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All the Fun at the Fair (Part 3)

Posted on Mon Nov 7, 2016 @ 7:36pm by Civilian Thereen Tera & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,182 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD 1 1900

"Shuffle these for me and then I need you to draw me three and place them face down on the table," the woman told her. "Think about what you want to ask while you shuffle them."

Tera bit her lip as she shuffled the cards. What should she ask? Should she ask about Liam? About home...Bajor? Would she ever see it again? Her hands trembled as she placed the three cards face down in front of her.

The lady leaned further forward and turned each card in front of Tera. “Your past,” she said, unveiling a card with a large decorative wheel, “your present,” she informed her, turning a card over where a naked man and women stood at either side reaching towards each other, “and your future,” she said, finally turning over a card with a red robed man holding a wand. In front of him was a table with a coin, a cup, and sword on it.

“The Wheel of Fortune,” she explained, going back to the first. “Understand that this is always turning. Note the snake and demon on the left and right, the sphinx holding the sword triumphant at the top, and all around the four elements. You encounter all this in life and the wheel turns over and over. When you are on top you hold your arms high. In the past, you have been on the wheel going down. You may or may not encounter some of these elements.” Her long, ornate fingernail flipped to the snake, demon, and the pictorial elements. “Some may have knocked you on your path. But understand, that was your past. As with all wheels, once you go down, you come back up again, and this is now happening.”

She grinned and moved on to the next card. “Ah, the lovers. The gentleman outside. Now in your life. There is romance now if you invite it. Do not make the assumption that marriage is imminent. That a family magically comes. That is possibility. Understand that this card is about possibilities and choice. But you, you have the choice. See how they hold their arms out to each other. A true partnership can be yours with work, in any relationship there is work. But it’s there if you wish it.

“And finally, your future. The Magician. He is a young apprentice on a journey. He has everything he needs to succeed – coin, power, security.” Her fingers flitted to the table. “The potential is in you to achieve your wanted goals. The tools all yours for the taking. Confidence is coming, and you will start to value your potential. There is a little risk. There always is, my dear, so you must not be afraid, but,” her hands flipped back to the wheel, “you will be your own making of climbing back to the top.”

Tera listened with rapt attention to the old woman, staring at the cards on the table. How could she see things in her life so clearly? They had never met before! And...she was a hologram. She touched the center card, The Lovers, and then glanced over her shoulder at the tent flaps that Liam had disappeared through. The woman should be Kai, or at least a Vedek!

“Thank you,” Tera told the woman with a bright smile. “You do not know how good this makes me feel, to know my future will be better, and that Liam can be in it,” she said, clasping the woman’s hand.

"Your future is in your own hands. I just pointed out the tools are there for your taking."

“Is that everything?” Tera asked. “Do you need Liam now?” He had the money, after all.

The lady nodded and said no more.

Tera stood up and ducked out of the tent. “Your turn,” she said.

Liam smiled at Tera as he walked past and entered the tent. He took the seat opposite her.

The old woman nodded to Liam as he took his seat. “Your aura is strong,” she said.

"Thank you," Liam said, not really understanding what that meant.

“Give me your hand,” the woman told Liam, holding out her own. She took it and gazed intently at his palm, occasionally tracing a line with a long, lacquered nail. “Mmmm...hmmmm….yes…very good. Your life line is strong, and your love line…” She looked up at Liam with a smile. “I see great passion, but also troubles,” she said. “It has not been easy, hm?”

"I have had my fair share of heartache," Liam said gamely.

“Yes, but this new love in your life…” The old woman traced a line crossing Liam’s palm. “She brings a different sort of problem. But the bond between you is strong.”

"Well we will just have to face whatever comes," Liam answered. It wasn't anything new. Tera had said when they went to dinner that people wouldn't like him being tied to her.

“Yes,” the old woman said. “Can you be strong for her, is the question you must ask. Support her, but let her face her battles?” She folded Liam’s hand up and patted his closed hand, finishing the reading.

"I can all but try," Liam said.

Tera was waiting outside when Liam emerged, sipping a bottle of root beer she had gotten from one of the stalls nearby. “Wasn’t that amazing?” she asked Liam brightly. “Even here, the Prophets speak!”

Liam nodded. Tera was smiling so the fortune teller must have told her something good. "So what do you want to do now?" he asked, slipping his hand round her waist.

“Should we try a ride?” Tera asked, slipping her arms around Liam and leaning into him. “There is that big wheel thing, it goes up high.”

"Let's do it." He nodded, walking her towards the ferris wheel. The attendant showed them to the lowest car and fastened them in. Liam let his arm rest round Tera's shoulder. "You're not afraid of heights, are you," he asked.

“No,” Tera said. “Though I suppose it would matter how high,” she said with a laugh, snuggling down into Liam’s embrace, pressing against his side.

"Well, it’s not orbital skydiving height," Liam said softly, relaxing back into the seat. "If it was, you wouldn't get me on this."

Tera shivered. “Me, either,” she said with a laugh.

They rose slowly into the air as the wheel was loaded, reaching the top and waiting there for a few moments. They had a good view looking out over the fair, and it was just them alone up here.

The stars were beginning to come out in the holodec. "This is rather nice," Liam commented. "Very romantic. Did I do good on the date?" he asked.

Tera tilted her head up to smile at Liam. “Very good,” she said, reaching up to brush her fingers gently through his hair. “This is amazing.” She pulled his lips down to meet hers in a soft, intimate kiss.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Thereen Tera
Bajoran shop owner
NPC Matthew


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