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The New Ambassador

Posted on Thu Mar 16, 2017 @ 9:07am by

486 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Airlock 19, Deck 200
Timeline: MD 5 1700


The airlock hissed open. A noise that the new arrival always found amusing. In his language the noise equated to what Humans would call a "yo momma" joke. Even after over thirty years in Starfleet, it still struck him funny.

But his Starfleet career was behind him, and a new phase of his life was beginning. A phase he never expected he would have. A phase he had no intention of wasting.

Commander An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House - recently retired from Starfleet, and now the newly appointed ambassador of his house to Deep Space 5. Tasked with spearheading the acquisition of a homestead for his people on Pangaea; something they've lacked since the destruction of Deridous IV.

Stepping up to the customs desk, he dumped the small bag of his possessions on the counter in front of the security officer. The man perked up immediately. "Lieutenant, I didn't know you were off the station. You know you can just go straight through, right?"

"Heh... I can understand where you would make that error, Chief. However, I'm not Lieutenant Rhe'la; she is my cousin. My... much younger cousin." With that An'ta produced a PADD and held it up. "Ambassador An'ta, of the Forty-ninth House. You will find here my accreditation from my grandfather - recognized by the Federation Department of the Exterior and the other major powers as the sovereign ruler of the House. Said accreditation has also been signed off on by Sozzerozs - Imperator of the Gorn. I trust you'll find everything is in order."

The security man took the PADD and read through it, looking more than a little perplexed. "Uh... yeah. It's just a little... unusual for ambassadors to arrive on transports. Usually they come on starships."

Starships. If a Zarnac warship were to appear near Deep Space 5 - it definitely wouldn't be to drop off an ambassador. "My people lack anything but transports, Chief. But I aim to change that. Now if everything is clear, could you please point me to the consular level? I'd like to get right to work."

The Human gestured toward the turbolifts. "Deck 60, Ambassador. Would you like to wait for your staff to disembark?"

"I don't have a staff. It's just me. I am the full extent of my people's diplomatic corps." With a wink, he added, "So I suppose you can see how important my mission is." With that, An'ta tossed his bag over his shoulder and walked toward the turbolift.

"Wait - should I tell the Lieutenant that you're here?"

"I'm sure she'll find out soon enough; this station isn't THAT big!" An'ta wanted to laugh at that line, but he knew how true it was. The rumor mill would be swirling around the arrival of a new ambassador in no time. Rhe'la tended to keep herself secluded, but even SHE couldn't miss this.

Ambassador An'ta (NPC)
Ambassador of the Forty-ninth House


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