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Protecting Cardassian Interests

Posted on Tue Jun 28, 2016 @ 7:47pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian Hydel Turvan
Edited on on Thu Jul 7, 2016 @ 1:40am

1,465 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 2
Location: Docking Bay 16
Timeline: MD03 - 0530


It was too early, Liam had been notified by the computer that he was required immediately in docking bay 16. Apparently over the night 15 Cardassian ships had made there way to DS5 and currently the docking master and security were in conference as to turn of events. As such the Cardassian Ambassador had also been taken out of his bed at this ungodly hour.

Wishing that he had grabbed some coffee before setting off, Liam braced himself for what he was sure would be another charming round with Turvan. The Cardassian in question looked to be trying to tear strips off a young man, one of the staff in the docking bay. Liam joined them.

"Ambassador, care to clue me in what's going on?" he asked.

"Mr. Reynolds! I'm so happy that you were able to take time out of your busy morning to join us." Ambassador Hydel Turvan said as he met the Federation Officer in the adjoining hallway and led him as they walked through the corridor towards the docking bay. He could tell by the unsettled look in the man's eye that he did not plan on having his sleep interrupted so early in the morning.

"And by 'us', I mean the arrival of a small dispatch of personnel from Cardassia." He added as the large doors hissed shut behind them. He continued to walk towards the docking ring entrance just as the lead vessel in the Wing began to dock with the station. What Turvan described as a "small dispatch" was the arrival of the 127th Tactical Wing of the Sixth Order.

"Fifthteen ships is not exactly a "small dispatch" ambassador," Liam stated firmly. "And no warning or obtaining permission for such a move is not exactly an olive branch either."

"After the unfortunate and tragic mishap on the planet of Pangaea, I began to have concerns as to whether the Federation could properly protect Cardassian citizens as well as their interests in this sector, Mr. Reynolds." The Cardassian Ambassador said as the docking procedure continued.

"Surely you understand why I'd be concerned, considering the Federation's less than subtle militaristic stance on ownership of the planet as well as the countless personnel that have been loss due to the unchecked savages that appear to reside on the planetary surface." He said.

"Sorry but do you not remember the outcome of the Pangaea mission?" Liam asked. "They, as in the Fae, gave control of that planet to Isha t'Vaurek. Any interests in terms of it need to be negotiated with her and her alone. Also with her being head of this station I don't think she will take lightly to 15 Cardassian ships arriving with no warning and a whole Tactical wing of the sixth order. Are you not worried how that looks in terms of the Cardassian and Federation relationship?"

"Paranoia is very unbecoming of a diplomatic officer," Ambassador Turvan said in a patronizing tone. "I will have you know the that Sixth Order is made up of the Cardassian Empire's finest scientific minds. I personally take offense to the Federation's implication that Cardassia is incapable of possessing minds dedicated to research and development as opposed to war and conflict." The Cardassian said with a more indignant tone.

"Besides, I'm well within my rights as a the Ambassador to the Federation to request additional supplies and staff to support my diplomatic mission onboard this station." Ambassador Turvan added.

"Paranoia," Liam smiled fleetingly. "There are 15 ships just arrived and no explanation provided by Cardassia until they are here. And you haven't even provided me with a research plan. One that I can see has been signed off by the proper channels and everything if okay. That would of course be the easy solution wouldn't it? If the boot was on the other foot I hardly think Cardassia would be happy."

"Okay Ambassador if you're going to be that way out. We both know I personally didn't say any of those words or imply them that you just tried to "take offence too," Liam stated really wishing he had of had coffee. "That's your personal opinion."

"Also," Liam stated stopping for a moment not in the mood to entertain his "usual dance" of lies and idiocracy, no doubt he was doing that face Cade enjoyed teasing him about,

"If you do not already have enough supplies "on this station" to run your Embassy "on this station" to fulfil your "diplomatic mission onboard this station" then I obviously need to have a word with stores don't I because I am at a loss at what Cardassia would need 15 ships worth of men and equipment when it won't all fit in your Embassy, "here on the station."

"You need to tell your ships not to dock at present, provide us with a copy of your research plan and I need to take that to the senior staff and the Captain before this goes any further," Liam told him firmly. "And I reiterate again, a friendly word. IF you are for any reason planning on doing "anything" on that planet, then you need to square it with Isha t'Vaurek."

Ambassador Turvan paused just as the docking bay doors opened and revealed two Cardassians a they calmly proceeded through the docking umbilical corridor towards the two Ambassadors.

"Gul Druman Nivall, Commanding Gul of the 127th Tactical Wing, Sixth Order." Ambassador Turvan introduced the lead officer. "He is joined by his Executive and Chief Research Officer, Glinn Duk Mojal." The Ambassador said as he turned to the Federation Officer.

"This is Lieutenant Reynolds, the Chief Diplomatic Officer onboard the station." Ambassador Turvan said, "Now, Mr. Reynolds, you were just saying how on behalf of the Federation you were refusing to allow Gul Nivall to dock with the station?" He said with an expectant tone.

"Actually Ambassador, as you well know," Liam stated. "I was saying you need to tell these ships to stop until a copy of your research plan, agreed off with the station is presented and confirmed with the senior staff before things go any further. Gul Nivall please convey this message to the rest of your ships until you can give us the appropriate paperwork. Otherwise I will await orders from the security chief," Liam stated firmly.

"I hope the Captain lacks your overactive imagination and is much more accepting of Cardassia's presence on this station, Mr. Reynolds," Ambassador Turvan answered.

"I am sure the Captain will be more than happy as will as soon as you produce the paperwork Ambassador. It wouldn't matter what race you are, rules are rules and have to be followed," Liam said pleasantly.

The Ambassador waited patiently until the Federation Diplomatic Officer had left the immediate area before turning to the Gul and addressing him and his XO.

"Well, that went splendidly." Ambassador Turvan stated with a smile.

"I still do not understand the purpose of having the 127th deployed here if you failed to inform the station commander of our arrival. Why create the unnecessary hassle and bickering." Gul Nivall stated in a less than amused voice.

As the Commander of the 127th, it was his responsibility to maintain the readiness of the group during all missions. However, he was not fully certain why he had been directed to Deep Space Five. He had performed a significant amount of research on the planet of Pangaea and the Federation's recent blockade on colonization of the planet.

"While the 127th is fully capable of rapid reaction to any threat to Cardassia, I do not believe that 15 ships would be enough to turn the tide in a protracted battle against the Federation." Glinn Mojal added.

"You fight your battles, and I will fight mine." Ambassador Turvan responded directly, ceasing any further debate on the subject. "In the meantime, what is the status on the Warship Darhe'el?" He asked.

Although it was not listed on the official roster of the 127th, Turvan knew that the experimental vessel had undergone significant testing and development within the Sixth Order. The vessel itself was not officially sanctioned by the Detapa Council; however, various sources within the Central Command saw the potential in the vessel and had diverted various resources to its development.

Gul Mojal paused slightly before responding in a lowered tone. "It has met the necessary standards so far. We still have to perform several more exercises regarding its tactical propulsion system."

"Very well, you continue with your primary task and I will deal with the our Federation caretakers onboard the station." Ambassador Turvan said.

Ambassador Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Gul Druman Nivall
Commander, 127th Tactical Wing
Cardassian Empire

Glinn Duk Mojal
XO, 127th Tactical Wing
Cardassian Empire

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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