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Not So Friendly Fire Part IV - Face to Face

Posted on Sat Aug 6, 2016 @ 10:14am by Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos

1,052 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 2
Location: Cardassian Embassy
Timeline: MD2 - 1400


"I'll arrange to have a ship diverted here as soon as possible, but if Starfleet begins in the meantime Major Cenn is at yours and Starfleet's disposal Lieutenant." The Ambassador, looked around at those who were gathered. "Miss Owik, arrange a meeting with Ambassador Turvan of the Cardassian Union."

The Vedek stood. "Once our ship arrives, Colonel Wen and Ensign Kivan will join the Starfleet ship in the search." He clasped his hands together. "Anything else?""

Lieutenant Trellis stood up. "Thank you for your time, Ambassador." He said.

Vedek Krell smiled warmly, "Walk with the Prophets." he said watching the Trill depart.


Ambassador Hydel Turvan was less than enthused to be interrupted. He was even less enthused to learn that the source of the interruption was from the Bajoran Embassy. No doubt they were contact him in regards to donating to so pointless spring or fall or whatever season festival on Bajor. Past experiences had taught him that, much like Cardassian Voles, if you tried to ignore Bajorans they would never go away.

"Sir, Ambassador Krell Antos of the Bajoran Delegation is here to see you," Ambassador Turvan's lovely assistant Seldon announced.

"Thank you, my dear" Turvan said as he painted a warm smile upon his face and rose to greet the arriving diplomat. "Ambassador Krell, what a pleasant surprise! How are things over in your little Embassy?" The Cardassian asked.

The Vedek looked around curiously as he entered the Cardassian's office. "As well as can be expected given the situation." He said plainly, and without pretense.

"What situation?" Ambassador Turvan stated, his smile slowly fading away.

Krell lowered himself into a chair. "I have a report of a Cardassian ship, attacking a Bajoran vessel not far from here." He crossed his legs. "Are there military operations ongoing in this sector ?" He asked.

Hydel's jaw tightened as he watched the Bajoran just casually decide to seat himself without first being invited. The audacity to just assume that he could just make an appearance on Cardassian grounds and then take a seat as if this were his own little hut on Bajor.

"I'm sorry?" Ambassador Turvan said, shifting the focus away from his growing rage. "Please tell me that no one onboard your vessel was seriously hurt?" The Cardassian responded, choosing to evade directly answering the question. "When did you hear of this?"

The Bajoran noted his counterpart's round talk. "The Bajoran vessel was destroyed, as of right now only two survivors are accounted for. however, a search is being mounted with help from the Federation." He paused a moment. "I've just been speaking with one of the survivors, the ship's Captain." The Vedek looked into the Cardassian's eyes. "According to Colonel Wen, they identified themselves as the Sixth Order." He kept his eyes locked on Hydel. "Does that mean anything to you?"

Hydel's jaw tightened even further. 'Gul Druman Nivall has not even been gone for 26 hours and he has already stirred a hornet's nest...' he thought.

It was not so much that Hydel was mourning the loss of a Bajoran vessel or its ill-fated crew. Instead, Hydel knew that destroying a vessel was bad enough, but to obliterate a ship belonging to the Federation's bastard ward was even worst. This would certainly draw the unnecessary attention of the Federation's diplomat, Lieutenant Reynolds.

Federation involvement was the last thing that Hydel or Gul Nivall needed. Not when so much was riding on the success of the Darhe'el.

Nonetheless, Hydel had a to maintain stability in the face of uncertainty.

"My condolences to your government for the loss of its ship." The Cardassian responded with an abundance of sincerity. "The Sixth Order is made up primarily of the Research and Science arm of the Cardassian Empire's fleet. It certainly does not go around randomly attacking friendly vessels without provocation." Ambassador Turvan replied. "Surely, there must've been some miscommunication that allowed your Colonel Wen to perceive my people as anything less than an ally." He stated as he returned the Bajoran's look.

There was a time when such an act would be perceived as contempt from a Bajoran and would have resulted in that contemptuous Bajoran receiving least 10 lashes before his wife and children's eyes.

But times have changed. . .supposedly.

Keeping his eyes locked on Hydel, Antos took a breath. "As I said, we are mounting a search and rescue operation with the Federation." The Vedek's fist clenched. "But someone will answer for the destruction of that ship and the loss of Bajoran life."

The clinched fist did not go unnoticed by Hydel.

"Perhaps you are too close to the situation," Ambassador Turvan responded. "I understand that diplomacy is still a new and developing field for you. However, take it from me, you don't want to go wading into unknown and dangerous territories based upon anger and supposition." The Cardassian said in a tone that was more of a "warning" than a "friendly gesture".

"Besides, the Captain may still be suffering under the stress and fear of her ordeal. I can only imagine what it was like, fleeing for her own life while her ship and crew went up in flames all around her. . .and her escape pod." Turvan said. "I'm certain it will take her some time to get over the sense of. . .responsibility and guilt that is typically associated with these types of tragedies." He added, still not allowing this monk to place the blame on his or any other Cardassian's shoulders.

"If there is anything that I can do to be of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask." Ambassador Turvan said, indicating that he was drawing their impromptu meeting to a close.

Antos stood, keeping his eyes locked on Hydel. The Bajoran bowed slightly at the neck. "Walk with the Prophets Ambassador." Quickly he turned and left the Cardassian's office without another word.

Ambassador Turvan watched as the Bajoran left his office in a quick pace. He recognized that look in his eyes. Although the Bajoran had not said a word, it was obvious that he was not going to let this matter just die in a quiet and dignified manner.

Vedek Krell Antos
Bajoran Republic

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire.


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