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Spirited away

Posted on Wed Nov 16, 2016 @ 7:28pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

774 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Holodec 5
Timeline: MD4 18:00


He should really be taking this invitation as a compliment, Liam thought but his days of Klingon combat training programmes were long in the past. He had a feeling he was going to end up black and blue at the end of this.

He had yet to find Korax, instead he was quietly, well trying quietly as one could carrying a huge heavy Bat’leth and in full on Klingon leather to get his bearings in what seemed to be a forest area on the outskirts of a grand Klingon fortress.

The first attacker he heard coming but fastly realised just how off balance he was with a Klingon blade. The monster had a skull only for a head and was welding green and gold colours with a signal in the middle of the armour he didn’t recognise.

He stumbled back when he misinterpreted this beings strength stepping into a low puddle he had not clocked. He ducked to evade the creatures blow slipping in some mud. Something snagged his leg ripping the leather as he went down roughly. There was no time to inspect the damage as the creature was preparing to swing at him again. Liam raised his own blade and there was a loud clank as their weapons connected.

“Freeze programme,”

Liam looked up confused. “Korax,” he said in acknowledgement.

“You have not kept up with your training?” the Klingon disapproved.

“Computer delete Solider,” the Klingon stated and the creature disappeared. He held his arm down and helped Liam up.

“In my defence I have been busy being captive in mirror universes and stuck on Betazed surrounded by boring and archaic family traditions. There’s a distinct lack of weapons training planeside also,” He muttered.

“Well you need to get back into it. Now, here on this station. There are facilities. No excuses. Always, there are enemies Liam. Always. Do you not remember your lessons?”

“I remember the bruises,” Liam quipped looking down at his leg. Whatever it was had gone straight through the leather and he was bleeding. He was glad Korax had stopped the programme. Clearly the safeties were not in the usual parameters he used on a holodec. That said though, he was right. He needed to pick this back up again.

“So to what do I owe this honour,” he asked.

“Come,” Korax said cryptically. “Computer end programme, open door.”

Liam shrugged and followed him out. Perhaps he had changed his mind and they were going to go drink blood wine instead. He could hope.

They turned the corner from the holodec and then Liam jumped as the larger Klingon slapped a Klingon comm. badge square in his chest and ripped off and threw his Federation one. He dropped his Bat'leth in the shock of it.

Korax then said in Klingonese” energise”.

The smell that he had spoken to Cade about the day before hit his nostrils first while his eyes battled to get used to the lower light and higher heat. “What the hell?” Liam stuttered. It had all happened so fast.

Korax boomed practically frogmarching him down a long dingy corridor. “There’s someone I want you to meet.”

“Korax,” Liam said slowly when he suddenly heard a tell-tale hum. “Why is this bird of prey moving?”

“We are going on a trip,”

“Korax you can’t just …..”

“Oh relax emotion reader. I sent word to your spotty friend. I am only borrowing you for a couple of days. It’s a short trip. You’re a diplomatic officer.
They won’t even miss you,”

“Well that’s where you’re wrong,” Liam said angrily. “Cade is my friend and would know if I was disappearing for a couple of days as I would have told him. He’ll be on to that.”

“Doesn’t matter. By the time he’s started doing anything we will have you back anyway,” Korax shot back.

“I’m not happy about this,” Liam said firmly. “It’s not honourable to kidnap your friend.”

The big Klingon rounded on him and glared. “NEVER question my honour. You will understand shortly.”

Liam said no more knowing from the alien’s emotions he meant that and that he needed to gain more understanding of the situation before formulating his next move. He followed him silently into the bowels of the bird of prey. Finally they arrived at, from what he could remember from living on a bird of prey for a while, at the female personal quarters. Kovax pressed the chime on one of the quarters and the door opened to reveal ………

Amia …..


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds


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