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Fair Notice

Posted on Wed May 17, 2017 @ 10:57am by Commander Caden Aldrex & Lieutenant JG Leonora Dell & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,212 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Diplomatic Suite
Timeline: MD 05 1700


The doors to the Federation Embassy hissed open as Ambassador Hydel Turvan quickly exited and made his way to the front desk within the main lobby. He came to a crisp stop and stood squarely before the desk and waited to be acknowledged by the young girl behind the desk.

"I am here to see Lieutenant Junior Grade Liam Reynolds," he said pointedly.

The receptionist looked up at him. "I'm afraid Lieutenant Reynolds is not available."

"I am here to see Lieutenant Junior Grade Liam Reynolds," Ambassador Turvan repeated. "On a matter of diplomatic importance. More importantly, I have a direct message from Cardassia Prime to personally deliver in regards to your missing Starfleet Personnel," he reported. He knew that the Federation's cavalier behavior would eventually come to this. There was no other way to avoid such a confrontation. Now it was his job to deliver the notification.

"I understand that, Your Excellency, but I'm afraid Mr Reynolds is indisposed. Can I call Sir Mortimer for you?"

The ambassador was growing more and more impatient. "Fine! Go fetch whomever is competent to deal with this situation. Immediately,." he said, his voice filled with urgency.

It took less that two minutes for a florid-looking Sir Mortimer to arrive. "Ambassador Turvan. How can the Federation be of help?"

"Here," the Cardassian said unceremoniously as he slammed a padd into the man's chest. "I warned your people about the consequences of being so reckless. I warned your people that my government would not stand by idly as you continued to pillage our citizens," he said pointedly. "Now you only have yourself to blame," he said as Mortimer read the padd before him.

"Pursuant to the Seldonis IV Convention and the Treaty of Bajor, Commander Caleb Ryan, Lieutenant Junior Grade Leonora Dell, and Lieutenant Dan Rivera have all been placed under arrest for the murder of Relon Murak and Bretav Gael on Cardassia IV in 2370. Since this was a time of war, the murder of civilian children is considered a war crime," Turvan said with a stone face. "Consider this your fair notice that they will be tried before a Cardassian Archon, subsequently found guilty, and will be subject to Cardassian punishment and penalties," he reported.

The diplomat read the notice. "This is...irregular. This warrant is twenty years old. The accused would have been children..." He trailed off, his mind ticking. "Praxis to Aldrex, forgive the interruption, but there is an urgent matter in the diplomatic office that requires your immediate attention."

On my way, Aldrex said over the comm.

Ambassador Turvan's brows furrowed. "Irregular? Irregular! Kidnapping a child from his home and refusing to return him goes far beyond what decent people would call 'irregular'!" he said through clenched teeth.

Aldrex arrived minutes later with a PADD in his hand. Seeing the agitation in Turvan's expression he asked, "Mister Ambassador, what can we do for you?"

"You can do nothing for me!" Ambassador Turvan shot back quickly, insulted by the idea that he would have to come to the Federation for some kind of service. "In fact, there's not much you can do for your fellow officers as well. I only came here as a diplomatic courtesy, and to inform you that we have placed them under arrest and they will be tried and subsequently convicted," he reported dispassionately.

Sir Mortimer scanned the documents. "Your courtesy is appreciated, Your Excellency, but this document indicates they remain in Lissepian custody."

"Yes, and that's where they will remain until they are transferred to Cardassian authorities on Cardassia Prime," Turvon said. It was regular protocol for Cardassia to assign others to the task of capturing high-value targets and bring them back to Cardassia. It was efficient and it saved Cardassian lives from being lost in pointless struggles when the target attempted to evade.

"I'm informing you of their arrest so that you may arrange for them to receive legal counsel prior to their conviction and sentencing," Turvan said matter-of-factly.

"Then thank you for your consideration. We will make the relevant arrangements directly with the Lissepians. I trust we can reach an agreeable accommodation on further action, in accordance with the Accords, in due time."

Ambassador Turvan's face remained stoic. "You can make whatever accommodations your government sees fit, but you will do them once the prisoners have been properly delivered to Cardassia Prime for their trial."

"The outcome of which has already been decided," Aldrex noted. "Why even bother with the show trial?"

The Cardassian sighed in an aggravated tone. "Your people have rights," he said to the Trill in an exasperated tone, "They have the right to refuse to answer questions, but such refusal may be construed as a sign of guilt," he explained.

"Our tribunal system is designed to give the accused the opportunity to learn why it was wrong for them to oppose the State in the first place. We aren't barbarians, we don't just prosecute and convict individuals without educating them to the flaws that brought them down this self-destructive path," he added. "Confession is good for the soul and allows the guilty to conceded to the wisdom of the State.".

"The same wisdom that led your planet to join the Dominion?" Aldrex asked. "How did that work out?"

Ambassador Turvan's fists involuntarily gripped together. His chest began to rise and fall dramatically as he could feel his skin began to tighten. He stared directly into the Trill's eyes for several moments.

"You've been notified. Consider this the only courtesy that your government will receive concerning our prisoners," he said as he turned and began to walk away.

Watching him leave, Aldrex tapped his commbadge. "XO to Ops. Yellow alert. Halt all shipping traffic. Lock down the moorings. Use the tractor beams if you have to, but no one leaves the system. Commander Ryan and three other officers have been abducted."

Sir Mortimer winced. "Under the accords, it's not technically an abduction. The Lissepians do have a right to arrest, and the warrants do look correct. We are going to have to dance very fast to pull our people out of this one. I shall contact JAG immediately."

Aldrex shook his head. "You heard the man. He intends to march these people straight to their execution. Everything else is just for show. If there has to be a trial, then so be it, but it's going to be a fair trial on neutral ground, not a kangaroo court on Cardassia. See to that first when you contact JAG, Sir Mortimer. In the meantime I'm going to stall, obstruct, delay, and make sure our people don't get hauled away to the place where we can't reach them."

"Understood." Sir Mortimer hesitated. "Commander, there is one thing in our favour. The Lissepians have them. They may be the Cardassian's catspaw in all of this, but they have motives of their own. All is not yet lost."

"May your suspicions prove correct," Cade said with a nod. He turned on his heel and made for the turbolift. "We'll need every upper hand we can get."


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Sir Mortimer Praxis
Senior Diplomatic Advisor,

Cmdr. Caden Aldrex


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