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Family Reunion (part 2)

Posted on Mon Sep 12, 2016 @ 12:01am by Civilian Hydel Turvan & Lieutenant JG Rhe'la Daughter of the Forty-ninth House

1,829 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 2
Location: Cardassian Embassay
Timeline: MD02 - 2130



"Is this the part where you tell me to let you do all of the talking?" Rhe'la deadpanned, narrowing her eyes at her cousin.

An'ta had been reaching for the chime and stopped short, instead turning to face his fellow Zarnac. "I love how you're still playing the martyr here, even after talking to Grandfather. I for one would be fine with letting you handle this, but he instructed me to do it. No offense, but I have my own duties I could be attending."

Rhe'la rolled her eyes. "Yes... yes... I know."

Wanting to present a united front in the face of a much more powerful potential partner, An'ta elbowed his younger cousin in the side while reaching to press the chime (as he didn't want to just walk into the embassy unannounced).

Saldron rose to her feet and made her way to greet the recent arrivals. "Welcome to the Cardassian Embassy, how may I help you?" She said in a detached, but still polite voice to the two representatives.

Both reptilians bowed. "I am Lieutenant An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House. This is my cousin, Lieutenant Rhe'la. We are here at the invitation of Ambassador Turvan, and at the behest of our grandfather Canum Nara, Leader of the Forty-ninth House and Knight of the Empire. Specifically, we're here to discuss an alliance in regards to Pangaea."

"Sir, the Zarnac representatives have arrived to meet with you." Saldron said to the two Cardassian Diplomats.

"Very well, send them in and provide them with refreshments of their choosing." Ambassador Hydel Turvan said as he stood up from his chair and walked around the large desk to greet the soon to arrive guests.

"...I still don't know how I allowed you to talk me into this meeting, let alone continue with this idea of yours..." Hydel said as Glinn Timel Brovek rose to meet his less than approving gaze.

"It was simple, Hydel, you and the Detapa Council recognized that benefit in aligning ourselves with a significant ally in regards to Pangaea." The fellow Cardassian responded. He knew that once he had presented his plan to the Detapa Council, Ambassador Turvan would have no choice but to see it through to its conclusion since it fell in line with their current mandate of attempting to secure the mineral rights to Pangaea for Cardassia's economic development.

Glinn Brovek knew that the plan was sound. Hydel's frustration came from the fact that he wasn't the one to come up with it first. "Don't worry, sir, I'm sure you'll come up with the next great idea!" Glinn Brovek said glibly.

Ambassador Turvan merely huffed in response as he began to make his way towards the conference room to greet the recent arrivals.

The two Zarnac were led into a conference room within the embassy, and were directed toward seats at one end of the table.

"Just one moment, please have a seat while I inform Ambassadors Turvan and Brovek of your arriva----" she tried to finish.

"Oh, there's no need my dear," Ambassador Turvan said warmly as he entered the room just to her left. "When we are greeted by such importance, there is very little that would stop me from rushing to meet with our colleagues." Ambassador Turvan said with a smile.

Ambassador Turvan gently placed his hand on the small of his assistance's back. "Please be sure to take care of our guests, I will send for you if anything further is needed." He added.

"Thank you. Water is fine, ma'am." Rhe'la said politely. She couldn't smile, but her eyes and tone of voice revealed a certain warmth.

"First, we wish to thank you for taking our proposal so seriously." Glinn Brovek said as he took a seat at the second chair, leaving the head chair open from the senior Ambassador. "The Cardassian Empire is eager to strengthen our relationships with your people in a joint venture that will surely benefit us both." He said getting straight to the point.

An'ta nodded as he hopped into a chair. "Our grandfather feels the same way. Officially our House is under the protection of the Federation, but it would be foolish to shun such a great power as yourselves. Cardassia is one of the major players in the Alpha Quadrant. Any alliance between us could only help to strengthen both of us."

Keeping quiet, Rhe'la none the less eyed her cousin oddly. The Cardassians had little to gain from helping their people. It would be good press, and a humanitarian victory, but there would be little to gain strategically. She knew An'ta knew this, and suspected the Ambassador did as well. But right now they were both blustering and posturing.

"The people of Cardassia are renowned for their generosity. And my people are renowned for their honor and loyalty. Especially where our friends are concerned." An'ta added, his tongue flicking slightly.

"I couldn't agree more." Brovek said as he took a seat and waved his hand over the conference table, activating the holographic projection. "This is the planet of Pangaea as you are already aware; however, we have discovered that this particular land-mass in the center of the planet holds a vast deposit of tri-deuterium, a very dense compound that is practically impossible to replicate without the base minerals." Brovek explained.

"More to the point," Ambassador Turvan cut in. "We wish to establish a partnership with your people to handle the mining of this particular resource. Especially with your people's extensive experience with recovering this mineral in such a effective manner." Ambassador Turvan said to the gathered representatives.

"I'm confident that such a partnership would make both of our people's presence in this area much much stronger." He added.

An'ta glanced at Rhe'la out of the corner of his eyes. They DID know a bit about mining, since their colony on Deridous had been sitting on top of a massive dilithium deposit. They had mined some of it to regulate the plasma flow to their dispersal field, but for the most part they left it alone. But extensive experience was overselling them a bit.

"We would, of course, be happy to assist you in mining operations. Our technicians should also be able to aid you in setting up and maintaining your equipment. Isn't that right, Ensign?" he added, looking over at his cousin for support.

"What? Oh, yes, of course! I'm sure our engineers should be able to master Cardassian technology as easily as I did with Starfleet's technology." Rhe'la replied, shocked that An'ta would throw it to her.

"I'm glad to see that we are on the same page. My next question would be just how willing your government is to commit to this partnership. I can confidently speak on behalf of the Cardassian Government that we are willing to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you all in this development, regardless of what criticism may come out way." Ambassador Turvan stated, implying that there would be nay-sayers to their effective union.

Government was a subjective term. Their grandfather was the leader of the House, and the older males and females served as his council of advisers. It wasn't a monarchy per say, and it certainly wasn't a democracy.

"I can say with confidence that my grandfather would be proud to be partners with your people. He never would have agreed to discuss the proposal otherwise." An'ta stated. He certainly wouldn't be on DS5 if his grandfather wasn't willing to work with the Cardassians.

"Excellent!" Brovek interjected. "This meeting is going far much better than I could have imagined." He said.

"I share your opinion; however, there is still the issue of security and mutual defense." Ambassador Turvan stated. "Is your government aware of the risks that exist on the surface of Pangaea?" He asked.

The two lizards exchanged glances. "I've only been down to the surface of the planet once, but I made sure my grandfather was well aware of the... eclectic nature of Pangaea. He's been made privy to the temporally unstable nature and is willing to take the risk if it means our people have earth under our claws and sky over our heads again."

Ambassador Turvan nodded. "Having survived myself, I can tell you from personal experience that while the surface holds many resources, there are violent threats waiting around every corner. How prepared is your government to use lethal, but necessary force, to defend this new settlement?" The Cardassian asked.

"If I might be clear, sir - I'm a strategist, and my cousin here is an engineer. But our species is one of honorable warriors. We spent decades defending ourselves from the native fauna on Deridous." An'ta took a moment to lean over the table before continuing. "Check with the Federation Science Council. Ask them to show you what they have on Deridian Gi-ants. Looks like a Terran ant, but it's the size of a runabout. And they were angry, territorial critters, too. Took quite a few of us to bring one down anytime they wandered close to the settlement. But we did it."

Rhe'la shuddered at the thought of those massive, lumbering beasts. Starfleet even had trouble with them, and they were infinitely better equipped than the Zarnac exiles were. "Knowing I'll never see a gi-ant again almost makes up for Deridous exploding..."

Ambassador Turvan smiled broadly. "I expected nothing less from such a proud and distinguished race." He said complimentary.

"When exactly would your people be prepared to begin signing the necessary documents to solidify our partnership so that we may begin making the necessary arraignments?" The Cardassian asked.

"We'll need to hammer out the particulars first, but I can contact our grandfather and ask him to come to DS5. Unless you'd like to go to him. He's currently on the Gorn homeworld meeting with their Emperor." An'ta explained.

Rhe'la was quick to interject, "I doubt that the Ambassador has time to go all the way to Gorn. He's undoubtedly a very busy man."

Ambassador Turvan smiled at the young girl's eagerness. He could tell that she was seeking to solidify their partnership even more so than her cousin. It seemed that he would be much more skeptical of the benefits that their alliance would bring.

"Yes," He said as he stood and extended his hand. "I would very much like to meet with him the soonest he can arrive on the station." Turvan said graciously.

Giving his cousin the side eye, An'ta also stood and took the offered hand. "I'll contact him, and we'll be in touch. I thank you for your time, sir."

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Glinn Timel Brovek
Cardassian Embassy
NPC Thom

Lt. JG Rhe'la, Daughter of the Forty-ninth House
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5

Lt. JG An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House (NPC)
Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Director for the Bolian Sector
Starfleet Strategic Command


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