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Laying The Foundation

Posted on Tue Nov 1, 2016 @ 3:54am by Ensign Korudos th'Razh

617 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Science Lab 1
Timeline: 48 Hours After Arriving On DS5

Science Lab One was filled from front to back with a sea of teal uniforms, the entirety of the science team. At the back of the lab and commanding everyone's attention stood the tall Andorian ensign who had just become their department head a few days before hand to much question. And he was there trying to answer the questions and more. "... And that is my career in a nutshell folks. So I know some of you were questioning how an ensign was suddenly your direct superior and I hope that settles the matter. I will tell you now that I will never ask anything of you that I would not do myself and I will not accept anything less than one hundred and ten percent from each and everyone of you."

Moving across the back of the wall Korudos walked over to one of the station's and picked up a stack of PaDDs. He then started to walk down the row of officers handing a PaDD to a single officer at the beginning of each row. "Folks, these are the new duty rosters. I'm handing them over to your division leaders now. Right now with the exobiology group short qualified officers will be rotating to help them until we can add some additional officers to our ranks. Questions regarding your shifts should be directed to Ensign Bel-Asher." Korudos said, speaking aloud so all could hear as he finished handing out the PaDDs. Once he was done he walked back to where he had been standing before and continued on.

"During Alpha Shift I will be spending my time between here and the command center and will be available in my office during beta shift every day. Ensign Bel-Asher will be heading up Beta Shift, and Lieutenant Andrews will be overseeing Gamma Shift. If you need me during off hours make sure it's an emergency folks, I like my rest just as much as the rest of you. Besides, if it's not an emergency I just might challenge you to Ushaan." he said, a chuckle wrapping up the sentence. The room laughed with him and as few acknowledgements were heard inbetween as well. From the back of the room a hand shot up.

Korudos pointed to the hand in acknowledgement. "Lieutenant Tovari?"

"Sir, what are our plans for Pangaea?" the Trill chemist asked. The question was a good one but also one Korudos was still in fact debating over as he studied all of the relevant data he had been given. Taking a moment to choose his words carefully, he finally offered a response."That's a great question and one that deserves an honest answer Lieutenant. The truth is I myself am still trying to go over all of the data. I can promise you this though, once the data is reviewed and a safe course for exploration can be charted I plan to set up rotating away teams to study the planet full time. We'll be in a race against other governments, private organizations, and possibly the Department of Temporal Affairs. That means I need everyone prepared and on their a game"

In the back the Trill science officer nodded her head, and Korudos hoped that the answer had been a satisfactory one. There was a lot of work to be done with the department and getting it back up to par after it had been with a leader for so long. He was up to the task and he knew the crew would be capable of getting them where he had envisioned, he only hoped they were patient enough. Either way the ground work was laid, now it was up to everyone to come together.


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