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Quantum Surviellance???

Posted on Thu Apr 20, 2017 @ 11:15am by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,123 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: DS5, Tholian Embassy
Timeline: MD 05 / 1700


Liam had been invited to the Tholian embassy, but there wasn't any welcome reception for him. The location itself wasn't like other places on embassy row. It was a simple, unadorned duranium wall set back from the concourse. Unadorned, except for a single airlock hatch, next to which was a simple comm panel. On the other side of that hatch were the Tholians, living in conditions of heat and radioactivity that would be lethal to most other species. Most of the time they kept to themselves. Today, however, they had asked a representative from the Federation to visit them.

It felt very strange being in a modified environmental suit. To date he had not stepped into the Tholian embassy, so this was a first for him. And also a first to have the Tholian ambassador ask for him to come see him. Liam got a few stares in his more than unusual garb as he walked the distance to the hatch and pressed the chime to be allowed admittance into the airlock area.

With a faint hiss the hatch opened up right away. Once inside the hatch closed behind him. After a few seconds the atmospheres had equalized and the inner hatch opened. Ambassador Voskene was there waiting for him. The extreme heat in this place distorted the light, making the Tholian appear mirage-like.

"Welcome, Lieutenant Reynolds," Voskene said, the universal translator turning unintelligible clicks and squeals into Federation Standard. The Tholian turned and led Liam inside.

It was one of the more alien environments Liam had ever been in. The heat and steam in the place distorted his vision and colours merged together. The alien ambassador in front of him looked like he could be out of a dream or a hallucination. "Thank you," he answered, his suits translator broadcasting his speech. "What can I do for you Ambassador?" he asked curious as to the invite.

Voskene said nothing immediately but continued to lead Liam down a short corridor. The walls glowed and were adorned with crystalline objects of various size. Their significance wasn't readily apparent. At the end of the corridor a door opened to reveal a meeting chamber with other Tholians inside. Voskene led Liam inside.

When they saw Liam enter, the other Tholians, fifteen to be exact, back away from him. Some more obviously than others. They weren't used to being around humanoids, and didn't like it. Only two of their number, Voskene and his/her adjutant, had spent significant lengths of time in their presence. Now only Voskene remained. The adjutant was dead. Killed by Vulcans in the distant past.

Voskene turned to face Liam. "Reynolds, we wish to make a request of you. In return we have information which you may find useful."

Insectoid species' emotions were more erratic to read that humanoid ones. However Liam could tell from the way the rest of the aliens scuttled away from him they were uncomfortable in his presence. Liam himself was anxious. This was not normal. He was in a toxic and alien environment with one of the more elusive Ambassadors who now seemed to be wanting a bargain of some sort.

"You can ask Ambassador but depending on the requests, depends on what I have capacity to aid you with," he said diplomatically. He did not want to agree to anything. This was rather cryptic and not standard Tholain behaviour from everything he had read about prior negotiations and discussions with this species.

"We request but one thing," Voskene replied. "We ask to be granted passage through the portal to Vulcan of the past, where my adjutant was killed by the primitive inhabitants."

"I don't have the power to grant that Ambassador and also, it seems the these passages to the past are completely random. Even if I could manage that, which I definitely can't, you might never be transported to Vulcan of the past. That planet does not work that way I am afraid," Liam told him honestly.

There was a momentary silence, then Voskene said, "Nonetheless, please pass our request to your captain. We're aware that she has a unique relationship with the Fae." Not waiting for a reply from Liam, Voskene moved on. "Your species is aware of the existence of parallel timelines, correct?"

Liam nodded. "We are. I ... I unfortunately have a little more experience with the existence of parallel timelines that most." He was getting the impression that Voskene might have an inkling of that and they were coming up to the real reason why he was here. In fact between Qinee keeping tabs on his romance with Tera and the Tholian throwing that out, he got the impression all of the ambassador had taken the time to do some digging into his history.

"Then possibly you are aware that when objects from a parallel universe intersect with ours, they leave a unique quantum signature. These signatures are virtually undetectable. However, because our species has more experience exploring parallel dimensions, we have developed more advanced scientific capabilities than you have."

"I'm not a science man," Liam grinned. "But I understand what your saying. Have you found something here that shouldn't be here?" He asked still wondering where he was going with this.

"We have so far observed two individuals with this quantum signature," Voskene said. "They have been on this station, walking amongst the populace. Their presence seems to have gone unnoticed by your security protocols."

Liam blinked a couple of times. An insane fear that they might be here to try snatch him and take him back to that good awful reality washed over him suddenly. Pushing those feelings as far back as he could, he focused on the alien ambassador. "If that is the case its something we need to bring to station security immediately. The people I have met in these other places did not wish any of us well."

"We leave that to you," Voskene replied. "We have warned you, and now our involvement ends." One of the Tholian aides skittered towards Liam and handed him a data rod. "This contains all surveillance data that we have gathered on the subjects. We trust you will find it useful."

Liam took the data rod "Thank you Ambassador. I will ensure it gets looked at by the correct people. Is there anything further I can do for you?"

"My adjutant, Tozrax," the Tholian repeated. "That is all we ask. In the spirit of diplomacy we have asked you, rather than take matters into our own hands. Pass our request along, Mister Reynolds."

"I'll see what I can do," Liam replied, "but no promises, Ambassador."


Tholian Ambassador
(NPC Bert)

Lt. Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer
(signed off by Bert)


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