before, working on vessels that he knew they weren't assigned to work on.

"Hey...Hey! Who the hell are you!" he shouted as he noticed the Lurian for the first time, followed by one of the Boslics.

Ranjell's eyes grew wide as she realized that she should have listened to her first thought when she entered the bay and saw the other individuals. She was not sure who they were, but she knew they weren't Human, and that's all she needed to know as she reached for her bag.

Aleczandra slipped up behind Ranjell, slipping a knife into her hand, reaching around to put it to the Human woman’s throat. “Don’t even try it, bitch,” she growled. “Toss the bag over there.”

Kyran withdrew his disruptor that he kept near him and aimed it at the Lurian who slowly began to turn towards him. Before the Lurian could fully plant his feet to move, the Human pulled the trigger, sending a searing blast across the bay and straight through the Lurian's chest.

Ranjell released the bag from her left hand and merely stood still as the figure behind her held the knife to her throat. Although nothing came out of her mouth, her eyes were on fire, staring directly at Kyran.

"Let her go, now!" Kyran said as he swung around and centered his disruptor on Ranjell and the young girl who had managed to grab her.

"Kill her! kill her now, Kyran!" Ranjell hissed, not fearing the potential consequences. "Kill her and the rest of the alien horde she brought with her," Ranjell said antagonistically.

One of the Boslics stepped around the side of a coolant storage rack, phaser set to minimal stun. It wouldn't set off any alarms, but it would incapacitate. He fired straight at the other Human, aiming for centre mass.

Kyran felt the blast before he ever heard the discharge of the weapon. His body immediately locked as his muscles contracted in response to the massive surge of energy flowing through his body. He fell to his knees unceremoniously as he struggled to maintain his consciousness while still grasping for his console in an effort to try to set off some kind of alarm, or at least notify someone as to what was taking place.

Aleczandra had turned Ranjell to be between her and the Human with the disruptor. “Your friend is an idiot, firing a disruptor like that on the station,” she hissed to Ranjell as Kyran went down. “On your knees.” She kicked the back of Ranjell’s knees to force her down.

“We don’t have a lot of time,” Aleczandra snapped to the Boslics. “That disruptor blast will have set off the weapon alerts. Security won’t be long in coming.”

"Stupid humans," the Boslic muttered as he walked over to the the helpless Kyran. "Oh well. Two bodies instead of one." He knelt down and punched the Human with great satisfaction. Then he did it again, and once more, until his victim was unconscious.

The Nausicaan rolled over a cargo crate and dumped the Lurian inside it. "This is going to be a tight fit," he muttered as he hefted Kyran in on top. "Might have to break a few limbs to fit her in."

Ranjell fell to her knees unceremoniously. She looked and saw the limp form of Kyran as his bloodied face repeatedly hit the deck with every blow from the Nausicaan's fist. His body hung lifelessly in the Nausicaan's arms as he lifted him and placed him into the crate on top of the alien he had shot.

Ranjell closed her eyes as she took in everything around her. This is how it will end, she thought as she felt her blood pumping faster through her veins. She could feel Aleczandra's breathe on the nape of her neck as she shouted towards the other aliens around her. She knew that she was going to die, but she wouldn't give these aliens the satisfaction of watching a Human die on their knees.

Ranjell could still feel Aleczandra holding the knife close to her throat despite the Human being on her knees. Ranjell grabbed the girl's arm and pulled downward, driving Aleczandra's face forward while, at the same time, Ranjell threw her head backwards. The sound of the two body parts connecting made a satisfying "THUNK" noise as Ranjell staggered for a moment as she saw stars in front of her eyes.

She used the momentary distraction to grab the hand holding the knife. Despite being dazed, Aleczandra maintained a tight grip on the knife, refusing to let go. Instead, Ranjell twisted her hand downward and drove it towards Aleczandra's own leg, causing her to slice her right thigh.

Aleczandra gave a sharp cry of surprise and pain, which cleared a bit through the drug keeping Juheni in control. She struggled in confusion. Her training with Eve kicked in and she reversed her grip on the knife, shoving it up into Ranjell’s gut.

“Kemmick wants to ask you some questions,” Aleczandra snarled, “but he didn’t say I couldn’t take your spleen before I turn you over.” Juheni had regained control now and she twisted the knife for added effect. The wound was painful, but wouldn’t be lethal if she got some medical attention.

Aleczandra leaned in close to Ranjell’s ear. “Thanks for softening up the Ferengi for me,” she whispered, and then she actually nibbled on Ranjell’s ear before shoving her over to the Nausicaan.

Ranjell felt the blade piercing her the side of her abdomen as Aleczandra glared at her with satisfaction. Ranjell's body refused to cooperate as her legs felt like rubber and began to buckle. She was tossed into the arms of the Nausicaan, and just as she felt herself being grabbed by the arms the edges of her vision began to blacken.


Ranjell Nassir
NPC by Thom

Aleczandra Ryan/Juheni Naqiis
NPC by Matthew

The backup crew
NPCs by Notty


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