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Trying to escape from ones sins

Posted on Thu Mar 16, 2017 @ 9:28am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel
Edited on on Wed Apr 19, 2017 @ 3:09am

837 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Upper pylons
Timeline: MD 05

Dorian sat and continued to enjoy his drink at the local replimat. Opinions seemed to differ, but Dorian really didn't have a problem with the various drinks and other concoctions that came from the replimat's rotating menu. It didn't contain the same "kick" as more organic-based drinks; however, when an individual wanted a simple drink, the replimat was sufficient.

Dorian had picked this particular location because of its proximity to the impromptu meeting at The Box of Delights. Ordinarily, he would not have been concerned about meetings involving the shopowners on the Promenade; however, the gather of such a large crowd without any invitation or notice to Melvyn Raddon struck Dorian as odd. In his experience, odd behavior was usually caused by ulterior motives.

He had been in his current position for almost 30 minutes, waiting for the meeting to break, when he noticed a slight flicker of light in the upper-right corner of his eye. It was faint, but still obvious enough to be caught within his field of vision. The average person would not have paid attention to it; however, Dorian had been trained to recognize such communication signals. He also knew who else had been trained to do such a thing. He stood up and left his drink to be dematerialized as he made his way towards the source of the subtle flashing.

Within minutes, Dorian had made it to where he pinpointed the signalling. However, when he looked around he didn't find anything, except a small shard of glass jammed into the corner of the wall. He examined it closely for several moments when he heard a single foot step behind him. He turned around quickly, while reflexively reaching for his weapon when he was greeted by a smiling face.

"I think you're starting to get old at your old age" Ranjell said as he crossed the distance between the two and walked into Dorian's personal space. "The Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel that I knew would never have fallen for such an obvious ploy." She said in a lowered tone as she drew her finger along the man's collarbone.

Dorian sighed contently for several moments before he stopped himself and grabbed the slender woman's hand. "Ranjell. . .you know that now is not the time for this." He said, valiantly fighting back the seductive wiles of the woman before him. They had spent time together when they both served within Security Department. However, since his departure, they had grown closer to one another and the greater cause of defending Humanity.

"What, you're worried about that Ferengi? By the time he gets out of the hospital, that corrupt government of his will have been compensated by that Romulan Commanding the station and they'll forget about it." She said confidently. Not showing any hint of concern nor any knowledge of what had happened to Nazl after she had left him.

"The Ferengi is dead..." Dorian said, still holding the woman's hand inside of his. "He's dead, his body was found beaten and stabbed to death" He said pointedly.

"...and you think that I did it?" She said in an accusatory tone as she snatched her hand away from the man. "You think that I killed some Ferengi? Who do you think I am Dorian, some hired Nausica---" she caught herself, but not before the last word escaped her mouth. She knew that the phrase would hit a sensitive spot with Dorian considering it was a hired Nausican that murdered his fiance so many years ago.

She allowed several seconds of silence to pass before she responded. "He was alive when he left him. We know how to do our job, Dorian." She said defensively. "We would not have agreed to deal with that Pirate if we weren't able to control ourselves." She said defiantly.

Dorian paused and took several deep breathes. "You need to leave, now, before Security finds you and uses you as the sacrificial lamb." He said cautiously.

She laughed lightly, "So I'll be fed to the Ferengi just so that damn Romulan Captain can have her precious little planet?" She said incredulously.

Dorian didn't immediately respond. "Not just the Ferengi, but anyone else that wants to see you suffer for his death. He was a diplomat, in Starfleet's eyes his life is worth 12 of ours." Dorian said ruefully. "You need to leave the station, at least for the time being until Melvyn and Raymond can sort this out." He said.

Ranjell looked down as she took in what he said. She looked back into his eyes and merely held his glance for several more moments. They both knew that she would do what was necessary. The alternative would have been being paraded around the station as some trophy to appease the alien handlers of the station's Romulan Captain.

"You're right. . ." she said softly as she laid her head on his chest and just sighed.

Dorian Gabriel
Security Consultant
Raddon Corporation

Ranjell Nassir
NPC by Thom


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