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Collecting the Package for Delivery Part 1

Posted on Wed Feb 1, 2017 @ 6:12pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

1,597 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Box of Delights and The Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD 5 2200 ~ MD6 0200


Aleczandra walked into the Box of Delights and looked around. Her hair was raven black again, piled up on her head and held in place with a couple dangerous-looking decorative hair spikes, leaving her long neck bare and exposing the brown Trill spots running along it. In the dim light of the club it was harder to see the fuzzier, less defined edges of the spots that indicated she was only half Trill.

Tonight she wore a simple little black dress with a sweetheart neckline that pushed up her teenage cleavage. It hugged her curves and ended with a high hem, leaving her long, lean legs bare until they hit her black high heels. She wore a simple thin, but strong, silver chain around her waist. It was a subtle garrote that she could use if she needed it. A sapphire pendant matching her eyes hung between her breasts. Her clutch held a small vial of the drug to slip into Ahjess’ drink and Juheni had taken a small bit of the psilocyanine-B she had earned from her last job for Hex to make sure that Juheni would remain in control for the night.

“Martini, three olives, dirty,” Aleczandra ordered from the bartender. As it was being mixed, she turned to examine the dabo tables, her blue eyes alighting on Ahjess. “Mmmmm...yummy…” Zandra murmured.

“What was that, ma’am?” the bartender asked, sliding over her drink.

“Nothing, love,” Aleczandra said, flashing him a smile. “Just saw something pretty. And I like pretty things.”

She sauntered over to the dabo table sipping her drink. Moving to Ahjess as the round was finishing, she pressed up against him from behind.

“Room for one more?” she asked breathily, whispering in his ear. She smiled coyly at him when he turned to look at her, adding a bit of hopeful, youthful innocence to her expression as she did so.

Ahjess saw her, and straightened up with a smile. "Well, it's Lady Luck. Fancy your chances tonight?"

“Well, I do hope to get lucky,” Zandra said with a smile, sliding in next to Ahjess at the table. She put down a few chips on the board like he had taught her how to play -- safe, conservative bets, though -- and smiled at him. “Care to give me a whirl?”

Ahjess eyed the table to make sure all bets were done. "Here we go, ladies and gents, who's going to be a winner this time. It could be you!" He set the wheel in motion, leaning over the table so Alexandra could get a good glimpse of his bum in its tight leather pants.

“Mmm…” Zandra murmured. Then she turned her attention back to the table, but let her hand slide over Ahjess’ bum. She watched the table whirl and then was actually surprised when one of her numbers came up!

“Woo!” she yelped, jumping up and down with quite a show.

Ahjess pushed all the winnings to the players, leaving Alexandra to the last before pushing her chips towards her with a wink. "Now come on, people. Don't be shy, the night is young. But you've got to be in it to win it, so get them down, and don't be stingy. The more you pay the more you win. Get them down! Are you ready, people? I spin in three... two..."

Zandra made some conservative bets again and was happy to win again. Wow! What a streak tonight! Was this an indication of the job going well? This would be a nice little nest egg if Juheni needed to get away quickly.

"Someone's lucky tonight." Ahjess passed her winnings to her. "Could it be the dabo boy?"

"If he plays his chips right, I think he might be," Zandra said with a playful grin. "You off soon?" She put down another bet, a bit bigger and riskier this time. It seemed to be her night, after all. "I had a lot of fun last time we got together," she purred.

"Two AM," he sighed wistfully. "Can you wait?"

"Of course!" Aleczandra gushed. "I'll go watch the show in the next room and meet you at the bar," she told him. "I'm glad I got to come back." She gave him a grin and gathered up her winnings.

"See you soon, honey. Now make way. Is everyone ready for Dabo?" The crowd shouted their readiness. "Then lets spin!"

When 2 AM came and the last drinkers were shooed out, Ahjess sauntered over, his tight pants clinging to his hips for dear life and sparkling in the dimmed light. "So, my lucky player. Are you in need of refreshment, or shall we go straight to the main event?"

Aleczandra giggled. "I think I've had plenty of refreshment!" she said, putting her glass down. Indeed, Juheni cursed the girl as a lightweight! He'd have to get used to judging just how much this teenage girl could drink! Still, she wasn't completely inept just yet.

Aleczandra slid into Ahjess' arms and stole a kiss. "Those pants look so uncomfortable. We should get them off you before you lose circulation to your important bits."

"The only person who's going to cause circulation problems with my important bits is you, hot stuff. But it's rude to refuse a lady, so your place or mine?"

"How about my place?" Aleczandra suggested. It make it harder for anyone to pick up his trail when they realized Ahjess was missing if he didn't go to his usual places. She had purchased a modest, but private suite in The Lotus Lounge for the evening. Rowa'ni were very discrete, especially Tianys, the owner of The Lotus.

The Lotus Lounge wasn't far from the Box of Delights, but it was off the beaten path of the Promenade, discrete. The frosted window panes that made of the front wall glowed with the light from the interior. The front lobby was simple, with a bamboo panel blocking it off from the lounge further inside and a long mahogany front desk. The desk was manned by one of the green alien women wearing a sheer blue gown that left nothing to the imagination. She had pointed ears and a slight Cardassian spoon.

Zandra led Ahjess through the beaded curtain into the club itself. Even this late there was a decent clientele sitting in the dark, lost in the pleasures of whatever herbal or synthetic concoction they had imbibed, some watching with fascination the interplay of a holo-light show from their table, others enjoying the company of one of the many naked Rowa'ni -- male or female -- that roamed the roam offering drinks, edibles, or companionship. Some patrons followed the aliens up the grand staircases that flanked the club. The air was filled with the intoxicating scent of Rowa'ni that got the blood churning with desire, inciting base biological urges. Zandra shivered in anticipation and delight.

Ahjess and Zandra climbed one of the stairs and made their way to a room at the end of one of the halls and she punched in a code on the door panel. It slid open to reveal a decently sized room with a large bed with crimson satin sheets, large posts, and sheer silk hangings. On a table in the room was an orchid-like plant of crimson and purple flowers that filled the room with a scent similar to the intoxicating scent of the Rowa'ni.

As the door sealed behind them, Zandra turned and kissed Ahjess passionately, the scents of the club and the room setting her on fire. "I couldn't stop thinking about you after our night together," she murmured when the kiss broke, knowing what a man likes to hear.

"Well, you're the one who cut and run on me," he protested. "Serves you right." He grabbed her and pulled her into another kiss before stepping back to strip his tight vest. "No name, no contacts. You could have had me any time you like, like breakfast?"

"Maybe this time," Zandra said with a smile. "I had to catch a shuttle last time." She was already undoing the fastener on the little black dress, letting it slide down her lithe young body. She wore only black panties underneath, her nipples tightening in the air, her spots evident down the length of her body. "I wasn't even sure you were the kind of guy that wanted names and numbers," she said with a smile.

"I never say no." Ahjess had his shirt off and thrown in a corner. "That would be rude." He pulled her to him, bent his head, and sucked one into his mouth, rolling her stiff nipple on his tongue.

Zandra groaned, running her fingers through Ahjess’ hair. “That’s...not the same as wanting them, though…” she panted, her nipple hardening further at his touch. She ran her hands down his muscled torso, tugging at his belt, popping open the fastener on the tight pants to give his manhood room to breathe. Her hand slid inside, finding and gripping him firmly, stroking him as they stumbled toward the bed.

"Why want a number when the real thing is right in front of you? How much do you like your panties?"

“Go ahead!” Zandra said breathlessly.

"Good." Ahjess slid his fingers into the back waist band and grabbed a handful of butt and squeezed. Then his hands came round to the front, bunched the satiny fabric between his fingers, and ripped it apart.


Aleczandra Ryan/Juheni Naqiis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ahjess Denn
Dabo Boy
Box of Delights
NPC Yolanthe Ibalin


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