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Serving Cardassian Interests

Posted on Sat Jul 30, 2016 @ 4:57pm by Civilian Hydel Turvan & Commander Caden Aldrex & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Edited on on Wed Aug 3, 2016 @ 3:16am

1,991 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 2
Location: Executive Officer's Office
Timeline: MD2 0730


". . .I'm sorry if you've suffered under the delusion that I somehow report to you, Mr. Reynolds." Ambassador Hydel Turvan said with indignation. "Allow me to disabuse you of that notion: My primary concern while serving as the Ambassador here is to serve the interest of each and every Cardassian citizen onboard this station." He said.

It was safe to say that the meeting between station command and diplomatic staff had not started off on a very positive or optimistic foot.

"Those vessels and their personnel are vital for me to achieve that goal!" He added with punctuation.

"My dear Ambassador, obviously I am under some delusion. The delusion that the representative of the Cardassian people onboard this station ensured that the sixth fleet has the appropriate station clearance and submitted a research plan explaining exactly why such a sheer number of ships and men were necessary. And the illusion that the cardassian diplomat has the ability to deal with the other races and station personnel with sensitivity and tact." Reynolds said.

"You know how it looks for a number of ships showing up with no explanation. However instead of producing the appropriate paperwork and putting your Federation allies minds at rest instead you seek to insult me when all I have asked for is one file, so that I, as Federation diplomat, can reassure security everything is above board," Reynolds exclaimed.

"Your ships can then dock and there is nothing standing in your way of serving the interest of each and every Cardassian citizen. I am sure you have just overlooked things, such an esteemed man as yourself so here we are at station command. Explain why those ships are vital for you doing one element of your job," Liam stressed the one.

Ambassador Turvan narrowed his eyes as he continued to study his Federation counterpart. Ordinarily, a diplomat would not be bothered with the day-to-day operations within the various embassies, especially something as routine as staff levels and supply allocations. However, the sudden arrival of the 127th Wing of the Sixth Order had piqued his interest. Ambassador Turvan knew to tread carefully, but still maintain his stance.

"The sovereignty of the Cardassian Empire is not to be held hostage by your over-inflated sense of curiosity, Mr. Reynolds." Ambassador Turvan shot back. "I will submit the necessary reports when it becomes relevant." He added.

"Until then, you can assuage your fanatical inquisition with the knowledge that the 127th Wing has been dispatched to assist in performing meteorological, atmospheric, and other necessary scientific studies on Pangaea. Such an over-abundance of staff, equipment, and vessels would not have been necessary if your government hadn't initiated this military blockade over the entire planet, thus prohibiting us from conducting these simple tests on the surface." Ambassador Turvan said defensively.

"If your Security Forces are so intimidated by the presence of the 127th, then I would gladly dismiss them so that my already-present staff to conduct the necessary tests on the surface." The Ambassador offered.

"Ambassador, you will dismiss them until such point as you have the relevant permissions. And you will not send down any of your already present staff to conduct anything unless you have as I keep stressing the relevant permission from Isha t'Vaurek as the inhabitants of that planet down there, the ones you yourself met when we went down to that planet, have said that she makes all the decisions regarding Pangaea."

"And this fictitious blockage that you seem to have invented could become very real if the Cardassians do not stop this blatant sabre rattling. This is not a negotiation nor is it blackmail attempt from you to get your own way. Rules are rules, for us, for any other race and for the Cardassians." He said roughly.

"I am not happy about how you have conducted yourself in this situation, I am really not happy about how you keep trying to twist things round to make myself and the Federation look to be aggressors when it is you, sir, that is clearly making the aggressive moves, and mark my words, as soon as I am back to my office I will be speaking directly to Cardassia Prime about this issue and expressing concerns about your abilities to do your job here as Cardassian representative when you clearly have no interest in diplomacy, and no respect, courtesy and consideration for your allies in the slightest," Liam told him firmly. If he had not been making the face Cade liked to tease him about before, he certainly was now.

"Oh save me the histrionics, Mr. Reynolds!" Ambassador Turvan immediately shot back. "If I truly wished to rattle a sabre to the Federation, I assure you....I wouldn't be alone. . ." He said intently, letting the point linger in the air.***

Hydel was less than concerned about the Federation Officer's threat to contact the Detapa Council and lodge a complaint. Compared to his predecessor, Ambassador Getal Tharek, Hydel Turvan was leaps and bounds more sensible and easier to deal with. In fact, Tharek probably would have attended this meeting armed and posted security outside the doors just to stir trouble.

"Oh don't worry Ambassador I won't be taking the Oscar off you any time soon," he quipped. "But the answer still sticks. Its a no until proper clearance by the proper channels is granted." Liam told him firmly indicating the door.

He ignored the previous statement. Hydel didn't need to make any indications. Everyone had witnessed the beginnings of the unholy Cardassian-Romulan alliance at day 1 of the summit. In fact Liam and Mortimer had christened it. They had also ensured it was on intelligences radar.

Cade Aldrex had sat quietly through the conversation thus far. Seeing a break in the conversation he threw in his two cents. "Mister Ambassador, what can you tell us about the tactical capabilities of these ships in the 127th? What can you tell us about the officer in command?"

Turvan was slightly caught off-guard by the sudden question from the Executive Officer, he had completely forgot that the was in the room.

Gul Druman Nivall is a very compotent Cardassian Soldier. He has served within the Sixth Order for most of his career. The 127th, like many other Wings within the Sixth Order are tasked with carrying out Scientific and Technological Research missions." Ambassador Turvan stated. "The 127th, is composed of 15 vessels, several of them are dedicated to mobile medical and engineering services, thus allowing them to be more self-sufficient than their peers." He added.

"You couldn't just build one ship that does all that?" Cade asked in a joking tone. He leaned forward and put both hands on his desk with fingers interlaced. "As a man dedicated to peaceful resolution, I'm sure you can understand how it might make some people nervous to have fifteen ships with the name '127th Tactical Wing' suddenly show up? Even if their intentions are purely peaceful?"

Liam watched silently. In the couple of months he had been here, any debate with the Cardassian ambassador tended to descend into well ... what they had already just had before Cade spoke. Theatrics, powerplays, attempted manipulation and shifting of the truth - conveying it in such a way that it looked completely different to what had actually happened. The Cardassian ambassador sure knew how to spin things. Some days it was fun, some days a challenge and some like today downright annoying and insulting. Sometimes Turvan just liked to pick a fight for the sake of it. The man enjoyed sparring even if he would not admit it.

Liam was interested as to whether it was just diplomacy staff Turvan felt the need to behave in that way or whether now, in front of the Federation XO he would do more of the same.

"Nervous? Is that the word that the Federation is using to describe their over-reaction to Cardassia's attempts at peaceful exploration? 'Nervous'" Ambassador Turvan asked incredulously.

"You have a heavily-armed fortress floating above Pangaea that you are using to enforce your military blockade, and yet you claim that you are 'nervous' by the arrival of a small detachment of vessels from an exploratory Order within the Cardassian Empire?" He continued. "Perhaps Mr. Reynolds here is feeling some emotion towards myself and other Cardassians, but I doubt it is nervousness" Ambassador Turvan said while indicating towards the other diplomat.

"Oh Ambassador Mr Reynolds is most definitely feeling some emotion. As an empath, how can I not?" He quipped. "But okay lets lay it out there. Commander, the Ambassador is speaking a small element of truth, a very small element but he is also concealing something bigger. There is a reason for this play of events. There is a reason why he is trying to make out the Federation has instilled a fictional military blockade and there's also a reason why he is now trying to paint me as having negative views towards all Cardassians when I am only following station protocol. However I also know we are not going to get the truth out of him."

~Damn Empaths. . ." Ambassador Turvan thought to himself. He was glad that such an annoying trait had been bred out of Cardassian gene pool generations ago. Still, it was more than an annoyance to know that a person could "read" your without your permission or invitation. Regardless, it keep the Cardassian on guard.

Cade Aldrex rubbed his eyes. He couldn't fathom how Liam put up with this day in and day out. "Mister Ambassador, our rules are in place to keep you safe from the dangers down there. Both the ones that we know about as well as the ones we don't. They also exist to maintain order and transarency among all the parties that want to do their own research. Even our own people have to file the necessary paperwork before they can set up an away mission. We will not waive this requirement for you. So until you file your plans for Captain t'Vaurek's approval the moorings for Gul Nivall's ship will remain locked. Nor will any of your other ships be allowed to move."

Ambassador Turvan clinched his teeth. "You have made your point very clear, Commander." He began. "That point being that unless you supplicate to the Federation's and it's military's will and depend on them for your safety and well-being, as if in some kind of twisted symbiotic relationship," The Cardassian said, placing an intentional emphasis on the reference to a symbiont.

"Then you shall be denied even the basic of recognitions of a sovereign and sentient race." He said. "I shall notify the 127th and its Commander that their presence is not welcomed and that the Federation has chosen to deny them docking privileges with this station, all in the name of nervousness," He said in a measured tone.

"If there is anything further you need to discuss, you may contact the Cardassian Embassy." He said as he turned and exited the Commander's Office without waiting for any form of dispatch.

Liam watched the ambassador leave, clapping his hands in applause as the man had managed to achieve new levels of divahood. Mortimers aid Gerald was going to LOVE the retelling of this story. The other man had mentioned writing a screenplay and Liam suspected he was using all of Turvan's antics as potential material.

He turned to the Trill commander who seemed stunned at what had just occurred. "And that's him in a good mood," he offered him a wry smile. "Just wait till he finds out I have something going on with Tera. A Bajoran women. Heaven forbid."

The XO only shook his head before moving on to other matters with Liam.


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

Commander Caden Aldrex


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