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Alternative Measures

Posted on Thu Mar 16, 2017 @ 6:02am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

706 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD 05


As the assorted species filed out of the Box, or moved to join friends already there, Gevran, the Yridian that ran the fighting ring fell into step next to Yolanthe, with his assistant and his accountant following. "So what do you think of that, Ibalin?"

The bokkai frowned. "More people on the prom with weapons? They might just as well set up the morgue next door."

Gevran laughed. "No one said this wasn't going to end in blood, and we're no where near the end yet." His face grew grim. "I know you're holding back. What doesn't security know?"

"I co-operated fully with Starfleet," she said archly.

"Lani," Gevran's tone was reproving, "I know you. You wouldn't trust those... how did you put it that time? 'Silly little boys who shouldn't be allowed to put themselves at risk.'?"

Yolanthe pursed her lips. "Step into my office." she said.

Once in the black and white confection of her private office, the bar owner served the three men with drinks, and poured herself a double of kanar. "I don't know who killed that Ferengi, and I'll tell you what I told Caleb. He spent the evening flirting with this human woman, and they left together."

"And the rest?" Gevran pushed. "You know something else."

"I don't know anything," Yolanthe insisted, "Not about the murder."

"But," prompted a man who was human looking, but not human. Elphas was Gevran's accountant, and a Zeon, a species that could pass as human to the naked eyes, but internally were quite different.

"But," Yolanthe said, sipping her kanar. "A couple of nights ago after I locked up, I ran into to Dorian at the turbo lifts."

"Gabriel?" Elphas sounded surprised, "I thought he hated you? What did he want?"

"Honestly. I don't know. It was all posturing and veiled threats. He had a couple of others with him who looked like they wanted to get frisky, but it didn't go that far. But Dorian had some sort of device with him. It took out the lifts, and he said, the cameras around them as well. And there was no footage from the promenade near here of the time of the attack."

Gevran sat back, and exchanged looks with Elphas. "So the woman lures him out, and Dorian does the deed."

Elphas nodded. "I'd put money on that."

"I'd give good money to know where they got that sort of tech," Kemmick, Gevran's assistant said thoughtfully. "Things that can block station sensors are considered contraband."

A flash of memory made Yolanthe straighten. "Raddon is in to Dominion tech. In a big way. He has tons of it."

Gevran looked up sharply, his eyes dark and piercing under his wrinkled skin. "How do you know that?"

"I've seen it," she shrugged. "When Pangaea came though, Dorian and I got trapped a few decks down. He got us out through some sort of warehouse come docking bay. There was crates of it."

Elphas raised an eyebrow. "I'd have to check details, but on the whole Dominion tech is contrabanded to all hell and back. He's either got an army of lawyers producing permits or at least some of its illegal."

"Probably both," Gevran decided. "Raddon's a Ferengi at heart."

"He's also as paranoid as a Cardassian. He booby trapped his storage bay." Yolanthe told them

Elphas whistled, "That has to be borderline. Starfleet frowns on ...extreme deterrents."

"It also makes it harder for us to take a look at everything," Gevran, decided. "Though if it gums up Raddon's wheels then just tripping it maybe worth it."

"So what's the plan?" Kemmick asked."

"Lani, have you got a description of the woman the Ferengi was in with?"

"I can go one better," Yolanthe handed over one of her padds, "This is the sketch that security made from Jessica's description. I don't recognise her, but..."

The Yridian looked at the drawing and shook his head. "Not one I know." He showed the picture to his associates who also shook their heads. He gave the padd to Kemmick. "Put the word out. Find her. Its about time bodies started to pile up in front of the Dilithium Chamber."


Yolanthe Ibalin,
Owner, The Box of Delights


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