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Survivor's Tale

Posted on Fri Sep 23, 2016 @ 4:21am by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D.

2,052 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: Main Sick Bay
Timeline: MD 3 0730

Security Investigation Officer Si'Lar Trellis was accompanied by Ensign Deborah Kato and Senior Chief Petty Officer Lokar as she went to interview one of the survivors from the destruction of the Bajoran vessel B'hala. Colonel Wen was still gone with the search crew trying to find any survivors or evidence to explain what had happened to her vessel.

Lieutenant Trellis was the senior investigator; however, Ensign Kato had considerable training in interviewing survivors of traumatic events. More importantly, Trellis felt that he could have a better conversation with the woman that Colonel Wen had referred to as "Herdra" without the added anxiety of Colonel or the apprehension that came with seeing Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas.

The trio entered the main foyer of Sickbay and addressed the first nurse they encountered.

"Hello, we're from Security, we'd like to speak with patient Herdra." Lieutenant Trellis said.

Herdra Perin was not what many would call a delicate woman. She has always picked to play on the boys team, often besting them at their own games. When she applied to the Militia Academy she said a few eyebrows with her decision to take hand to hand combat, close quarters combat, advanced weaponry, and ships defense in her first semester. Despite her outward toughness, there was something about the current situation that left her feeling helpless. Laying alone in Sickbay, she perked up upon hearing her name.

"Ms Herdra is in Bay 3. Let me see if she's prepared for visitors?" the nurse they had selected, scuttled off to check if the patient was not napping, was fully dressed and consented to visitors. All this ascertained, she returned and gave them permission to go on in.

Trellis allowed Ensign Kato to lead the way towards the Bajoran's bed. When they got to it the woman was already sitting up and waiting on them as they approached.

Herdra forced a cordial smile."What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Hello Ms. Perin, I'm Ensign Debora Kato and this is Lieutenant Trellis and Senior Chief Petty Officer Lokar. We're from security and we wanted to stop by to see how you were doing and to find out what you remember from the incident involving your ship." She stated. "Undoubtedly, your government will perform an investigation, but it is also important for Starfleet to perform its own investigation since you ended up on our station." She said.

Despite being annoyed at the misuse of her name, the Bajoran woman nodded her understanding of the situation.

"Ok, let's begin with what your vessel was doing and what exactly it was that you encountered." She asked.

Her frustration grew."As we said when we told your people when we arrived, we were testing our new ship Just a routine shakedown. The Cardassians attacked us. We were unable to respond to their hails due to a malfunction in the communications array."

"What were your people doing testing a new vessel so far from Bajoran space?" Lieutenant Trellis interjected. Still unsure of what exactly happened and whether the Bajoran Militia was revealing everything that happened. "What type of vessel was being tested?" He continued.

Herdra shrugged. "It's called the B'hala Class. The project isn't classified we were on a long range Shakedown, testing the ships engines and sensors." The Bajoran looked at them as though they were trying to accuse her of something.

The nurse sensed that this wasn't a relaxed chat about how the woman was healing and slipped away to look for the CMO, just in case she may have made an error in allowing this interview to happen in a sickbed. It wasn't long before Amia returned to see what the slightly rattled nurse had been concerned about.

"Excuse me interrupting, I'm Commander Telamon, the CMO. I'm wondering if this interview might best wait until my patient has been discharged? Is it very urgent?" she asked calmly and politely, checking over the patient's stats and readings as she spoke. "I don't mean to suggest you cannot be here, but it would be very remiss of me not to make sure Ms Herdra is well enough to cope if it's going to be a difficult interview. I know you'll understand.....?" she remained neutral and monotone, attempting to assess the situation thoroughly and quickly.

The nurse had said these visitors were from Security so if she didn't like the way it was going this was going to prove difficult to break up as she clearly couldn't just "send for security" but then again, if this patient was someone who had done something wrong or was here to do so, then Amia would need to side with the Security detail. It needed a lot of quick assessment and some fast thinking and decisions.

After attending her last session for the day, Noelle decided to check on Herdra before heading to her quarters for the evening. Although she had been able to hand over the Bajoran woman's medical care at the end of her shift, Bennett still hated to leave a patient in the middle of recovery. Making her way to the recovery bay, Noelle could see members of security as well as Amia were present. Not wishing to interrupt whatever was going on between the group, instead, Bennett turned her attention to her patient's bio monitors, which suggested her blood pressure and respiration were slightly elevated. Such readings would be consistent with an interaction with security officers, although Noelle could tell from the scene, there was a bit more going on.

Perin looked around at everyone that had gathered. It was becoming overwhelming, all of the voices. The Bajoran woman closed her eyes and tried to focus.

Lieutenant Trellis turned to the senior Doctor and was prepared to tell her not to interfere in a Security investigation when he saw the pips on her collar. He immediately turned to squarely address the superior officer as he explained himself.

"Ma'am, Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis, Security Investigations, myself, Ensign Deborah Kato, and Senior Chief Petty Officer Lokar have been tasked with investigating the recent destruction of the Bajoran vessel by speaking with the two survivors." He responded.

"Ms. Perin is the only survivor that is available at the moment." He added. "Moreover, it is still unknown what caused the alleged conflict between her vessel and the Cardassian vessel that is accused of opening fire on them. Our investigation is merely attempting to shed light on the situation, Ma'am." He said functionally.

SCPO Lokar merely sat back and observed the ruckus that was going on between the various Officers. He was only here to provide ancillary support if necessary. Direct investigations weren't his job. he was more of a hard-charger, kick-in-the-door, shoot-first and ask-questions-later type of person. However, he also recognized that the Officers were walking on eggshells since this involved direct combat between Bajorans and Cardassians. However, it now looked like there was going to be some kind of confrontation between the Officers.

"We need to interview her sooner rather than later, Ma'am" Lieutenant Trellis responded, trying to be as firm as possible, considering he was addressing a superior officer.

"I see." Amia responded reasonably. "Well perhaps it might be possible for you to do that, Lieutenant, whist your colleagues wait in the lobby. This patient is only barely well enough for a quiet interview and I think all three of you firing questions at her in her current fragile state would be excessive. I will happily stay and witness anything you may wish to have corroborated later. " she proposed. "Does that sound as if it might be a compromise that would work for you?"

"I'm available to sit with you, Herdra as well," Noelle offered gently. It didn't matter to her who stayed to offer moral support, she was just glad someone was stepping in to advocate for their patient's well-being. "Whatever's easiest."

Lieutenant Trellis did not appreciate being told how to conduct his own investigation. However, he could tell by the tone in the Doctor's voice that she was giving him directions as opposed to merely suggesting

"Yes. . .ma'am" He said tensely as he turned to look at Ensign Kato. "Ensign, you'll resume the interview while SCPO Lokar and I will wait outside." He said with a nod as he turned and left the patient's bed.

"Thank you Lieutenant" Amia was aware that he had let her have a big ask here. Her thanks for his taking it well were genuine. She took a look at the patient and beckoned Noelle over to come and sit in.

"Are you happy for the Counsellor to sit in Ms Herdra?" she asked. "It would seem to be a good idea to short cut you having to tell your experience twice. I know Noelle can monitor your heartrate and physical stats if you get into any medical concerns but she has the advantage over me in that she will be much more aware of your emotional state." Amia's intention was to step away and give the Security Officer more opportunity now that he was alone and presumably less of a threat to the patient than a group of three Security Officers and two doctors all watching her every move and reaction.

She was concerned with the patient's well being but she was also aware as an Officer herself, that she should not protect her unduly if she were someone who might be dangerous to the station or its inhabitants.

Opening her eyes, Herdra cleared her throat to remind everyone she was still there.

Ensign Kato waited for Lieutenant Trellis and SCPO Lokar to leave the room before the half Bajoran turned back to speak with the recovering woman. "Hanyu" (hello) The Ensign said in the little bit of Bajoran that she could muster from her memory. Having spent formative years on Earth, Ens. Kato never felt comfortable communicating in Bajoran language.

"When you first made contact with the other vessel, what unit or detachment were they a part of? Do you know if they were Cardassian Military or part of the Cardassian Separatist Movement?" She asked. It would not have surprised her to know that the various Separatist cells were becoming more active in this sector.

Herdra rubbed her temple. "They said they were with the..." She paused trying to recall the details. "Sixth Order!" She said finally, looking very pleased with herself.

Ensign Kato's ears perked up. "The. . .Sixth Order? Of Cardassia?" She asked incredulously.

"Their military is divided into legion's called 'orders'." Herdra said, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Did they tell you what they were doing in this part of space or what their mission they were conducting?" Ensign Kato asked further.

Rolling her eyes, the Bajoran weapons officer scoffed. "We didn't exactly sit down to tea and discuss our lives.

Deborah knew that this had just spun into a totally different situation. The fact that a Cardassian Fleet had opened fired on a Bajoran Militia was more than enough to create a diplomatic, if not military, incident.

"Do you happen to remember the name of the Cardassian Officer who addressed you?" Ensign Kato asked.

Herdra shook her head with weak gusto. "They didn't say!" She cried.

Herdra's vitals indicated she didn't know the meaning behind what she was saying, but Noelle could bet if there were monitors on the security officers present, the readings would be off the charts. Bennett's job was to keep her patient calm and to make sure security didn't allow their emotions to overwhelm the Bajoran with questions.

"Ensign Kato," Noelle interrupted patiently, "I understand the importance of gathering enough information as soon as possible, but Herdra needs to rest. With Herdra's permission, please ask one last question before she takes a break to rest."

The Bajoran/Human hybrid nodded. "Yes ma'am, I believe I have enough information to conclude this interview." Ensign Kato stated as she turned back towards Hedra.

"Soraya payal" the Ensign tried to say in her best Bajoran accent that she could muster.

Herdra Perin forced a smile at the gesture

Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation Officer

Deborah Kato
Security Investigation Officer

Second Lieutenant Herdra Perin
Weapons Officer, RS B'hala
NPC by Reade

Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett, M.D.
Chief Counselor

Cmdr Amia Telamon


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