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Black Bag Poker

Posted on Thu Jul 21, 2016 @ 3:13am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,023 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Unknown
Timeline: MD-1, after Honey Trap

Rianni was more than a little pissed that Draxx had gotten away, ~Next time I see him, I'm going to kill him.~ She swore as she reached the designated rendezvous point. She pressed the button on her communicator and sent the signal, Debby would be here soon. She had to give Draxx one thing, this shuttle was amazing, she hated the idea of giving it to Debby's people, ~I could get so much better use out of this bird than Debby would, she's just going to tear it down....~

[USS Vega]

Onboard the Vega Lt. Galena's console lit up, "Colonel, Platinum Pawn has reached rendezvous point." Galena smiled, using the name she'd given Rianni after her undercover makeover, also her idea, ~Hope it makes her go bald.~ She didn't have a problem with Rianni per se, she just wasn't completely over the way she'd been manhandled on Verex III.

"Good, good." Debora Carlov smiled, she was anxious to have Ricardo Draxx in custody. Sure, she'd have to make a deal with him, probably have to give him immunity, but he could give her all of Torm's contacts, let her finally finish this thing so she could go on to other things and go home to her wife and child, "Decloak and drop shields, have Jax bring his team to the docking bay, full loadout. I'm not taking any chances with this son of a bitch."

"Understood, Colonel." Galena nodded, lowering the shields and cloak before signalling to the strike team, "Lt. Jackson to main docking bay, all strike team members report in full gear."

Carlov considered having Galena open the comm to Rianni, but she decided she'd rather do it herself. Stepping to Galena's station she opened hailing frequencies, =^=Vega to Wild Card, you're cleared for docking. Do not leave the cockpit until Strike Team has the prisoner in custody.=^=

[Onboard Rianni's Stolen Shuttle]

Rianni considered telling Debby now that Draxx had gotten away, but figured she could save it for later, =A=Wild Card to Vega, beginning docking procedure.=A= The Nebula class vessel that had shimmered into life in front of her had been a surprise to her, but not as big as the surprise as the one she had, or didn't have, for Debby.

That was when it hit her, she needed to hardball Debby and do it now, =A=Wild Card to Vega, disengaging docking protocols.=A=

[USS Vega]

"What the hell is this bitch doing?" Galena snarled. Monteros, t'Khellian, Platinum Pawn, or Beautiful Lady, by any name had just become a pain in her ass.

"Knowing Rani the way I know her, she's about to raise the stakes." Debby laughed, =A=Vega to Wild Card, why are you disengaging docking protocols?=^=

=^=I need to make sure you're going to keep your end of our bargain.=A=Rianni replied, =A=Sorry, Debs, but all things considered you're not getting a full measure of trust these days.=A=

=A=Fair enough.=A= Debby replied, =A=What reassurances can I give you, Rani?=A=

=A=I want a signed and notarized pledge that Yolanthe Ibalin will not be prosecuted.=A= Rianni replied, =A=For starters.=A=

Debby began to laugh at that, =A=Rani, there's no need for all that. I've got nothing on your Bokkai friend. Never did. I just knew that would get you to help me.=A=

=A=And you wonder why we have trust issues, Deb?=A= Rianni smirked, knowing that her main worry was a non-issue now, =A=Resuming docking procedures at this time.=A=

=A=Thank you, Wild Card. I'll see you in the docking bay.=A= Debby smiled before closing hailing frequencies and turning to Galena, "See, the pretty ones are always at least a little stupid."

[Docking Bay, USS Vega]

As soon as she landed Rianni, in spite of Debby's orders, immediately left the cockpit, strolling over to the waiting strike team, "Hi, boys, looking for a good time?" She quipped.

Jackson didn't even acknowledge her, the Colonel had warned him that this bitch had a real smart mouth, he'd expected no less. He turned to his men, an almost entirely new team from the one he'd commanded on Verex III, "All right, move out. Take no chances with this guy."

Rianni, knowing there was going to be a severe let down for the commandos in mere seconds, wandered over to the replicator and made herself an orange juice, sipping it blissfully as Debby entered with Galena, "Evening, ladies, buy you a drink?"

"Does she ever shut up, Colonel?" Galena sneered, as much of a pleasure as Rianni was to look at her slick mouth got irritating quickly.

"Not in the twenty or so years I've known her." Debby shrugged, "Well, good work, Rani."

"Colonel!" Jackson yelled, "Grab that bitch! She's trying to pull something! Draxx isn't here."

"Rani, want to explain this?" Debby sighed, this wasn't going to be a good thing.

"Long story short, his people came and got him." Rianni shrugged, "But, you've got his shuttle, so you've got the best bait for him in the world. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get home, I've got a date."

"You're not going to get away with this, Rani." Debby snarled, she couldn't believe this had gone to hell so quickly.

"But I already have, Debs!" Rianni smiled, "You yourself already said you've got nothing on Yolanthe and we both know you're going to have Hell itself prosecuting me, so I've baited your hook, go catch your fish."

"You're not off the hook, Rianni." Debby reminded her, that much she could make good on.

"No, but now I'm on it on terms more to my liking." Rianni smiled, "Like you say, the pretty ones are always a little stupid." With that she leaned up and kissed the taller woman hard on her lips, "Later, beautiful."

Debby was helpless to do anything save for watch Rianni saunter away, she'd have to wait until later to make her pay for it, "Son of a bitch..."

"Sorry, Colonel." Galena shrugged, "But that woman just made you look gorgeous."



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