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Strangers in the Grass, Part 3

Posted on Wed Dec 7, 2016 @ 4:58am by Lieutenant Daniel Rivera & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Rhe'la Daughter of the Forty-ninth House & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D. & Lieutenant JG Jason Fisher & Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr

1,656 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Cardassia
Timeline: Circa 2373


Liam had done as he was ordered and stepped back from the children. The sudden mention of the Dominion War thrust memories of Betazed’s occupation into his mind. The first time he had seen a Cardassian, Vorta, or Jem’Hadar, and to have seen someone die. He shook his head slightly in a bid to send those thoughts far far away and concentrate on the mission.

Caleb scowled. This wasn’t good. They weren’t equipped for something like this. “Okay, everyone stay calm,” he said, assessing their options. “Everyone, Temporal Prime Directive applies!” he said. “What gear do we have that doesn’t fit this time?” he asked.

Noelle took in the news, but remained silent. There was no point in expressing her anxiety or frustration. After all, she knew as soon as they entered, they were going to face danger, it was just a matter of determining its nature. Bennett had been wary during her last trip and that was just when she had been surrounded by a crowd of people. Now, it appeared they were in the middle of a potential war zone.

The Cardassians were certainly an unexpected surprise. Annora watched the reactions of several on the team, many of whom were very unhappy about the revelation. It really wasn't too surprising. She would react in a similar fashion if they had ended up on a Romulan planet. While complying with the order to keep her weapons holstered, she still kept her left hand ready to draw should the need arise.

From the direction the children had run came the sound of pounding feet and a small group of Cardassians came into view, followed by a half dozen Jem'Hadar. The Cardassians froze for a moment, stunned to see Federation uniforms. The Jem'Hadar, warriors born and raised, had no such hesitation. They opened fire on the away team picking out what targets they could through the long grass.

Mikaela Locke dived down into the grass to avoid a random blast. Having been more towards the back of the main away team, she hadn't really seen or heard what was going on. Her mind was racing, undoubtedly asking the same questions as the others: 'How?' 'Where?' even 'When?' But all of those would have to wait. In order to find the answers to questions, one must first be alive.

She still wasn't fully sure what was happening, but once the fighting started all bets were off. Dropping to one knee, Annora pulled her rifle from behind the backpack. Taking aim at the group heading towards them, she opened fire. "And this is why I pack more than just a pistol," she said to herself more than anyone else.

Liam crouched down and kept his mouth shut, letting the security people do their thing. The Cardassians were angry and protecting themselves and their children.

Korudos had gone from scientist and inquisitive mind to an officer in the heat of battle of a war past. He dropped from his knee to a prone position on the ground and quickly removed his phaser from its side holster. He could care less about the tricorder at the moment or its damned readings. Taking aim at the nearest advancing Dominion soldier, he eyed the commander. He wasn't ready to become a standby security officer, but he had enough wit and training to not be helpless either. In fact, he was far from it. "What are your orders, sir?"

“Down!” Caleb ducked into the grass. He returned fire with his sidearm a moment before holstering it and digging for his rifle. “Return fire! Stun only!”

Dan Rivera pulled his weapon from its holster and crouched for cover. His setting was already on stun, but we couldn't see a target anywhere. The incoming fire was the only sign that they were out there.


Relon Cetan ran as fast as he could. Behind him he heard the sounds of weapons fire. His heart was pounding and he almost felt as if he would faint. He had to get home. Out here in this wilderness, however, he wasn't sure where it was. In every direction he was surrounded by tall grass that all looked the same.

Then he ran full sprint into something solid and invisible. It hurt. He fell to the ground. When he looked up there was nothing there.

Then the invisible wall decloaked to reveal a Jem’Hadar soldier. Others materialized with him. "Why are you here?" The question was gruff and accusing.

Relon pointed in the direction from which he had come. "Hu-Humans!" he said.

The Jem’Hadar looked in that direction, not that he could see beyond the thick vegetation. "What do you mean 'Humans?'" His unit had heard the weapons fire, but assumed someone must be out of position. Things like that often happened in large, joint exercises, and their Cardassian allies lacked much tactical skill anyway. It was no surprise.

Then their comm channel erupted. "All units, advance to grid 313-047! We're in contact with an enemy force! This is no drill!"

The Jem’Hadar's eyes widened. "Follow me," he said to his warriors. "We'll make our way to their flank." He reached down and pulled up young Relon by the scruff of the neck. "You, show us the best way through this grass!"

Relon shook his head in fear. "But...I can't..."

"Now!" the Jem’Hadar roared. He pushed Relon ahead as he adjusted the settings on his rifle.


Caleb returned fire and looked to Korudos. “We can’t get pinned down here!” he said. “What have your scans picked up about the topography? We need to withdraw to better ground.” The tall grass was their only asset, but that wouldn’t last long. It provided concealment, but no cover. Phaser and disruptor fire would soon take care of it, not to mention the sensors the Dominion troops likely had.

“Lieutenant Tessaro. Once we have a direction, take the non-combatants with you.” He indicated the non-security officers. “Philips, Markov, go with her. The rest of us will provide cover.”

Leonora scrambled over to the security officer and held out her tricorder. "I think we're about to be surrounded."

Liam nodded in agreement. Now he knew what he was sensing he pushed his abilities further out. There were more of them about to flank them in the other direction.

"She's right, Commander. But the good news is that we're about two kilometers west of what appears to be a forest-like area comprised of this bamboo-like grass and some trees. If we can reach the area it would provide perfect cover," Korudos chimed in as he fired off a shot in the area of the advancing Dominion forces.

“Better than here,” Caleb nodded. He pointed in a direction. “They haven’t sealed that way off yet. We can escape through there an’ loop around ta the forest, hopefully,” he said. “Same plan. Non-security officers get out first while we provide cover. Follow Lieutenant Tessaro.”

"Fire," Dan Rivera calmly warned from his spot a few feet away. He wasn't referring to the weapons' discharge. The grass around them was on fire. Flames and smoke rose upward into the blue sky. It was spreading rapidly.

Liam could feel his colleagues getting more and more concerned. He could also feel the anger from the enemy growing. "Time to go," he stated dryly.

Caleb glanced at the fire. “Use the smoke for cover when ya move,” he told Liam and the others. “Now go!”

Clipping the rifle to the front of her vest, Annora rose from the grass as the bulk of the away team followed suit. "See you on the other side sir."

A few members were a bit reluctant to leave their current position, which took some extra urging from their crewmates to get moving. The group was bunched together a bit more than she would have liked, but for the current situation Annora was simply glad they were moving away from the firefight and the literal fire growing in front of them.

Caleb nodded to Annora and turned back to raise his rifle at the Jem’Hadar and Cardassians, laying down covering fire. The smoke was getting thick and he coughed. Luckily the wind was blowing away from their line of retreat. It would buy them some time, he hoped.

Korudos recovered the dropped tricorder and holstered his phaser as he tried to see through the smoke. The smoke from the fire burned his eyes. As he set the tricorder to a passive scan of the area he began moving towards the area he had pointed out. As he ran, trying to dive the wild shots of Dominion weapons being fired into the smoke, he tripped over a large rock he could not see and fell down to the ground. A few moments later he felt a security team member pulling him up and his head throbbing. A warm streak of blue blood dripped down the side of his face and he cursed himself for not paying more attention. Things were certainly more hazy now, but he wasn't sure if it was the smoke or the ringing in his head causing the issue. Pushing forward, he tried to catch up with everyone else as they all retreated.

There came a cry through the smoke, young and high pitched. Dell looked towards it. "There's a child trapped in there!" she hissed at Commander Ryan.

Caleb scowled. “Okay. I’ll get it. Keep pulling back,” he told Dell.


Lt. Leonora Dell
Acting head of Operations
NPC by Notty

Lt. Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomat

Ens. Korudos th'Razh
Chief Science Officer

Ltjg. Noelle Bennett, M.D.
Chief Counselor

Lt. Mikaela Locke
Senior Intelligence Officer

Ltjg. Jason Fisher
Security Officer
NPC Iain

Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Ltjg. Annora Tessaro
Assistant Security Chief

Lt. Dan Rivera
NPC Bert


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