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Change of Plans

Posted on Mon May 22, 2017 @ 6:28am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

459 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Promendae/Security Office
Timeline: MD 05 1700

“Will that be an acceptable compromise?”

So far it was a seemingly normal day on the station. There was a freight shipment scheduled that afternoon that required extra security, but it wasn’t a major concern. The proper procedures were already figured out, and it was just a matter of implementing them when the time came. At the moment, Annora was settling a dispute between two merchants, who each claimed the other was stealing their customers. It wasn’t the most exciting aspect of working station security, but was still important.

Before either of the merchants could respond, the station went to yellow alert. Initially, she ignored the heightening of alert status. There was a dozen different reasons for the change, not all of which required extra security measures. This one apparently did, as her combadge chirped just a minute later.
=/\= Lt Tessaro, report to security control. =/\=

Taking her leave, Annora headed for the nearest turbolift at a brisk walk. She learned early on in her career that there was no need to sprint through the corridors unless absolutely necessary. One, it made it that much more likely you would run into or trip over something. Two, it tended to have a negative effect on the noncombatants in the area. Once she arrived at the security offices, she was greeted by Petty Officer Lado.

“Greetings Lieutenant, looks like our nice quiet evening just got a lot louder. We just received word that Commander Ryan along with Lieutenants Dell and Rivera have been abducted by the Lissepian. Apparently it’s due to 20 year old arrest warrants put out by the Cardassian Union. The station has been placed on lockdown until further notice. Ensign Sharpe is in the process of informing the current duty shift of the situation.”

Annora followed Lado into the offices as they spoke.
“Thanks Chief, that’s certainly an unexpected development. Let’s rouse night shift from whatever they’re doing and have them report in to start a deck by deck search of the station. It’s been my experience that when you put pressure on people, they’re more likely to make mistakes. Perhaps we’ll get lucky and cause the Lissepian’s to slip up. I also want to put together a small strike team should we find a credible lead. They can beam in and provide almost instantaneous backup for the security team already in the area.”

Realizing that as the acting security chief she was likely in the wrong location, she grabbed a padd of her desk and headed back out.
“I should probably get to Ops. Reassure the Command staff that our department is doing all we can to resolve the situation. I’ll update you when I have more information.”


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