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Compromise is the soul of Diplomacy

Posted on Tue May 23, 2017 @ 4:56pm by Lieutenant JG Leonora Dell

576 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Lissepian Embassy
Timeline: MD 06, 1130


"Thank you for seeing me, Madam Ambassador." Sir Mortimer said.

"We are happy to speak with our Federation counterpart," Lucent Spirr, the Lissepian Deputy Ambassador smiled at him, her sloping green forehead tilting towards him for a second. "How may we help?"

"Its about our citizens that you have detained-"

"-In full accordance with the Seldonis IV Convention." Spirr added.

Mortimer shifted in his seat. "I'm not going to dispute that. Having examined the terms, I have no concerns about the legality of the actions you took, my concerns lie with the possibility of our people being handed over to a government with known hostility to the Federation, and a justice system that is not justice in any terms my citizens can understand."

Spirr's face remained neutral. "I sympathise with your concern, but I fail to see what I can do about it. The Convention states that signatories can request the arrest of any citizen of the signatories who have valid and relevant warrants against them. And on that arrest, to be transferred to the issuing power."

"I know," Mortimer agreed, "but the Convention also has a caveat that mandates the arresting authority must ensure that the detainees are treated well, and guarantee full and fair access to defence lawyers, are properly cared for with their rights as sentient beings fully respected. I put it to you, that sending my people to Cardassia is in direct contravention of that mandate."

The Lissepian was silent for a moment. "Sir Mortimer, you have a point. The Cardassian system of justice is as alien to us as yours is. Whilst we abhor the coddling of the two sides shown by most Federation worlds, the Cardassian show trials are also not to our taste. Perhaps I can arrange a compromise with the Cardassians? Would you accept a trial here? In our embassy? Under our law? If found guilty, they would then suffer the full weight of penalties under Cardassian law."

Mortimer tilted his head, looking for clarification. Spirr continued.
"The defendents face their accusers in court, They have no counsel, and neither does their accusers. I would suggest Ambassador Turvan to represent Cardassia, since the victim is deceased. They have 24 hours to prepare, and then the case is heard by a panel of judges. I would suggest myself, and several other neutral parties. Perhaps the Romulan ambassador, and the Ferengi?"

Sir Mortimer considered it. Under Cardassian law, if the arrest was issued, then the arrested party had already been found guilty. This had a sliver of hope that his people may stand a chance. Though from what he understood of the incident several days before, there was also a fair chance they had done what they were accused of, if inadvertently. Damnation but he loathed time travel. Diplomacy was hard enough as it is. "What about witnesses?"

"In a murder trial, due to the severity of the charge, each side has a generous allowance. Three each, maximum."

Mortimer bit his tongue to stop his reaction. "In that case, I accept. Please put the proposal to Turvan, with my compliments and respects."

"Of course, Sir Mortimer. I will do so immediately. Thank you for your patience and restraint in this issue. But if I may, perhaps you should make plans for a refusal?"

Sir Mortimer stood. "I already am Ambassador. Thank you for your time."


Sir Mortimer Praxis
Senior Diplomatic Advisor

Lucent Spirr
Deputy Lissepian Ambassador

NPCs by NOtty


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