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A Legacy for My Family-Part 1

Posted on Wed Feb 1, 2017 @ 11:02am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,005 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Monteros Enterprises Offices-DS5
Timeline: MD-01 1100


Eleni Monteros walked into her office late, something not uncommon lately as she and R'Vek had been having such relationship troubles. Since Rianni's injury and near death they'd had trouble seeing eye to eye and, the last three nights, she'd stayed out until after she knew he'd be asleep to avoid the inevitable argument. The fact was she blamed him for Rianni's injuries, for her daughter... their daughter, she reminded herself, having been in the situation to get hurt in the first place. She knew it wasn't fair, knew it wasn't logical, but she blamed him, even more than she did that damned old fool she had for a father, the one who had given her precious little lamb the ride to go get shot in her face. If he'd only had the spine to stand up to his Aunt, this D'liin creature would've never gotten it's paws on Rianni, never injured her, and never forced Rianni to kill him; in her mind, this was all beccause R'Vek folded like a card table in front of his aunt and held too strongly to some of the more idiotic Romulan traditions and it had almost gotten her baby killed.

Colleen Manley, Eleni's new secretary, met her at the door, "Good morning, Ma'am." She greeted warmly.

~Always trying to curry my favor.~ Eleni thought, normally she didn't mind Colleen's sycophantic ways, but this was not the morning for it; Eleni simply did not want her butt kissed. She fought the urge to rip the poor girl apart, simply replying tersely, "Good morning, Colleen."

"I've got all your messages, ma'am." Colleen began, oblivious to the fact that Eleni was considering tearing her limb from limb and turning her into an art deco piece for the offic, "And the Chairman is in your office...."

~What is he doing here?~ Eleni wondered. Yes, her father was still owner of the company and chairman of the board of directors, but it was an almost exclusively ceremonial title, sometimes he'd go whole months without stepping foot into the office, in fact the last time he'd had a board meeting he videoed it in from the jacuzzi in his stateroom on Diana's Arrow. She straightened her hair and clothes quickly, not wanting her father to know she was going on about two hours sleep, and headed for her office where she found her father leaned back in her chair with his feet on her desk.

"Yes, Ted, of course." Gregori laughed, raising a hand in greeting to his daughter, "Of course, you know I'm going to want a discount on that fifth ship. Oh, come on, you can do better than that for a man buying five Class 2 freighters from you, Ted! I may be an old goat but don't act like my brain is made of gyro meat."

~Five class twos?~ Eleni thought, those were amongst the largest freighters in the known universe, roughly the size of Ambassador class starships, they would cost millions of bars of latinum.

"Fine, Ted, fine." Gregori said with a broad smile, he'd gotten precisely the deal he wanted it seemed, "Yes, the next time you're around Deep Space 5, you come see me, I'll treat you to Theo's fine cooking, my friend. Yes, we'll see each other soon then. Come with the ships, you'll love this part of space. Yes, yes, have a good day, old friend, doesvedanya!" He ended the call then and turned to his daughter, "Ahh, good morning, child, it pleases me so to see you."

''Good morning, Papa." Eleni smiled, "I am.... surprised to find you here. Here and spending huge amounts of money."

"Yes, child, I know, rule number one." Gregori shrugged as he referenced the rule he'd always taught his children about the family business: talk about it before you spend a million bars or more, then talk about it again the next day, latinum didn't grow on trees, "But this was such a good deal, I couldn't let it slip away. The fifth freighter, practically free. Your brother just has to feed Ted is all."

"Well, that's a good deal to say the least, Papa." Eleni nodded, the old man and her brother's cooking had scammed Ted Gegarin into many sweet deals over the years; the Russian shipbuilder was a sucker for good lamb, "But, can I ask what we need five class 2 freighters for?"

"I expected this." Gregori laughed softly, Eleni was always the most conservative and level headed of his children, it was why he tapped her to replace him. Rising from her chair he walked her to the porthole and pointed to Pangea below, "That is why, darling. Monteros Enterprises is going to make serious inroads on Pangea soon, and we're going to need those ships."

"Okay, inroads of what variety?" Eleni pressed, she still wasn't convinced.

"Soon there will be colonies on that beautiful rock below us, maybe even one our construction concern helps build." Gregori explained, "And they're going to need supplies: food, building materials, computers, heavy equipment, anything you can think of. And there we'll be the deliver them in the tradition of the great Greek merchant sailors of old, all that's left is to collect the latinum."

"It does sound promising." Eleni nodded in agreement.

"We'll build a couple large commercial centers, maybe even a private dock for our shuttles." Gregori continued, "And, more than that, we'll build a legacy that will keep paying off for future generations of Monteros."

That was always the main motivation for her father, building for his children and grandchildren so that they'd never want, there was no arguing with him when he decided he was doing it for his family, "Okay, Papa." Eleni smiled, "Tell Ted to get a move on on those freighters." ~Tired of arguing with the stubborn men in my life anyway.~ She decided, ~Might be time to just go along to get along.~


A post by

Eleni Monteros
CEO Monteros Enterprises


Gregori Monteros
Old Man with Deep Pockets and Little Restraint


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