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Special Delivery Service

Posted on Sat Aug 6, 2016 @ 1:52am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Arrival' Selah Zanaz
Edited on on Mon Aug 8, 2016 @ 1:39am

987 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: The Box Of Delights
Timeline: MD01 2200


The messenger bag around her shoulder started to press down heavily on her shoulder. Selah didn't know exactly what she had been carrying around all this time. All she knew was that it was legal, it paid a good buck and all she needed to do is drop it with the Box of Delights owner personally. First hurdle was of course to find the Box of Delights.

Deep Space Five was huge. It had been three consoles ago that she finally was in the right section of the space station. Why was it so hard when they were in space? She had always been easily able to memorise streets and escape routes but space stations were another thing entirely. She brushed a stray blonde hair from her face and took in a deep breath as she finally saw the name of the establishment pop up.

The bar was busy, people crowded round tables and squeezed up to the bar, and crushed together at the Dabo wheels. All those people made a lot of noise, and every few minutes, a door opened on the mezzanine, and burst of music or gales of laughter could be heard as people moved in and out of the sub rooms.

Wait staff moved around in simple black and white, but the outfits were tight, and flaunting their attractive bodies. The serious croupiers were more sober, but the boys and girls on the Dabo wheels had gone to town, colourful, tight, revealing, and sexual. There were three figures at the bar.

A petite blonde girl with a pixie bob who was pouring down a long line of shots with one hand and lighting them with the other in a single fluid movement that put a line of blue flame along the bar to the cheers of people watching.

There was a Bajoran young man, hair short and spiked with gel, his earring swinging as he snatched a bottle from the air and swirled its contents down onto waiting glass.

The bottle had been thrown by the third person. She towered over the other two by six inches, and she was blue. Her hair was cobalt blue, and her skin cerulean. The bottle she had thrown had been one of three. the other two she flipped up into a over the shoulder cross, caught them behind her back and brought them round to add long measures of a bright yellow liquid to the hurricane glasses standing on the bar. When she caught them, the blues deepened until it was her skin that was cobalt and her hair was ultramarine.

Selah felt the cold sweat accumulate on her back. Frudan had sent her here. It might as well have been a luxury liner. She hesitantly walked into the bustling room. There were a whole manner of distracting sounds and lights. She startled as she heard a boom of cheers and a very familiar shout.


'Fucking Dabo' Selah thought back to the time she was working the cruise liners. She was moving closer to the bar. Her employer had told her that the owner was tall and likely to shift colour, he hadn't exaggerated.

Approaching the bar the crowd got thicker. Selah was subconsciously scanning the room. A vibrant collection of patrons and she was categorising them into marks. Her eyes darting around until it landed on the owner again. She refocused.

"Excuse me, sorry, Miss Ibalin?!" Selah tried to make herself audible over the hustle and bustle.

Yolanthe heard her name, spoken with an inflection that suggested this want about a drinks order and she turned to the speaker.

Selah got a bit self conscious now that she was faced directly by this beautiful blue woman. Her blond hair was an unkempt mess pulled together on her head in a sloppy bun, she wasn't wearing any make-up, and the clothes she had on did nothing for her figure. She folded her arms to cover a bit of herself.

"The one and only," Yolanthe said cheerfully. "How can I help?"

Pulling out the messenger bag from her side, Selah was hoping this woman knew to expect something from her employer.
"I'm going to need you to sign something."

"Well, that depends what it is."

That only seemed like a reasonable request to Selah. She reached inside the messenger bag and produced the parcel from her bag.

Yolanthe looked at the small box, maybe fifteen centimeters by ten by ten, and went a deep sapphire blue. "Oh I've been waiting for this for a while."

"Well it's here, hand delivered, no transporter guaranteed." Selah put the box back in the bag and pulled a PADD from a different compartment. She put in the stardate and handed it over to Yolanthe. "If you would sign there please" She stood on her toes to point out the dotted line.

Yolanthe reached down , stooping a little to put her signature on the padd. Then she spirited the box under the bar. "Thanks." she pushed a casino chip worth 10 strips of gold pressed latinum over to Selah as a tip. "Thanks for dragging yourself to the arse end of civilisation for me. Enjoy yourself a little before you go."

A lump immediately jumped Selah's throat.
"Thank you, miss. I will." 'I won't' She reassured herself as she gave a small bow out of courtesy and pocketed the chip. Her heart was racing, the adrenaline pumping. She shouldn't tempt herself into playing games, into gambling 'I don't need that'. She turned away from the bartender and pushed the PADD back into the messenger bag. She had to contact her employer and get back to the rat hole she called home. Her hand had subconsciously slid into her pocket and she was running the casino chip through her fingers.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


Selah Zanaz
Interplanetary Parcel Service
"Sealed, Sent, Delivered"


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