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Prices Are ALWAYS Negotiable

Posted on Tue Nov 22, 2016 @ 7:25am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel

1,009 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: DS5 (Undisclosed)
Timeline: MD4- 1600 hours


Caila D'Liin hadn't wasted much time getting to Deep Space 5; she'd needed to see T'shar Dokarr anyway about a potential sale, but once she found out that her brother's murderer was back on the station and out of sickbay, she needed to get there at maximum warp, a deal needed to be made between herself and her Cardassian, for now, friend. With Torm dead she now found herself with a much bigger hand in the arms market, so in a way her 'sister in law' had done her one Hell of a favor, but she was still not about to let some halfling whore murder a D'Liin and live to speak of it. She'd left her father's summer home a few days previous, they'd discussed the whole thing and agreed that war with the Khelliana was now practically inevitable: if they struck at this Rianni, the Khelliana would strike back, and their power and influence would bring many great houses, and possibly even the Continuing Committee, to their side for the fight, it was simply a fight they couldn't hope to win, subtlety would be the order of the day. As such, she now awaited T'shar Dokarr arrival, ready to offer him the deal of the century: ten thousand bars worth of high tech weapons, all for the head of one half-breed guttersnipe.

T'shar Dokarr did not like being "summoned" in a hastened manner. He preferred planning his meetings far into the future so that he could account for any potential pitfalls or setbacks. Unfortunately, his Romulan colleague did not have the same appreciation. He looked around the sparsely populated dining facility to see if she had arrived as scheduled. When he saw her he raised his hand and gestured for her to come to his table.

"About time you got here." Caila groaned, she wanted to get this over with and get on her way.

"What is it that you wanted that required me to put aside my plans and meet you here?" He asked in an obviously annoyed tone.

"I want to make an arrangement with you." She said coldly, "I'm offering you top of the line weapons and access to Romulan intel assets, half price and.... a favor of sorts. Interested now?"

Dokarr paused for several moments as he contemplated the introduction. He knew that Romulans never gave away anything just for the sake of cooperation or kindness. In fact, they hardly liked to give anything even if they had already agreed to you. He knew that there was something dangling that she wanted.

"What kind of favor are you asking for?" He asked incredulously.

"The half breed whore who murdered my brother lives on this station." She replied, "I don't want her to live anywhere anymore, if you follow me."

It figured. Run-of-the-mill family matters. For a brief moment he actually thought that she wanted someone important to be killed in exchange for the weapons and intelligence.

"Who is she and why should I care enough to have her. . .handled?" Dokarr asked.

"This same piece of half human filth also assisted in the murder of one of the biggest merchants in the business, opening up his territory, not to mention some of his previously exclusive suppliers, to me." She continued, "I know that's something your cause would love to have access to. And all for the cost of one dead half-breed."

"So if she killed a competitor, why are you trying to kill her. I'd figure you'd want to thank her. " He responded. "More importantly, what does she do on this station? I hardly think you'd be coming to me if she was just some civilian that nobody would miss." He inquired further.

"I never told you it would be easy, Dokkar." She laughed, "The filthy wretch is the daughter of Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian, Tal Shiar, and Eleni Monteros, CEO of Monteros Industries, making her the granddaughter of Commodore Gregori Monteros, late of Starfleet Intelligence and Federation Special Intelligence Service, not to mention the niece of Capt. Isha t'Vaurek, former Romulan Ambassador. As for why I want her dead, she murdered my brother, and she's going to pay. We simply can't afford to provoke the Khelliana. Now, are you interested or do I look somewhere else for my professionals?"

"You are insane!" He said incredulously. "You might as well ask me to assassinate the President of the Federation!" He said. "....'look somewhere else for my professionals'...are you stupid, little girl?" Dokkar asked in a patronizing tone. "There is no one else in this sector that id crazy enough to go up against the Tal'Shiar, let alone its leader's daughter." He said pointedly.

"If you're afraid, I'll find someone else." Caila replied, "Just tell me the job's too big for you and I'll move along, there's plenty of other hired guns in this sector."

"I did not say that," he rebuffed. "What I am saying is that you are insane, and because of your lack of lucidity, the price will go up exponentially for this job to be performed." He said with a slight smile as he leaned back in his chair and observed the crowd several meters away from the restaurant. "This will actually take subtlety and skill, you can't just walk up and shoot her like some Nausicaan hired gun." Dokkar said.

"Look, no more games." Caila shook her head, "I've made my offer, make your counteroffer, and let's get this done. Every second that disgusting half-breed lives is a slap in my family's collective face."

"Fine...but my typical fee has tripled, due to the necessary time and resources that will need to be used to perform the job." Dokkar said firmly. "You already know where to direct payment as well as the necessary weapons information." He said.

"Very well." Caila agreed, "But after she's dead. The quicker you end this..... thing, the quicker you get paid." With that she stood up and walked away, knowing Dokkar would kill her soon enough.



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