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Keeping One's Promises

Posted on Thu Nov 17, 2016 @ 10:03pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Second Lieutenant Emily Ransom
Edited on on Thu Dec 15, 2016 @ 11:13am

1,754 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD 4 - 0230 (after The Flop, The Turn, The River)

Ranjell laughed as she continued to listen to the Ferengi's story. The Ferengi had managed to keep her listening to him for the past hour and half as he continued to talk about his life and the excitement of working within the Ferengi Embassy. Her drink had "mysteriously" managed to refill itself throughout the Ferengi's ongoing conversation.

Nazl laughed and waved the waitress over, ordering another Slug-O Cola and rum. He’d had quite a few of them tonight. He turned back to his conversation partner. “Oh, and the females!” he said. “They are attracted to power. I can do practically anything I want to them!” he laughed. “I even got the security chief’s daughter to give me oo-mox!” He chuckled, accepting his drink from the returning waitress and slapping her bottom. “Best oo-mox I ever had! The tongue on that girl!” He leaned forward, his nose red from intoxication. “And they can’t touch me!” he chuckled. “Diplomatic immunity!” He roared in laughter. “Now if only I could get that lobeless Qinee out of the way…” he said with a snarl. “I put too many years in on this station! I didn’t go to all the trouble of getting rid of the old ambassador to get passed over!” he groused. “Lobeless reformists!

Her eyes widened in surprise. "You have that much control as a diplomat?" she asked with curiosity. "I always knew that you all had a lot of control, but I didn't know that you were practically untouchable? Wow, I guess all these years I spent as a massage therapist was going to waste! I should've joined the diplomacy corps!" she said as she finished her glass of whatever alcoholic beverage the Ferengi had ordered on her behalf.

Nazl grinned lewdly. “Well, I’m sure I could find a place on my staff for a massage therapist.”

She giggled lightly as her face turned a shade of pink. "Well...I don't know about that. My boss is pretty strict about me providing my masseuse services 'off-the-books', if you know what I mean?" she said coyly.

“Well...I won’t tell him,” Nazl promised with a snaggle-toothed grin. “Perhaps a little interview is in order?” he suggested.

"Okay..." she said with a slight slur as she began to step down from the stool she was sitting on. "But you have to promise not to tell my boss that I was providing after-hours massage treatments," she said with a slight giggle as she began to walk with him out of the door.

“Oh, we’ll keep this completely off-book,” Nazl promised, putting his hand on her bottom as they walked out.

In the shadows of the club, a figure sat up straighter. It pulled its hood up higher and ducked its head, then slid out of the booth after a moment, grabbing a messenger bag and sliding it over its shoulder. Head down, face lost in the shadows of the hoodie, it followed.

Ranjell continued to laugh gently as the two walked out of the doors for the crowded bar as they made their way towards the turbolift designated for the Ambassadorial Suite. "Aren't we just grabby, tonight?" she said in mock outrage as they made their way around the corner and into the turbolift suite.

"So is it true what they say about a Ferengi's lobes being a good estimate of his other. . .extremities," she asked in a flirty tone.

Nazl beamed. “Well, you know, it’s all about the lobes, dearie,” he assured her. “I am surprised you know of that.”

"Hmm...I think it was Rules of Acquisition #5: Always exaggerate your estimates..." Waylon said as he leaned against the wall and smiled to the recent newcomers to the area.

"Or should I be referring to Rule #19: Satisfaction is never guaranteed..." he asked as he stepped away from the wall and looked at the Ferengi and his attractive companion. "You'll have to forgive me if I get things wrong, I never had the opportunity to learn Ferengi culture. . .what with humanity no longer being driven by pure greed and reckless capitalism," he said with a sense of self-satisfaction.

“You’d be surprised just how prevalent it still is among Humans,” Nazl said. “Now, these lifts are reserved for diplomatic staff, so please leave, Hew-man,” he said with a disdainful sniff, reaching for his comm in his pocket.

"Oh...I'm sorry, were you trying to call for Security? The same Security that your friends attacked and tried to kill when they were trying to rescue Human children on your pirate ship?" Kyran said as he approached from behind the Ferengi and made a brief hand motion, showing a small object in his hand.

"I...don't think they'll be joining us for this little chat we're about to have," he said in a deliberate tone.

Nazl recognized the device as something to scramble comms and sensors. He had one of his own. He backed up a bit.

“They weren’t just Hew-man,” he said. “And they attacked us! We never fired a shot!” His voice quavered a bit. “We saved those younglings!”

"You know what I find so funny?" Kyran asked rhetorically. "He calls us 'Human' like it is some kind of an insult. It's almost as if he doesn't realize that Ferengi are at least three steps below us on the evolutionary scale," he said as his voice took a more serious tone, and he shoved the young woman out of his way and he approached Nazl.

Nazl didn’t much care about the female anymore as his eyes went wide a bit. “I am a diplomat! No charges were brought! I did nothing wrong!” he asserted

"I think it would probably help him if we took this opportunity to teach him a lesson in civility and manners," Waylon joined in as he took off his jacket and came towards Nazl.

“You stay away from me!” Nazl ordered, his voice pitching high. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small knife, cursing the station rules about carrying phasers or disruptors. “Stay back!”

" this is going to be fun," Kyran said as he began to pace around the frightened Ferengi. "Did they give you instructions on how to use that in the embassy?" He laughed as the diplomatic aide swung his blade towards him.

Nazl took an ineffectual swipe at the Human, trying to drive him back.

Kyran responded with a swift punch to the Nazl's left eye socket, followed by a direct punch into his stomach, causing the air to rush out of his lungs. "You're right, Ferengi, you were never charged for what you did to our children. You got away Scot-free, but don't worry..." Kyran said with a dark laugh as he leaned closer to the Ferengi's face. "Rule of Acquisition 218: 'Sometimes what you get free costs entirely too much,'" he said as he grabbed him by the collar and drove his fist into the bridge of his nose.

Nazl squealed and gurgled as blood poured from his nose, his eye starting to swell shut. He stabbed at Kyran with the knife again, wriggling and trying to break free.

"Help! Help!" the Ferengi shouted.

In response, Kyrin grabbed the Ferengi by the head and drove his face deftly into his knee several times.

"Keep shouting, Ferengi, nobody can hear you. Remember? These lifts are only accessible to the diplomatic staff. Maybe you can't remember because you can't hear too well," Kyran said as he withdrew his blade from his pocket. "And if that's the case, then you won't be needing these anymore," he said as he brought his arm down in a swift motion to sheer off the Ferengi's left lobe.

But a hand stopped him before he could make contact.

"No," Ranjell said calmly as she held Kyran's hand firmly in place. Clearly the woman was much stronger than she appeared to be. "You remember our instructions, teach him a lesson, but don't kill him," she said in a calm, but firm, voice.

"She's right," Waylon said as he stepped over to the prone form of the Ferengi as he fell to his knees in pain and exhaustion. "The dampening effect is going to attract attention from station Operations and Security if we don't get out of here," he said as he turned back towards Nazl.

"Consider this your only warning, Ferengi. The next time we won't be as gentle," Waylon said as he brought his foot up in the air and brought it swiftly into Nazl's face, causing him to black out.

[Just outside The Box of Delights]

Nazl's vision was blurry, one eye swelled closed, as he came around. A dark figure bent over his prone form. He cringed away. "N-N-No more!"

"Oh, don't worry, mate," a female voice said. Something familiar about it. "I'm here to help."

He looked up and saw a cascade of rainbow hair. "" he said through blood, split lips. Damn, he'd lost a tooth. Or two or three.

"Remember me?"

Nazl could only nod.

"Good," the woman said. There was a glint of light on a blade as she slipped something from beneath the wrist of her hoodie. "What do the Terrans say? Payback is a bitch?"

She jabbed the knife several times into Nazl's chest.

[Several minutes later]

The three women were in the middle of a conversation when they heard the shriek from just several feet away. It was early in the morning and they typically didn't find too many people in this part of the promenade. Most of the shops were not set to open for several more hours. Those that were opened typically did not draw very large crowds.

"My Gods and Sanctuary!" V'sholl shrieked as she saw the bloodied and severely injured body of the Ferengi diplomat. The sounds of his gurgled groans indicated that he was still alive, but just barely.

"Someone call Security or M-M-Medical!" the other woman said in a panicked voice as she tried to search for help.

The woman frantically searched for assistance amongst the crowd that was growing around the scene in front of them:

The body of a dead Diplomatic staff member to the Ferengi Embassy lay brutally beaten and stabbed in front of the The Box of Delights.


Ferengi Diplomatic Attache
NPC Matthew

Aleczandra Ryan/Juheni Naqiis
NPC Matthew

NPC Thom


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