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Posted on Sun Jul 31, 2016 @ 9:30am by Lieutenant JG Rhe'la Daughter of the Forty-ninth House

453 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Chief Engineer's office
Timeline: MD 1 2200


'Ugh... I can't think straight...' Rhe'la thought, rubbing her temples as she stared at a status report. After her cousin arrived and her discussion with her grandfather, she wasn't able focus. She was just too mad at the entire situation.

Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs, she picked up a PADD and made some notations on the plasma flow to the promenade. It was slightly irregular, but well within normal parameters.

Then there was a minor power fluctuations going to the long range sensors, but again they were within normal parameters. All in all, there were several minor tweaks to be made, and the little Zarnac made note of each of them so they could be added to the repair lists.

She wished for an actual problem; something to distract her from the upcoming negotiations with the Cardassians. An engineering problem she could take the lead on and ensure timely action on. The negotiations would literally have her seated on the sidelines, unable to make a meaningful contribution.

"Stotch - do you have those internal diagnostics on the lateral sensor array? I need them for the Captain." She called out, leaning over in her chair to look out of the door.

"I'll have it for you in a few minutes, Lieutenant. The last check is still running."

"Make it fast. Once that diagnostic is finished we need to run them on the dorsal phaser arrays." By this point she had rolled her chair over to the door and was leaning out into engineering.

Before she could roll back to her desk, she heard a creak. "What the..." She didn't get the rest of it out before the seat cracked off of the casters and she snout planted to the deck.

Two of the crew ran over to help her to her feet. "Lieutenant, are you all right?"

"Yes, yes. Just my pride is wounded. And my nose. And apparently I've put on a couple of kilograms..." Rhe'la's pride was wounded more than anything. But damn it did her snout hurt.

"Are you sure? You hit the deck pretty hard."

With a sigh, she pulled herself free. "Yes, yes. Just... get those diagnostics going. And add this stuff to the maintenance list." She passed the more senior crewman the PADD she'd been taking notes on. "I'm going to head to sickbay, just in case I sprained something."

Brushing herself off, she skittered out of engineering and toward a turbolift. Face first into the deck because her chair broke? It was mortifying. She didn't expect anything to be injured, but she really wanted to get away from her subordinates for a little while.

Lt. JG Rhe'la
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5


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