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The Delegates

Posted on Wed Nov 9, 2016 @ 10:16am by Captain Maritza Soran & Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Caden Aldrex & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

2,543 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Conference Room 2, DS5
Timeline: Interlude MD02 1300


Commander Maritza Soran took one last look around the conference room that she had prepared for the urgent summit that had been convened following the initial trips to the planet below. Pangaea's provenance, and the granting of its oversight to Isha t'Vaurek had huge implications.

The planet was abundant with resources; that alone would make it prime real estate for any power who wanted to stake a claim to any planet balance so precariously on the Federation frontier. But the colossal potential of those portals, so similar to the nearby Iconian Gateways, but working... It was the sort of find that could cause wars. As Head of strategic Operations, it had just made her life so very much more interesting

And to complicate it more, the seeming owner of the planet had granted custodianship of a planet technically in federation space, to a Romulan. Admittedly a romulan angling for reunification with Vulcan, but still a Romulan.

She sighed, straightened one of the leather look mats that demarked places at the table a fraction of a millimeter, and checked her padd to be sure all the security was in place and checking in. Satisfied the room was secure, she touched her comm badge. "Everything is ready, Captain, we can begin as soon as the delegates arrive."

Isha nodded. She sat, back straight at the head of the conference table, her fingers resting lightly on the edge. Before her stood a pitcher of water and an upturned glass alongside a padd.

"Thank you, Commander," she said, "Have all the delegates confirmed that they will attend, either in person or via the secure channel?"

"Yes, ma'am. They should be all arriving shortly."

***** Docking Ring, Gate 4 *****

Cade Aldrex came to attention as the bosun's whistle sounded. So did the other crewmen around him. The airlock hatch opened to reveal some newcomers disgorging from a VIP transport. Leading them was a youngish man, probably in his early forties, dressed sharply in business attire and sporting unnaturally perfect hair. Behind him were other persons of importance.

"Welcome aboard Deep Space Five. I'm Caden Aldrex, station exec."

"Paul Roux. I'm the President's Special Envoy for Pangaean Affairs," the youngish man said.

"Mizuki Fujimoto. Representative from the Federation Home office division," a petite black-haired human lady bowed at the Trill man. "A pleasure Commander."

"Jhyraa Sh'vholathm," the tall Andorian gave a precise nod. "UFP Department of Defense." She was wearing an andorian military uniform, rather than a starfleet one, and marking on it denoted her as a general in the Imperial Guard.

Cade smiled and motioned with his outstretched hand. "If you'll come this way please."

***** 15 Minutes Later, Conference Room *****

The first question, asked by Paul Roux, was straight to the point. "So, Ambassador t'Vaurek, by what authority do you claim to be the custodian of Pangaea?" He gestured to the planet outside the observation windows.

Isha’s eyebrow twitched slightly, “You appear to have been misinformed of my identity Mister Roux. I hold only one title in this place and that was bestowed on me by Starfleet,” she said. Without leaving space for him to respond Isha moved on to address his question. “The outcome of the Pannotia Accord was quite specific in its details,” she said, “The former inhabitants of the world who have the ability to travel between this dimension and their own stated very clearly that I was to have jurisdiction over the system as compensation for the loss of my daughter who was poisoned by one of their number. I would sooner have Eviess back, but that would mean the poison would take its effect and I would lose her, thus I accepted their payment.”

"Is there no way to retrieve your daughter?" Roux asked. "To bring her back here for treatment?"

“It is true that a medical team could, with the aid of the Fae cross into the other dimension, but there would be no guarantee of success. If it took a week, a month they would find on their return that months or years had passed. I would not ask anyone to sacrifice their own life. The passage of time there is well documented in your own planet’s mythological cycle. I accepted control with reluctance, only now do I know what that means.”

"So to clarify," The Andorian general tipped her antennae towards the Romulan, "The guardianship has been invested in you personally?"

Isha tilted her head slightly as she regarded the Andorian - they were difficult to read, she found. Her eyes flicked for a second to Roux - how much did that whelp know about her long term plans? Little, she suspected or else he would not be so hostile - then back to the general, "Their Queen was sorry for the removal of my daughter and wanted to make amends. She had gleaned that I have people, followers who wish to make a home within Federation space, and deigned it possible through this act."

The andorian frowned. "What if you choose to resign your commission? or are otherwise removed from office?"

"As long as I know Eviess is alive and can visit me from time to time I will not leave. If I am removed I will go to the surface and live out my days or else find a way through to the other side. I accepted a duty station here, and that is my first priority," she said, slowly as though it was the first time she had thought through the situation.

"What about if you were to die? Would succession pass to your daughter then? In this fae world? I agree, if we build any colony down there we need to know the future of that if you were not in the picture," Fujimoto said softly.

Isha sat back in her chair - her own mortality was not something she often pondered, but the question was valid. "I think, but I am not sure, if my consent had been given during my life and not withdrawn then it would stand if I were to die," was she opening herself up to an assassination attempt from within the Federation or Starfleet if this were true Isha wondered as she paused for breath. "I did not ask for this, and when I discovered the edges of its meaning I did not hesitate to call this convention. One alone should not have such influence, such power - I am looking for a solution," she said.

That gave Paul Roux the opening for his next question. "Ambassador, what about your own government? What are their expectations? Have they discussed this with you?" (OOC: Maekhav D'Aerrol was recalled to Romulus for consultation immediately after the incident in the caves. He has not returned yet.)

Isha's gaze hardened slightly as she turned her attention back to Roux - he was too shiny, and whilst she valued appearance there was something too stiff about him, as though he, along with ten other identikit Rouxs had been starched and stored in a wardrobe until ready for use.

At least this question was valid - of all the parties who might be interested in staking a claim to Pangaea that of the Romulans, by nature of the proximity of the border was second only to the Federation's - but that would not do for her she had her own agenda.

"I do not represent the Stelam Shiar in this place," Isha replied in the calm non-committal tone that had once so irritated her senate peers. "If they were to discuss their objectives with me it would only be to the extent of what they wish Starfleet to know, I can assure you of that."

"How does it work Captain? This guardianship? Your control. What powers do you have if say a bunch of warships decided to come invade that planet below. Do you have some abilities from the Fae or would it be the station that would engage them?" the smaller woman asked.

Isha smiled softly and shook her head, "I really don't know. A ship made a break for the atmosphere and I was thinking to myself how I could encourage it to retreat. It was as though my thoughts were transformed into a natural phenomenon - you will have read the report concerning the coronal ejection that struck the SS Coyote Marine?"

Isha paused for a moment even though the question was rhetorical. "Even as the thought was in my mind, just as an image it began to happen. It is not safe at this stage for anyone to be on the surface and I had to stop them. I have not tried to replicate the occurance."

Isha paused again and looked at each of the individuals in the room as though assessing their agendas one by. "We are all friends here," she said after her scrutiny, whether or not she believed that was adifferent matter, "The idea that I can influence solar activity, weather or - or I don't know what terrifies me. That is why you have all been asked here so that we can examine this power, and ensure that safeguards are in place."

The Andorian frowned, antennae lifting, eyebrows drawing together. "What safeguards are you proposing, becuase, and forgive my sceptism, I truly don't see what possible safeguards and sanctions can be put on an individual who can create cosmological phenomenon on a whim. We'd have more luck taming a Q."

The Japanese human nodded her head in agreement turning her gaze on the Romulan women, "My thoughts also."

Isha stood and paced away from the table. With her back turned she poured herself a glass of water and drained it, taking the time to think before addressing the implicit question.

"By the circumstances of my birth, nothing more I had influence. Throughout my life I have gained more influence and power even as I have sought to shed it. I am no Q. I have lived the devastation that it can bring, not through my own indulgence, but from those who sought to wrest it from me."

Isha paused again, to observe their reactions.

Sh'vholathm looked deeply unimpressed, her antennae flattening instinctively in response to the perceived threat, even whilst she kept her face as neutral as possible.

Mizuki nodded. She understood where the Romulan women was coming from but so far she had not answered the question.

Paul Roux cast a fleeting glance at Aldrex and Soran but his face remained impassive.

[reactions please :)]

"It is not proven, but I believe the incdent was possible due to my connection with my daughter. I could bring her back and allow her to die, but as her mother I cannot do that. I want her to live even if she is elsewhere."

Isha paused again but this time her thoughts were focussed on the solution. "I have no wish to be a god or rule by my whims. I wish for peace for my people, and those who would live at their side. I propose that we, united, parley with the Fae, and ask them to amend their agreement with me."

"Do you believe that would be something they would consider?" Mizuki asked.

"I do not know, but until they understand our intentions they will not show themselves - that much I do know"

"How do we request a parley?" Mizuki asked. "Do we need to go down to the planet with you?"

Reluctant to state again that she simply did not know Isha considered that question. "During the inquest into the death of one of their people on the promenade they simply turned up towards the end of the hearing. There was no invitation. I believe it would be appropriate, once we are agreed on a solution that this delegation present visit the planet," Isha paused and smiled oddly, "I have yet to see these fabled talking statues," she added.

Cade Aldrex opened his mouth to protest but then thought better of it. Now was not the time to disagree with the captain about what a bad idea he thought that was. He would speak to her later when it was just the two of them.

"Can we really trust them?" Paul Roux asked. "It sounds to me like any interaction with them ought to make us fear for our lives."

"Oh Mr Roux," the Japanese women said staring at him. "It seems we have no other option. And besides at one point none of the races in this room trusted each other. There has to be a starting point. The fact of the matter is if anything is going to happen with Pangaea these Fae have to be consulted. The Captain, appointed with guardianship thinks it. We have no choice. Captain if you wish to go to the surface I will accompany you. Talking statues and all."

It seemed Isha had one ally at least. "I do not believe them to be a threat to me," Isha said, "and by extention they should not be a threat to anyone who accompanies me."

"I must admit," the Andorian, "that it is rare these days to find technology that defies immediate explanation. I would quite enjoy to see a statue talk."

Despite his reservations Paul Roux had to concede that they didn't come all this way just to observe the planet from orbit. The President had asked him to size up the situation out here, and more importantly, Isha t'Vaurek, her allegiances, and her state of mind. "All right. So how soon can we go?"

"We have a runabout on standby," Maritza supplied. " We can leave whenever everyone is ready."

"I'm not sure it is technology," Isha said, "but then I'm no scientist."

She paused to evaluate the situation - if there were any mishaps on the surface this time it was down to her, not to circumstances, yet for some reason she was sure that the Fae would deliver on their promises, all she had to do was to work out what it was she wanted from them.

Sh'vholathm stood. "I see no point in beating around the bush. We came here to evaluate the extent of the abilities you have been given by these aliens. We should see their works, as well as your ... gift."

Paul Roux stood as well. "I assume we've all been assigned guest quarters here on the station? I think I'll go and change into something more appropriate for exploring planets. Then we can depart."

"Yes, I agree." Mizuki said with a smile looking down at her ornate Japanese dress. "A Kimono is not really exploring attire."

Maritza touched her padd, sending a signal to the Quartermaster's department. "Our stewards will be here in a moment to show you to your quarters. Your bags have already been moved. We can reconvene at Shuttle Bay forty four an hour enough time?"

Mizuki nodded and then bowed at the blond officer. "Plenty," she said. "Thank you for accommodating us."


Mizuki Fujimoto
Npc Liam Reynolds

Captain Isha t'Vaurek
Commanding Officer

Cmdr. Caden Aldrex

Paul Roux
Special Envoy for Pangaean Affairs
NPC Bert

Jhyraa Sh'vholathm
UFP Department of Defense
NPC Notty

Commander Maritza Soran
2XO/Chief Strategic Operations Officer
NPC Notty


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