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Interesting Meetings, Even When They Make You Late

Posted on Thu Jan 22, 2015 @ 4:57am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

680 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Promenade
Timeline: before Do you believe in faeries?

Amanda Lanos had gotten a call early that morning to tell her that a position had opened at the base school, a temporary one at most, but a position. Seemed the kindergarten teacher had had to have an emergency surgery and would need some time to recover, maybe as much as four weeks, so she'd jumped on the chance, calling her supervisor at Monteros Enterprises that she would need some time off to take this post, ~They seemed to take it well, hopefully I'll still have a job waiting for me when this is over.~ She'd taken the fastest shower of her adult life, thrown on the first thing she'd found clean, and ran out the door, forgetting to dry her hair, which now hung down her back all the way to her waist like a wet rope, ~Damn. Well, too late now.~ She thought as she scurried for a turbolift and ran straight into a small Romulan woman, sending them both to the deck, "Oh, oh God! I am so sorry!" She apologized, pushing herself off the ground and extending her hand to the other woman, "Here, let me help you!"

Rianni considered telling the other woman to watch where the frak she was going, but when she pushed her bangs out of her eyes she could see the woman was just beautiful, ~Okay, so cussing her out might not be a good move.~ She decided, taking the offered hand and joking, "So, in a hurry much?"

"Yeah, sorry." Amanda apologized again, "I did not mean to knock you down, Miss..." She stopped for a second to let the other woman fill in the blank. When the Romulan woman pushed her unkempt hair out of her face Amanda couldn't not notice that she had a face like the most beautiful of porcelain dolls and her Romulan features were very delicate, ~She's gorgeous....~

"Rianni." Rianni answered, checking to make sure she had her own PADD after the collision, before asking, "And you are?"

"Amanda Lanos." Amanda added with a shy smile.

~Is she....blushing?~ Rianni thought, fighting the urge to giggle, "Well, nice to meet you, Amanda Lanos." Rianni continued, "So, you're Greek, too? Nice."

~Of course! It's so obvious!~ Amanda chided herself a little for not noticing right away, "Yes, I was born and raised in Helicon. You?"

"Athens." Rianni smiled, "My favorite place in the universe."

"No place like home." Amanda grinned, no longer noticing her soaked mane or the fact she was going to be late, "Ummm, so, this is so crazy... and I know you're probably not interested... but there's a Greek café a few levels down and... I mean..."

"Breakfast?" Riannni finished the sentence for the struggling Amanda, "I'd love to."

"Okay." Amanda smiled, pressing the lift door and motioning for Rianni to enter first when it opened, getting a whiff of her perfume as she passed by, ~Oh she is intoxicating!~

[Thirty Minutes Later]

They hadn't had time for much, Amanda was late for work after all, but they'd enjoyed pastries and coffee together and made a date for dinner that evening at the same place, giving Amanda a lot of hope for things as she walked alongside Rianni; how she loved that name! Rianni. Finally they had arrived at the school's corridor and Amanda, feeling brave, leaned over and kissed Rianni gently on her lips, a long piece of her wet hair sticking to Rianni's face, "Oh, wow, that's attractive, huh?" She sighed.

"You keep sticking to me, I might just take you with me." Rianni smiled, moving the wet lock from her face and kissing it before tossing it back over Amanda's shoulder, "And then I'd never get anything done...."

"Right?" Amanda giggled, then her face turned serious, "Crap! I'm late, gotta go! See you tonight!"

Rianni just watched and laughed as Amanda hit warp nine en route to her class, ~I bet she leaves skid marks coming through the door.~


Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan


Amanda Lanos
Substitute Teacher who has no idea she just kissed her other boss' daughter


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