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Posted on Mon Apr 24, 2017 @ 4:57am by Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,980 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Cargo Bay ?
Timeline: Following "Cardassian Self-Defense"

Colonel Wen, flanked by Major Cenn and First Secretary Li, made her way into the Cargo Bay where her ship's recovered black box awaited examination.

"Well then, where are they?" She demanded, her uniform eerily fresh and starched.

Secretary Li shot her a look. "Vedek Krell would appreciate your cooperation in this, Colonel."

Wen crossed her arms in front of her body. "Well, I'd like to get to work so that I can go check on Perin."As the words escaped her mouth, the familiar hiss of the doors rang out behind them.

It had taken a considerable amount of negotiation, shouting, and eventually threatening to get Gul Druman Nivall, the Commanding Officer of the 127th Tactical Wing to accompany him to the recovery cargo bay where the black box recorder had been stored. The Bajoran government had been adamant in reviewing the information along with the Cardassians in furtherance of their investigation into the "attack" on the Bajoran vessel. .

Ambassador Hydel Turvan had been skeptical of what good the meeting would do. Especially since the actual survivors had refused to be interviewed by his government. However, in the spirit of cooperation, he was willing to listen to what the Bajorans had to offer.

Gul Nivall was less cooperative than his Cardassian comrade. He felt no remorse for opening fire on the Bajoran vessel. He knew what was at risk if they had been able to continue on their path. They would have surely encountered the Warship Dar'Heel and scanned the vessel. The experimental Cardassian Warship would not have registered on their sensors and they would have certainly scanned it. The scans would have revealed the technological advancements that the vessel was capable of and placed Cardassia in jeopardy with the other governments. **

No. . .Gul Nivall made the right decision when he ordered the vessel be shot down. As he stood here in this cargo bay with the accusatory stares from the Bajorans, he was beyond certain that he'd do it again.

"Major Cenn, First Secretary Li, a pleasure to see you all again." Ambassador Turvan said in a pleasant tone, hoping to keep the engagement as polite and courteous as possible. He knew that would be a difficult task with Gul Nivall present.

Gul Nivall simply nodded in their general direction. Colonel. . .Major. . .he could never bring himself to actually acknowledge any rank on a Bajoran. To him they all looked the same as they did during the occupation. Thieving, conniving terrorists. Just because you dressed them up and gave them an honorific title did not change who they were or the amount of deception they were capable of.

"I believe by now we are all acquainted with one another, but for the sake of civility, I will re-introduce everyone to Gul Druman Nivall, Commanding Officer of the 127th Tactical Wing of the Sixth Order." Ambassador Turvan said, gesturing to his right where the Commander stood, looking more and more disinterested in the event as the moments ticked by.

Kaya smiled. "And this, gentlemen, is Colonel Wen Aretta." The First Secretary glance from the Gul to the Ambassador. "She was the Captain of the Bajoran vessel that was destroyed."

Cenn watched as Li announced the Colonel to the Cardassians. He looked to Wen. She didn't look angry, or uncomfortable. Fatigued was more like it.

"A pleasure." said Wen. "Now can we get to work? I've got an officer in Sickbay." The Bajoran officer crossed to the Black Box.

Ambassador Turvan noticed the tension in the room and tried to defuse you. "Colonel Wen, allow me to apologize for the unfortunate tragedy that has befallen your crew. I assure you that we wish for nothing other than to get to the bottom of this so that you may----" he explained but was cut off by Gul Nivall.

"Don't attempt to speak on my behalf, Turvan" Gul Nivall said with an obvious edge. "If she was actually worth her rank, then she would have never placed her crew in such an obviously open and hostile scenario." He said without any hesitation or even an ounce of sympathy.

"That vessel failed to announce itself and it was in non-aligned territory. My subordinate Guls are well trained to defend themselves and those under their command first and foremost." He added.

Without warning, Aretta spun on her heel and swung at the Gul. She missed, giving Major Cenn an opportunity to wrap his arms around her.

Nivall was prepared to take the brunt of the fist and in return he would have countered with the dagger placed within his tunic and drove it directly into the Bajoran's heart. However, the Major grabbed the Colonel and dragged her out of his reach before he could properly respond.

"You disgusting excuse for a man." Wen yelled. "We had no comms, and only minimal weapons. There was nothing to defend against." She spat at Nivall.

"Do you see this Turvan, no matter how you dress them up or what fancy titles you give them, Bajorans will always revert back to their baser instincts." He said with a slight smirk. "Violence, it's all they know, it's all they understand. You can't reason with them, it's a totally foreign concept." He said in a cavalier tone as he maintained eye-contact with the wild and firey eyes of the Militia Colonel.

"We came here in the name of peace!" Ambassador Turvan said, trying to defuse the situation. "Killing one another will not solve the situation nor will it prevent any further misunderstandings." He offered.

"Misunderstandings? Oh believe me, Turvan, there were no misunderstandings. That rogue vessel was a clear and present threat and was led by an incompetent Commander. The only misunderstanding is why I'm standing here having to explain myself to a Bajoran who can't even protect her own crew." He said dismissively.

As Colonel Wen struggled against the Major's grasp, Secretary Li stepped forward. "The Ambassador is right." She took a few paces to close the empty space between herself and Hydel. "Perhaps we should do what we came here to do, and settle the matter." She suggested.

Gul Nirvall continued to observe the hostile creature before him as he walked over to the station where the box had been setup to be reviewed. Ambassador Turvan followed, wondering if it would have been a better idea to bring a security detatchment with him in order to keep the peace. However, he wasn't too certain that they wouldn't let the Gul kill her just to satisfy old vendettas.

"Let's begin, shall we? Major, I believe your staff would be most familiar with activating the replaying the device." Ambassador Turvan sugggested.

With Aretta calming, Cenn let her go and moved up next to Ambassador Turvan. "My command codes should decrypt it." He tapped at the Federation controls. Sure enough the files contained in the Bajoran black box decrypted and became viewable. Major Cenn moved out of the way, allowing Secretary Li to move into his place.

Li Kaya stood straight. "Care to do the honors Gul?" She sounded very sure that the outcome would not be in the Gul's favor.

Gul Nirvall sighed in an obviously irated tone as he replayed the recording. ***

As the recording ended, he looked from Ambassador Turvan to the Bajoran. "There. . .as I stated before, the Bajoran's faulty communication equipment is to blame for their own sudden demise. My men are trained to identify any unknown and non-responding party as an immediate threat." He said as he crossed his arms.

"Perhaps in the future you should notify us of any new vessels your little Militia is unveiling so a to avoid such mistakes." He said in a cavalier tone.

Wen was turning red with rage. Noting this, Major Cenn moved in between the Colonel and the Gul. "With respect, No new ship is cleared to leave Bajoran space unmarked." The Security Officer noted. "Perhaps your men should be trained to use the sensors to identify marking and registrations on ships."

Secretary Li, sighed. "Since it seems we are still at an impass, I will offer this." She paused a moment. "Ambassador, I think it's clear we had some downfalls on both sides. However, strictly speaking, the result was loss of life on our side only. I think a public acknowledgement of the event and an apology, all while standing side by side with Colonel Wen and Vedek Krell, would be an amazing show of solidarity."

Now it was Ambassador Turvan's turn to bristle at the Bajoran's words. He could only imagine the embarrassment and ridicule he'd suffer if he were seen standing side-by-side with a Bajoran and apologizing for their vessel being destroyed. More importantly, it would draw too much attention to the existence of the Dar'heel.

"While I'm certain that Cardassia would have absolutely no problem submitting a statement expressing its condolences at the lost of your vessel, I'm not confident that they woul----" He was cut-off before he could completely finish his sentence.

"Don't. . .you. . .dare!" Gul Nivall said angrily. "You represent the Cardassian Empire! Don't you dare begin supplicating to these Bajorans." He said in an accusatory tone. "They deserve nothing for their incompetence and inept leadership. Not only do they wish for Cardassia to lower itself by 'apologizing', but they wish for us to do so while standing next to one of their 'Vedeks' as if validate their ridiculous concept of an after-life." Gul Nivall continued.

"I can assure you that I'll die before I allow myself nor any other Cardassian within my purview to degrade our race in such a fashion." He said with disgust.

Li Kaya pursed her lips, and spoke directly to Ambassador Turvan. "What I have offered, Ambassador, is the lesser of two evils. If we cannot come to an agreement here, then our governments will deal with the breach in treaty at their level."

"I'm tired of this! Your Government can deal with it at whatever level they want. I can assure you, your Government would be wise to simply write this off as 'bad luck' and be done with it. I doubt my Government will be so forgiving or patient with this trite matter as I have been." Gul Nivall said in an annoyed tone.

"It was only one ship, you'd be wise to leave it at that." He concluded.

Turning red with rage once more, Colonel Wen screamed. "One ship and 213 Lives!"

With a determined tone Secretary Li spoke again to Ambassador Turvan. "It isn't only the Bajoran Republic that will step in here, the Federation will as well. Do the right thing."

On that note, the Bajoran Chief of Staff gestured to the Major Cenn and the Colonel and then spoke to the Cardassian's again. "Thank you for your time today gentlemen. We'll leave you to make your decision." Li turned to follow the Wen and Cenn out.

Ambassador Turvan did not need to turn around in order to know that Gul Nivall was staring directly at him. He could feel the man's burning glare in the back of his head.

"Please, Ambassador, do be so kind as to tell me what the right decision is." Gul Nirvall said through clenched teeth. "Because from where I stand, I have an entire Tactical Wing at my command that will tell those Bajorans otherwise. . ." he said as he coldly walked away from the fellow Cardassian and left the Cargo Bay.

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Druman Nivall
Commanding Gul
127th Tactical Wing

Major Cenn Desco
Head of Security and Military Advisor
Bajoran Delegation
(NPC by Reade)

First Secretary Li Kaya
Bajoran Delegation
(NPC By Reade)

Colonel Wen Aretta
Commanding Officer, RS B'hala
(NPC by Reade)

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