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Not So Friendly Fire Part II-The Rescue

Posted on Wed Jul 20, 2016 @ 1:46am by Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D. & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas

1,714 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 2
Location: Deep Space 5
Timeline: MD 02 1330

Bajoran Lifeboat

Colonel Wen was tired, aching, and dehydrated. It would seem that in stocking the ship for her shakedown the Militia didn't think to stock the lifeboats, probably assuming there was no reason to. Herdra had fallen asleep and rested in curled up position. Neither woman had spoken much since launching from the ship. And after what they had just been through, what would they talk about?

Trying not to think about how thirsty she had become, Wen was overjoyed to see the image of Deep Space Five growing in front of the pod. She pressed the control for emergency broadcast. Luckily the pod's communications were in working order. "This is Colonel Wen Aretta to Deep Space Five. Come in."

Main Operations, DS5

Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas was working his shift as the Engineering Officer on Ops when he noticed a signal on sensors. Kivan was taken aback as he verified the signal's security code and compared it to any known identifiers within the system. It was registered with the Bajoran Militia; however, the pod belonged to a class of ship that he did not recognize.

"I'm picking up an emergency broadcast from a Bajoran emergency pod," Ensign Kivan relayed to the senior officer on Ops. "Should I respond and direct them to DS5 or have a fighter patrol escort them?" he asked.

Again Wen's voice crackled over the speakers, "Deep Space Five, come in!"

Lieutenant Commander Ga'Vahn was the senior officer on Ops at the time that the message came in. "On screen," she stated as she set down her padd and turned towards the main viewer.

"I can't. It seems their communications are not fully functioning. We can get audio, but nothing else," Ensign Kivan said in a frustrated tone. "Their life support systems are fluctuating. I think it suffered damage during...well, whatever took out their vessel," he responded.

The Caitian bit down on her lip as she contemplated her choices. The vessel claimed to be Bajoran, but they did not recognize the classification nor could they visually confirm what they were saying. However, she knew that they would not last long if they waited for a fighter to escort them to a safe destination.

"Ensign Kivan, have the crew beamed directly to Transporter Room 3," she said. She tapped her console to open a channel. "OPS to Security. Emergency transport to Transporter Room 3. You'll be joined by Engineering and Medical. Ops out," she added as she turned to Ensign Kivan.

"You're the closest Bajoran I've got in uniform. I'll contact the embassy and have them meet you and Security to help greet our sudden guests,” Ga'Vahn said.

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Ensign Kivan said. He was not certain just how well the Bajorans would react to seeing a part-Cardassian in a Starfleet uniform greeting them. However, he had his orders to follow.

Infirmary, DS5

Meanwhile, Noelle was in the infirmary working her usual shift when the call came in for her to head to the transporter room to provide medical assistance to some unknown patients. It wasn't typical for Bennett to be called to provide medical care, but she'd expressed a desire to keep her medical skills sharp as long as she served aboard DS5 and she was grateful no one had objected. In fact, Noelle was pleased that the chief medical officer had welcomed her assistance. Today was proof that serving in the infirmary, just like heading the counseling department, was not without its surprises. It was emotionally satisfying to her to be able to render assistance to people in immediate need, and she wasted no time grabbing her med kit and heading directly for the transporter room.

Transporter Room 3

The warmth of the beam enveloped and deposited Wen and Herdra on the platform. Herdra was still unconcious, but Wen had her wits about her. "I need to speak with the ambassador," she croaked at the blurry occupants of the room. "Now!"

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis was the first to respond to the transporter room after receiving word of an emergency beam of an unknown vessel. As he helped the frantic woman to her feet he realized that both women were Bajoran...or at least of Bajoran descent.

"Ma'am, I will assist you in whatever manner I can. But first I need to find out who you are and where you are from," Lieutenant Trellis asked as he stepped to the side to allow Noelle to tend to the still unconscious woman.

"I'm Colonel Wen Aretta of the Republic Ship B'hala!" Wen yelled through a raw throat. "I need the ambassador now!" she demanded.

As soon as Noelle entered the transporter room, it wasn't difficult to determine which patient should take priority, although obviously she was concerned for both women. She immediately began assessing what she could physically and with her tricorder, but she kept one ear open to hear what had actually happened to cause their injuries. Medical scans were no substitute for a first hand account. She could see and hear her second patient was in emotional distress, and Bennett's heart went out to her, but the physician in her knew no matter how emotionally distressed someone was, physical distress always took precedence in a triage situation.

"Everything will be fine. You are now on Deep Space 5, inside of Federation space," Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas chimed in as he stepped towards Wen. "What ship are you from and what happened to it?" the partial Cardassian asked, more focused on the engineering side of things, like always.

Looking at Kivan enraged Wen. She stood and squared her shoulders. Not breaking eye contact, she said, "I would suggest taking a step back, spoonhead." Her face conveyed disgust, distrust, and hatred.

Ensign Kivan was slightly taken aback. However, he quickly composed himself as he began to realize that the woman had just suffered through a traumatic event and was not expecting to see a Cardassian, even if partially Bajoran, appear before her.

Herdra writhed on the floor. She was coming to.

Lt. Trellis recognized that this was going to go downhill very quickly. "Ma'am, if you wish, I'll escort you to the Bajoran Embassy so that you may speak with the designated diplomat for your people," the Trill said calmly. The sooner he could separate the frightened Bajorans from Ensign Kivan, the better.

Wen turned her attention to the Trill and nodded. She crouched down to speak with Herdra. "I'm going to the embassy. I'll find you in Sickbay when I'm done." She stood again and stepped towards Trellis.

"I will assign security personnel to look after your companion while she is receiving medical treatment within our Sickbay," Trellis said as he gestured for Wen to come with him.

The colonel followed close behind the lieutenant "Since when does Starfleet admit Cardies?" she asked, still heated from her encounter with Kivan.

"Ma'am, you are not making this situation easier," Lt. Trellis said as he reached for his comm unit. "Security to Bajoran Embassy. I have a Bajoran who just arrived on the station who wishes to speak with the ambassador. I am escorting her to the embassy now," he reported.

Back in the transporter room, Herdra was regaining her full awareness. She suddenly felt constrained and began hyperventilating.

On one hand, Noelle was glad to see a full scale fistfight had been avoided while she was trying to tend to her patient, but on the other, she was concerned that one of her patients had been removed from the scene without being examined by Bennett. She wasn't accustomed to being called to assist two women in distress only to have one of them taken away to the embassy before she had the chance to clear her. Of course, in comparison to the now hyperventilating woman, the other seems to be okay, but Bennett knew looks could be deceiving, especially in emergency medicine.

Still, her priority had to be the patient before her, and although Noelle prepared a hypo to calm her patient and to stop the hyperventilation, under the circumstances Bennett wanted to try and calm her down naturally without forcefully jamming anything into her body the doctors didn't need to. Her patient was already anxious enough and she didn't want to force anything unexpected on her. Soothingly she offered, "Easy, easy. You're going to be all right. My name is Doctor Noelle Bennett and you're on Deep Space Five. You are safe here. I just want to take a look at your injuries and see about stabilizing you before I transport you to our infirmary." She had no idea if she was being understood or even heard, but Noelle had to try.

Herdra nodded and tried to help slow her breathing. "I think I need water!" she croaked.

Scans confirmed her patient was indeed dehydrated and had suffered a concussion as well as a hairline fracture to her collarbone. "Don't worry, I'm going to take good care of you." After administering something for pain, she looked toward the transporter chief and ordered, "Chief, beam directly to sickbay, please."

Bajoran Embassy

Wen did not speak to the lieutenant for the remainder of the walk to the embassy. She kept herself in stoic silence as she followed the man's lead. When they finally arrived, she wasn't even able to fully appreciate the level of detail put into the architecture. They stopped mid-atrium and waited to be addressed.

Lieutenant Trellis approached the main reception area and spoke in a lower tone as fitting for the religious area. "Hello. I have brought the Bajoran citizen who wishes to have an audience with the Bajoran ambassador," Trellis said calmly, hoping to find out what the hell was going on without anymore outburst from the sudden visitor.

Acolyte Kar Oryn nodded his understanding to the lieutenant and snuck a glance at the colonel. "His Eminence is in his office." He gestured to the stairs. "If you'd follow me."


Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation Officer

Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett, M.D.
Chief Counselor

Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Chief Engineerg

Colonel Wen Aretta
Commanding Officer, RS B'hala
NPC by Reade

Second Lieutenant Herdra Perin
Weapons Officer, RS B'hala
NPC by Reade

Acolyte Kar Oryn
Bajoran Delegation
NPC By Reade


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